Why are TTVs in SWF generally the most toxic players?

I was told that Twitch and other platforms were supposed to crack down on streamers who are being toxic for no reason. Yet I consistently play against people who are streaming and are extremely toxic or have watched streams where they are this way. For those of you wondering what I consider overly toxic it would be this:
- Contstant tbagging/flashlight clicking just to be rude and to not get you to chase. Especially at the exit gate.
- Taking the match hostage (players who refuse to end the match so they can farm flashlight saves in lockers, or wait until the literal last millisecond before the timer runs out to leave the exit gate)
- Talking massive trash in the endgame chat (to extreme levels that may include threats/talking trash about your family, etc.)
- Being a bigot or just overly rude while streaming (basically same things that they could talk trash about in the endgame chat to extremes)
Example of one of the worst ones that I played a while back: Got a 4 kill on a killer (I honestly can't remember which killer/map as it has been a while). The streamer looked up my steam profile, read my quirky backstory thing I wrote on there and made fun of how many games I have played, how many achievements I have, that I have no life and it's sad, that I probably take advantage of the kids I work with (since I put my career in my backstory), that he feels bad that those kids have me work with them, you get the gist. They kept getting more toxic with each insult for a solid minute or two. I ended up deleting my backstory off my profile because it happened again with another group a few weeks later.
I just needed to get this off my chest as I had another streamer doing #3 today after I got a 4k. Just wish everyone could be nice and get along.
If you're a chill kinda player, have you ever played any game with someone that turned out to be an obnoxious person that gets mad and behaves poorly? I have, and it makes you not really want to play with them anymore if you're actually looking to chill. The only people that will keep playing with someone that's a jerk for a long time, are people with jerkish tendencies themselves.
It's really not rocket science, and not something dbd, survivor or streamer exclusive at all.
And also only your 4th point will always be bannable on Twitch. 3 can be bannable depending on how gross the "trash talk" is, 2 is not bannable on twitch but might be bannable in the game itself (as far as taking the game hostage is concerned) and 1 won't get them in trouble on twitch or in the game in any way.
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If my lobbies tell anything. Dbd streamers are a dime a dozen. You have to stand out some how.
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Im sorry to hear this. I stream on twitch and im not like this. Neither are my ttv friends. I literally tell killers and survivors i love them in endgame chat!!!
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I play with a friend who streams and she's a very positive person. She* truly loves the game, and she's improving a lot. Of course I've come across the squads you're talking about, but I don't think that's most. Just people trying to prove how good they are to their audience, taking notes from some of the bigger streamers who aren't too nice themselves, and have garnered a lot of attention because of it.
....But when you do take one of those squads out, feels good man, lol.
Post edited by cheetocultleader on1 -
From what I've seen, it pulls in the most views. Specifically from survivor mains who find that type of gameplay fun to watch.
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For that content.
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It’s why I dodge most TTV lobbies and this is no disrespect to my DBD friends that have TTV in their username. It’s just a lot of them are toxic.
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My take on this is that while basic surv gameplay can be fun as the player, it isn't particularly compelling viewing. Lots of downtime and passive activities (as opposed to killer gameplay, which is much more consistently frenetic/active), honestly really boring to watch.
In order to make your stream exciting, the easiest route is to adopt a "spicy" playstyle. Like forcing interactions with the killer even when unnecessary, finding ways to make them look silly, etc. Get used to playing that way, and it becomes second nature. And while not all surv streamers play this way, it seems like most of the really successful ones have at least a degree of "antagonistic to the killer" flavor and that absolutely influences aspiring surv streamers.
Now get four people accustomed to this into a group, and that gets compounded.
Again, this isn't all surv streamers/SWFs, and it isn't always malicious, but it is prevalent.
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Since it's against rules.
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Cus you’re not gonna get featured on 4Gamers if you just gen rush.
you’re not gonna get likes on a YouTube video if you sit on gens.
survifor main YouTubers/streamers tend to be more toxic so they have more interactions with the killer.
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As these kind of threads go downhill very quickly against content creators, big and small alike, I am closing up the thread here. I will note here in regards to the things brought up, and this applies to everyone playing the game:
To Point 1: While I understand the actions can be irksome to some people, please be aware that things such as teabagging and flashlight clicking are not reportable offenses, as noted here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/139-game-rules
To Point 2: In regards to taking the game hostage as you described; if it is done after the 5 gens are done, you as Killer do have the ability to open a gate (or find the hatch if applicable) and begin the End Game Collapse. If they are completely refusing to work on gens or be in chases (i.e. refusal to progress gameplay for a prolonged or indefinite period of time, or a player keeping another player trapped in a corner for over a long while BEFORE EGC has started), that is considered holding the game hostage, and reportable (in game report IS required, Support Ticket is optional).
To Points 3 & 4: Threats, racism, harassment and bigotry in post-game chat are not tolerated. All that is required for Communications Abuse is the in-game report (Support Ticket optional). If you see a person doing this on any stream (not just a DbD or even a video game stream), you can report them to the platform that they are on, as such things are against the ToS of many places such as Twitch and YouTube.