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Every killer doesn’t need to be competitive



  • Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018

    Yeah a killer is fun for like the first few matches till you realize how weak they really are. I loved playing as LF since I loved that hammer and chainsaw but quickly I realized how trash he really is so I switched to someone else.

    I'm all for fun and balance but if I'm gonna get punished for using my ability then that's no fun at all, at least for me.

    Yeah I really liked playing as Clown but he's not nearly as strong as some people think he is.

    He's fun and great at chases but has absolutely no map pressure so the gens go ping ping, ping very fast.

    It can be frustrating to feel like you played really well, did really good in the chases but still got barely any kills. Feels like you couldn't have played any better sometimes.

    Then you switch to Billy, Spirit or Hag and suddenly game after game they never get to power the exit gates and you ask yourself what's the point in using weaker killers?

    Not to mention that you need to grind, grind, gring for perks to make some killers viable. Freddy or Pig without any kind of chase perks? No thanks.

    Then you get someone like Nurse or Spirit and you can afford to be less picky with perks.
  • Member Posts: 4,167
    I agree that top tier isn't required to have fun. Where I differ is the fact our 1 main mode is strictly competitive. With rank locking us into tiers of somewhat increasing difficulty,  the need for viable (not op) killers follows. Fun is a great thing to base powers around, but that quickly fades when a character struggles.
  • Member Posts: 90

    @Well_Placed_HexTotem said:
    Its silly how with every killer released or every new set of killer/survivor perks the first thing the masses do is complain about how they aren’t up to par with whatever the meta of the game is and how they pale in comparison to other content in the game.

    Not everything needs to be super powerful. In shooters not every weapon has the same effectiveness. In a racing game, all cars aren’t the same in terms of power, handling, drivetrain, etc. Street Fighter releases DLC with characters that are more niche, technical, or more just for fun. If you play Madden online you’ll find people using Arizona or Oakland or the Bills instead of everyone using Kansas City or the Rams. 

    If youre playing in a tournament then fine, run Billy or Nurse and destroy the survivors. For every day play though, what’s wrong with a unique killer with a fun power? I’m a killer main and my favorite killers are Leatherface, Trapper, and Clown. Three killers that have flaws and aren’t the best in the game. But they’re fun to use. I could main Billy or Nurse on Xbox and destroy, but I find them boring.

    Youre going to be very disappointed if you’re going in to all of the new DLCs expecting killers that will shake up the meta. Just buy it if it looks interesting, or don’t, and don’t worry about whether or not you’ll be able to 4k every match. 

    Well, im fine with your statement that killers should be fun and co.
    BUT the problem is, The Legion is Very Very weak because of two things: Applying Deep Wound on other survivors doesnt reward you, since the survivor you are NOT chasing can instantly heal themself up.
    You waste your time with chasing other survivors.
    The second thing is: Exposed is not used by his ability. It ignores exposed completly and this is... Kinda messed up actually since one of his Perks is useless on him since it uses exposed.
    I dont mean that you should insta kill every survivor when Exposed is active, the best way is to reduce the bleed out timer OR make he can stab the Exposed guy endlessly (but after each hit he gets a small stun)

    Im fine with Killers being considered weak. I play Freddy and main him. He is weak if you have great SWF but he is not weak if you are smart enough.
    Freddy has flaws, really big ones but his ability is rewarding.
    Legions is not.

    Applying a status effect that has NO USE because survivor easily can heal themself is... Sad.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    The problem with Legion isn't the fact he isn't close to being powerful like the Nurse or the Hillbilly. It's the fact he's simply weak. His power is fun to use but isn't going to do much to actually help you.

    Legion is a killer for those wanting to play tag with strangers over the internet.

  • Member Posts: 7,976
    One thing about Legion that it is fairly easy to pip as them
    It's not as satisfying as getting kills ofcourse
    But it's technicly still winning
    Legion seems to be the passivist route
  • Acromio said:
    Have fun versing Nurses and Billies 24/7 when you get out of the scrub ranks.
    I play on consoles (Xbox mostly) with a little bit of PC time. 

    This sums up your whole argument and explains everything as to why you posted this. 

    Im sorry but ive played on consoles for like 18years (probably 20) and I can assure you there's a huge skill cap increase when someone plays a game on PC vs playing on console.

    Like playing on console sort of restrains you in a sense but playing on PC allows to get a a huge overall boost in experience and skill cap . 

    This is just a fact, I honestly feel like console killers/survivors play differently but definitely not as well as PC players. 

    Ive seen this same shift when I played games like L4D,  L4D2,  Team Fortress, gears of war, etc
    lol the part you quoted literally says I play on PC too, just not as much as console. I haven’t seen any huge difference in skill. Certain killers are even way easier on PC. Huntress and Nurse for example. Killer in general is a lot better on PC because you don’t have the frame rate issues you have on console.

    Theres no large difference in survivor play style either when you’re talkig about the good players.
  • Member Posts: 3,104
    What's wrong is that after a few games of getting 1 to no kills the killer itself becomes frustrating to play and in a game like dbd this will result in the killer being rarly played dispit having a fun power.

  • Member Posts: 201

    You seem to forget that "competitive" ranked mode is the ONLY one available for public lobbies.And you can't have fun if you're currently at high ranks.

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