We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

My take on the Onryo

BBTschak Member Posts: 12

Hello everyone and welcome to my huge wall of text, Reading time ~ 7 min

I wanted to take my time and suggest a few changes to the Onryo that have accumulated in my mind over the past months.

I will be talking about the following topics:

  1. Current gameplay
  2. Identitiy
  3. Power
  4. Condemn
  5. The Onryo and the Dredge
  6. My changes to her

For those of you who don't want to read everything or don't have the time I will list my changes below:

-The addon Bloody Fingernails (increase duration of post-projection movement speed by 50%) becomes basekit and is changed to 20%

-The cooldown of a TV after a projection is reduced to 20 sec (was 100)

-The cooldown of a TV after a survivor retrieves a tape is reduced to 40sec (was 60)

-Fully condemned survivors become exposed

-Remove slowdown while manifesting (was 3.68 m/s)

-Remove the Lullaby

-Remove directional hearing from a projection

-Teleportation time reduced to 2 sec (was 2.7)

-Increase maximum view angle during teleportation to 60° (was 45°)

-Add 3 TV's to every map

-Increase the range where a stack of condemn is added to a survivor from 16m to 24m (now terrorradius)

-Change attack penalty (you can't attack/m1) after chancelling a Demaifestation from 1.25 sec to 0.5 sec

-When a survivor is condemned (gains a stack) a special effekt is played on the Survivors screen. The survivor sees the Onryos face (like in the jumpscare from the lobby) for 0.25 sec but it's transparency is linked to the amount of stacks. At 7 stacks she is fully visible and it acts as a jumpscare. In combination with the exposed status effekt it underlines the seriousness of the situation the Survivor is in ... She is coming for you

-Addon: Iridescent Video Tape changed from activating 4 TVs to 2 TVs

-Anything that you want to add

1.Current gameplay

Playing the Onryo you can tell from the start that her power leans heavily into the hit and run and stealth gameplay.

Utilising her TV's gives her incredibly mobility which allows you to generate tons of map pressure.

During Chase however teleporting to a TV in the path of a Survivor gives little distance. The Survivor can just keep an eye on her and immeditaly turn around after she teleported.

The current movement speed bonus after teleporting doesn't allow her to gain distance but rather just keep it or lose some if it was badly timed or the survivor reacted quickly.

In addition to that is the Manifestation and Demanifestation part of her power that is useful while walking through the map, because a Survivor might walk into you due to the undetectable status effect.

During chase however it's usefulness is limited. You can often get an early drop of a pallet with a Manifestaion, but if the survivor drops the pallet you can't really do anything.

You can try to mindgame and succeed but the majority of survivors won't fall for it easily. If it's a save pallet you have to break it most of the time. Experienced survivors can and will loop you for multiple gens if you over commit due to the Onryo being a basic m1 killer during chase.

The other part of her power is the Condemnation. Right now it's absolutely underwhelming and the times I have played against the Onryo as a Survivor I could ignore it for the entire duration of the match. I didn't even come close to being condemned.

Playing as the Onryo for a few month I have had only 4-5 condemn kills that have happended during normal gameplay (I didn't force it) so it's save to say that it doesn't happen alot.


Every Killer has some kind of Role/Strength/Category that they can be assinged to.

To name a few there is High Mobility, Stealth, One-shot down, Range etc. like Huntress with Range, Leatherface with One-Shot downs or Billy that combines High Mobility with One-shot downs.

The Onryo falls into High Mobility with Stealth but doesn't really excell at either of them.

Her High Mobility (TVs) has hefty cooldowns limiting her Map Pressure and they are not really usefull for closing distance during chase.

Her Stealth is not that great either due to the lullaby and she makes various noises that give away her presence. A noisy killer is not really stealthy.


It's save to say that her current power is underwhelming and she is in dire need of help. But what many, and me personally, enjoy about playing the Onryo is actually the lack of an anti-loop power.

If you get a down with her it was due to your basic killer gameplay experience or skill.

She allows you to utilize your gameknowledge and experience by teleporting to TVs you suspect a survivor might be around or near a gen they might be working on. Ontop of that I kind of look at her Manifestation/Demanifestation kit to be an extension of basic killer mindgames (red glow mindgames etc.) emphasising it.


I'm sure everyone knows by now that her Condemn is currently not doing it's task and that is to be a passiv slowdown during the trial like pigs reverse beartraps.

With the lower cooldown on TVs Condemnation will naturally accumulate more during the trial that before.

The Survivors are more likely to have more stacks on them after a chase than before. Given the risk of gaining maybe 3-5 stacks during one chase, Survivors will have to make a choise to remove them earlier than before. If they enter a chase with 3-4 stacks their chance of becoming fully condemned during chase is very high.

With the exposed status effect added ontop of that they have a strong incentive to keep their stacks as low as possible (so they don't become condemned during chase and die) thus traversing the map alot and slowing the game down.

I have seen some suggestions with a tier system that depends on the amount of stacks, which I like, but I'll just stick to these suggestions today.

If a Survivor is fully condemned it's like a cherry on top, if the Onryo manages to make her presence strong enough on the map (teleports around).

