Old Corrupt base kit or 90 seconds gen?

Faulds Member Posts: 903
edited July 2022 in Polls

What would you have preferred?

I would have preferred old corrupt base kit because i think that early game slowdown does help the killer way more. If survivors group up its less than 10 more seconds/ If survivors splits it barely slow down anything in my opinion.

Old Corrupt base kit or 90 seconds gen? 29 votes

Old Corrupt
BlueberryMrPenguinMattie_MayhemOGGlamourousLeviathanbadThotsAdjathaPSPThatOneDemoPlayerAurelleFauldsINoLuvGressJonathanByersSlanusesPython 15 votes
90 seconds gen
LaMupfelbrokedownpalaceSkeletalEliteLeonardo1itateamewmewdugmanGamerEzraAlex_jesterkindSlingshot47 11 votes
HannonDBDVulturejaymiechan 3 votes


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 2022
    Old Corrupt

    "it barely slow down anything in my opinion."

    This right here, agreed.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Old Corrupt

    Gens are boring as is and old Corrupt was fair, imo.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    90 seconds gen

    10 seconds is a significant increase, it definitely doesn't "barely slow anything down". Just consider how many times as a killer you are walking toward a gen and it finishes before you get there. All of those could be stopped if you had 10 extra seconds on the clock. Not to mention the 10 second increase also indirectly buffed every perk that slows gens by X% (since it's X% of 90 instead of 80).

    As far as Corrupt, I actually prefer playing without it because when Corrupt is in play it sometimes entices the survivors to just hide and wait it out which is pretty dull. I'd rather have them just go and try and start gens because it makes it that much quicker for me to find them and get into the meat of the game. Not that Corrupt isn't effective, just as a playstyle thing I prefer not to use it.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731
    edited July 2022
    90 seconds gen

    I think the 90 charge gen is fine.

    It's not insignificant. At the very minimum, matches will take 20-30 seconds longer just in gen times.

    But that's not all it does.

    The more time it takes to complete a gen, the more valuable gen regression is. At 80 seconds, every proc of pain res knocks 12 seconds off the gen. At 90, it knocks 13.5 off.

    A similar thing applies to jolt and eruption, which also got separate buffs.

    It also has a significant benefit combined with perks that truly slow gen speed like pentimento. A full gen under the effects of pentimento before would take 114 seconds, now it will take about 128 seconds, an additional 14 seconds for a full gen worth of repair.

    Not that a base kit corrupt couldn't have also been nice, but you're undervaluing what an extra 10 seconds does to the generators.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    edited July 2022
    Old Corrupt

    Base kit corrupt intervention would ensure matches are longer and funnier, with survivors actually having to do side objectives such as totems and chests. It would not end genrush at all, but would at least delay its result.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Corrupt keeps survivors from potentially finishing a generator before ever interacting with the killer. It causes survivors to rotate and in so doing allows for chases to happen. They can't just hide next to a generator with no chance of being found and then start the gen when the killer has passed by. If they sit there waiting for two minutes then they are a liability to the team.

    Corrupt should have been made base kit. Taking the perk should lock the generators at some middle point of the match for 60 seconds - like maybe when there is only one generator left.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,310
    90 seconds gen

    Corrupt Intervention doesn't uniformly benefit all killers, so I think the base charge increase is the better option.

    You can still bring Corrupt for the killers that benefit from it, but there are killers who at least potentially would want to have survivors in predictable, static positions at the start of the trial, and I don't think they should have that option taken away from them without opting into it via the perk.