
Matchmaking is so goofy. I like playing more competitively and have put in a lot of hours. But when a game goes bad or I do something dumb and die I then will go down a rabbit hole of getting paired with newer players who have no clue what there doing. Both killers and teammates. It’s not there fault they shouldn’t know how to do everything from the start. It’s matchmaking’s fault. I feel like it needs a change
That isn't instant. You would have to lose a lot of matches in a row, before you end up in elo hell.
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Matchmaking is busted full stop, you can literally play with absolute potatoes even if you are way over the soft cap.
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I had a game with a good blight just now. 2 of my teammates were babies. I managed to pick them up and got 2 escapes.
Before that I had 2 games where I also escaped. NOW...i got again 2 babies,only this time they werent doing gens or saving.Me and my friend spent 10 minutes loopin the killer and saving.We both suicided on hook.While spectate Feng left her mate to die over a gen.She gave her location and died after too.
Matchmaking is broken
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The current matchmaking gets one shot at a fair-ish grouping. This is being wreaked by lobby dodging, causing often quite unfair backfillings. Doesn't matter if it's the killer sniffing a SWF or a surv seeing a cosmetic or name they don't trust, whatever the reasoning.
We are doing it to ourselves actually.
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Wdym exactly. Because I feel like its so much more unbalanced now that we go in completely blind. As much as people just backing out of lobby’s isn’t right, I feel it’s not that big of a deal. Recently, I have been finding games and people really quickly so someone who’s higher ranks and not wanting to play with low ranked teammates is something understandable. I may be missing ur point all together tho
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If a group of survs (SWF or not) has been dodged and is waiting long enough they throw in the next available killer no matter their MMR. Things like that
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I had a game with The Huntress, she hooked me and David just stood behind the tree crouching not doing anything helpful when she just left me and went for Claudette, Yun-Jin got second hook.
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This is everyday for me, for the past 3 weeks. Gawd help me. 🫥
I saw someone mention this in another thread, and after my games today- I’m starting to think this is pretty accurate. Some of my worst games of the day have been when the original killer leaves after seeing me with a map or the latest cosmetic (while teammates have old or default skins), then when the match starts with the “new” killer, he’s waaay out of our league. Then when I play killer and come into a lobby with 4 players all already qued up, it’s a miserable time.
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Yeah and like I said, we are doing it to ourselves with the dodging, sadly.