5.The Onryo and the Dredge

I'm pretty sure everyone knows that the Drege is the Onryo 2.0 as it is better in almost every aspect. It has a bigger freedom of movement, strong stealth during Nightfall and a anti-loop power. Everything the Onryo has too but better + an anti-loop.

Seeing that they are both high mobility killers and in general high mobility killers can be pretty oppressive.

Because of that they shipped the Onryo with pretty strong saftey meassures first so they have a chance to observe how she performes so both can be adjusted if needed (from weak to strong, than from strong to weaker).

After some time now and the release of the Dredge we can see that both are not broken and reside in the mid tier.

With enough data collected now on the Onryo i'm positive it's time to lift the saftey meassures on her and unleash her lethality.

6.My changes to her

With my changes to her I want the TVs to be used for closing distance and traversing the map. Her Manifestaion is an addition to basic killer mindgames around loops while keeping the basic gameplay for the Killer and the Survivor. The changes act as a QoL change and smoothen the gameplay around that part.

The Killer has a test of skill on his basic gameplay and Survivors get to do their favourite thing during a chase and that is looping.

I personally had the most fun with her, when I had the feeling that I was everywhere on the map.

I'm not a Programmer but most of the changes are numbers and that shouldn't take alot of time to change. I don't see these as the final changes and her final stage. Additional things can be done to Condemn or other parts I didn't think about.

TL;dr :

I basically tripple down on her TVs for chase and map pressure and solidify her Manifestation as an additional tool on top of mind games during chase to get a hit. The lack of a anti-loop is the actual appeal of playing her. If you win, you won because of skill and experience.

Her Condemnation applies exposed at full stacks. Survivors have a incentive to remove the stacks before it will ever happen, so Condemn does what it's supposed to do and that is to slow down the game.

Additional changes will probably have to be done but with these easy to implement changes it helps her in her current situation.

Thank you everyone for coming to my Ted Talk, if you made it this far here is an addon idea that I had.

-Addon: Remote Control: Whenever a Survivor enters a range of 7 meters to a TV, their Aura is revealed to you for 2 seconds.


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I just read the changes you want. Now I agree with most of these, I will say that I disagree with 20 sec after teleport to a TV. That would be way too good imo.

    It should be 60-45 sec min.

  • BBTschak
    BBTschak Member Posts: 12

    I agreed that 20 sec cooldown is pretty strong but you have to keep in mind after she teleported she is a basic m1 killer and can be looped. The low cooldown allows her to opt in and out of a chase and grants her more hit and run potential.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    - exposure when condemned.

    - more TVs.

    I would love to see these changes!

    I have maybe 30 matches with her and my biggest gripe is TV placement. Some maps have TVs meer meters from one another which creates dead zones on other parts of the map. Very frustrating.

    My second biggest issue is how quickly a survivor can get loose condemned status. I have had a few matches now where I get killer instinct, go hit that survivor, and then they pop a tape into the tv in front of me taking away my cool death stare... Like #########? U messed around... Waited... And no consequence for your foolishness? It feels really bad.

    Condomn is slow to build and very easy to get rid of. I would like to see her add-ons overhauled to help spread it more. I think making a survivor exposed when fully condemned is perfect.

    I have maybe played against Onyro 6 times and I have never gotten past 4 stacks... And I have maybe touched a vhs twice ever. It really is pointless and not scary at all.

    Now Nightfall... Thats a power!!! I hope the devs take a look at Onyro and either do some of the stuff u have suggested or rework her power. Poor girl needs help :(

  • BBTschak
    BBTschak Member Posts: 12

    Yeah my exact thoughts. I think exposing them at full stacks actually gets them to keep Condemn more in mind. They have an incentive to get rid of stacks before not when they are fully condemned. Right now they couldn't care less, because they can get rid of full Condemn even during a chase which is imo ridiculous.

  • Cameragosha
    Cameragosha Member Posts: 630
    edited July 2022

    Sadako should can walk through pallet and wall , when she demanifest.

    She can through survivor in this mode.

  • BBTschak
    BBTschak Member Posts: 12

    I don't think that is a healthy change. If she can walk through them she is basically ignoring the fundemantals of the game. It would turn her into a second Nurse minus the Blinks. Her gameplay on the survivor side will get boring quick as they would have to hold W against her like many killers.

    Also because Nurse ignores the fundamentals of the game there are a lot of complains about her. I believe with the Onryo it would soon follow the same path.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451
  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589

    I heard a cool idea that once survivor is fully condemned, Sadako can just teleport to them once they are in her line of sight and instantly mori them, skipping the chase part altogether.

  • BBTschak
    BBTschak Member Posts: 12

    That sounds amazingly scary, I would shat my pants if she suddenly moried me from afar. But gameplay wise i'm a little torn on this one. I still think it would be more healty to still have the chase as it's also map dependant. Easy game on maps like Bloodlodge but good luck on indoor maps like The Game.

    Pyramid Head has a same thing with his Torment. He still has to down you when your on Deathhook to mori you and so far I don't see alot of people complaining about that. Seems more healthy to still have the chase.