General stacking problem and new off the record (should deactivate ok endgame)

Prex91 Member Posts: 764
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Like new ds. Aldo dont know if the endurance stack stuff need some changes honestly, same new over charge and Thanatophobia and botany stack. Maybe multiple stacking is what making too oppressive certain builds, removing creativity and simply making bonus and malus too good.


  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    Endurance doesn't stack (or isn't supposed to).

    With the only exception being MoM, because it doesn't technically give endurance, although the endurance icon appears, it does have special separate rules.

    You can use dead hard during deep wound, but it's quite easy to bait now.

    I won't say that OTR is fine as it is, but realistically you won't often have a situation where team mates are body blocking and still doing gens. Especially when if someone bodyblocks using OTR, then that means they're very vulnerable to tunneling. I'd just chase them and hook them a second time and they better not do this again or they're dead.

    I do see some toxic players abusing this and insulting the killer in the end game for tunneling when they litterally threw themsevles at him on purpose expecting that he wouldn't chase them afterwards.