Solving madness should not lower mending cooldown

Hammie Member Posts: 39
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Currently you are unable to mend yourself BEFORE you tend to madness, but solving madness lowers the mending cooldown. The timer runs out just as you finish fixing madness, which makes it impossible to actually recover from it. It didn't let me press M1 to fix the mending so I just, died.


Since I don't think this is a bug, I am posting this here.

apoologies in advance for the robot reddit noises in the background


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,868

    There's more than enough time to Snap Out Of It and self-mend. If the Doctor gets you to Madness III twice, then you can find another teammate to mend you.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I'm kind of torn on this one. I've seen situations where it was impossible for a survivor to self-mend due to the Doctor bonking them off hook and interrupting a Snap Out Of It (not even necessarily by punishing one taken mid-chase, Static Blast will do it too.) It's a weird little interaction.

    On the other hand, you can usually survive by finding a teammate to mend you - that's just usually a nasty diversion if you're not in a SWF.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Considering that Doctor has no way to inflict Mending himself, I think it's fair that this exists as Doc-specific light counterplay to Endurance.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    That's intended by BHVR.

    Deep Wounds lasts 20s instead of 10s solely because Doctor's Madness trumps over Mending.

    It's by design that you have just enough time to pull off a mend.

  • Hammie
    Hammie Member Posts: 39

    Yeah it didnt let me mend in the video so I just died