I would love to know why Nurses range addons needed changing.

buzzaman Member Posts: 119

Previously to the Nurses addon reworks/updates, range addons were super strong, but not completely unstoppable. A blink over x amount of distance would take the same amount of time with and without range addons. Range addons only increased the blink range while also increasing the charge time. Next to recharge addons they were the best addons Nurse had. With the changes to Nurse this addon was changed. The new range addons now make it so that a max range blink with range addons takes the same amount of time as a max range blink without range addons, therefore increasing blink speed. This not only works for max range blinks, but also for blinks of any distance, as proven by many content creators. Even though the description doesnt say so and the community thought they were likely just bugges, BHVR recently announced that this is intended (my personal opinion is that they cant fix it).

So heres my question: Why does the strongest killer in the game need buffs of addons that are already super strong? Most counterplay Nurse has relies on blink speed. For example: If you perfectly double back a max range blink, the Nurse cant hit you with her follow-up blink. Due to the increased speed of range addons, this is no longer possible. I would love to see range addons be reverted to the pre-addon pass of the Nurse.
