PH bug
Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure pyramid head can’t see people he puts in cages but evry game against him recently he has put someone in a cage and walked striaght to them…. And proxy’s them? Does he have add on? IM not aware of ? Or is it jsut a bug ?
He isn't aware of the exact location of where the cage goes - but it generally picks a location furthest away from the Pyramid Head it can at the point of him using the power, so someone with enough game sense and map knowledge can probably work out roughly where the caged survivor would be.
There is no add-on that reveals cage auras to him.
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It called the Iridescent Seal of Metatron . It will revealed anyone who suffered from the torment state that includes cages.
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They changed that i think
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It been awhile since I used It. I remember seeing the aura of caged survivors.
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Might as well check back up on it
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It's possible darkness revealed shows the aura of caged survivors
did he have this perk?
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I do it tonight and get back to you.
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My original response was considering cage auras rather than survivor auras, but yes, it's likely that aura reading perks that reveal all survivors/etc. (such as Floods of Rage if it came to that somehow) would reveal the aura of the survivor currently in the cage if they had yet to be rescued at that point.
It is unlikely though that is what the OP is referring to considering that requires a set of circumstances (i.e. chasing another survivor/hooking them/caging them whilst tormented using an add-on, etc.) and they said this is happening when they go against many PHs who goes straight to the caged survivor and proxies. That's probably more likely to be game sense/map knowledge.