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Why aren't my games as miserable as everyone else's?



  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Blaming literally everyone except themselves, sigh.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited July 2022

    People who blame solo q for everything just aren't that good at the game and have an easy target to scapegoat their losses on so they don't have to take any blame. They also don't improve because they don't see their mistakes and how bad they actually are.

    Solo is honestly not that bad usually. Yeah there's bad teammates, but there's also good ones.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    As an aside, sometimes I worry about getting sent to THE LOW MMR ZONE when I'm throwing for 'tomies over homies.'

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I would avoid hours where your experience is the worst, better to play something else than being more irritated honestly. And try going from there.

    Having negative mindset and feeling bad will drag you down along with everything else trust me.

    In the end you can only try to improve your own stuff and you can't control what your teammates do or don't unless you swf.

    I hope you get better experience in the future.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Not gonna lie, I’d rather play with 20 hour players with a positive attitude than an utterly insufferable person that blames everyone except themselves.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Ok I should probably just play killer I'm easily frustrated in solo q, what do you guys think of some form of kindred basekit ? I would love to see that change honestly it's not much compared to all killers buffs

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    I could see kindred without the killer aura working. But I would say just give survivors a ping system.

    At the end of the day however, you can't fix "bad at the game".

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I'd prefer it over the proposed icons, tbh.

    I don't like the implications said icons have for stealth killers.

  • Babadook83
    Babadook83 Member Posts: 208
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Play as Killer

    Especially with Trapper, Im usually use End game build just for meme and putting a huge challenge on survivors at the last moment. Hook or Kill doesnt matter.

    Or if sometimes it doesnt work, I use 4 slowdown or Plaything/Penti slowdown. Kill doesnt matter, I only want 2 hooks.

    And again, if it doesnt work, I play Spirit with 4 slowdown or Plaything/Penti to have easier game. Kill doesnt matter, I only want 2 hooks. I keep my MMR low so I dont have to get bully swf.

    As Killer, I can control everything I want, it does sad feeling you cant do anything as Trapper sometimes though.

    Play as Survivor

    Hearing screeching at the beginning makes me lose the will to play.

    Somehow first killer hook when 2 Gen done and they decide to suicide, while 1 guy on hook with only me left and 3 Gen struggle on hook to the last.

    The feel of I have to rush Gen while killer tunnel/camp other. Or vice versa. It doesnt fun for all survivors in that kind of match. Either W as long as you can and die or M1 on Gen and leave

    Its weird for me seeing Killers constant talk about 4k streak and complain on high MMR with SWF at the same time. While you have full control to have low MMR and have casual match.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited July 2022

    Because people can play 20 normal games, then get camped or tunneled one game then come here and complain saying it happens "all the time"..this is how people is they don't react to what happens normally and they forget about that.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I think base kindred would be fine if they remove the killer aura.

    And if you like surv you should try it more honestly. When I first tried dbd I had a really bad killer game so I just played surv until few months later. Then I started to enjoy it more as I opened myself up to it.

    I still have more hours on surv tho but I enjoy killer as well. And it helps with the variety.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Good advice.

    Whenever I'm trying to 'get good' at a new game, I go easier on myself/lower my expectations and focus on learning stuff like, in dbd, the powers/perks/basic mechanics.

    There's no harm in taking a few Ls as long as you're learning a little each time.

    Playing to learn/experience is also leagues less frustrating than playing to win.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Because you are one person's experience out of 10000 people who play this game

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Your lack of a negativity bias or whatever is called is the reason you don't get as "many" miserable games as most other players

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    I guess it depends. I had a ton of chill games midway through the event but as soon as it was over the campers rolled out.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    I only played well vs that cracked deathslinger but I played pretty mediocre the rest of the way

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320
    edited July 2022

    I think it just depends on the day for me. Some days I get 5,6,7 games in a row that just feel horrible. It can be both sides as well, just hold w dead hard survivors all day or four slowdown Nurse/Blight players who slug. Then there are days where everyone is chill and we meme around together. It’s just how the matchmaking shakes out that day.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Hitting shots through windows and he was connecting everything. It wasn’t until I was death hook were I manage to misdirect and take him for a long chase. He was really good. @BrokenSouI tool Sadako for a long chase in another match and got camped to death. And then a demogorgon was very good at mind gaming and other than me 99ing my sprint burst I couldn’t do anything vs him

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Good Demos are mega scary...they SHRED the competition T_T

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited July 2022

    It's not as miserable as they say. The reality is these people are bad at the game and need to make excuses about how unfair the game is to rationalize why they lose so much. If you get tunneled often then you are a bad player who the killer sees as an easy mark. If you don't win the majority of your killer games then you are bad at playing killer. It's an ego problem on their part. It's not easy to admit that you're the problem for a lot of people. Exactly the same reason why certain streamers can never admit they got outplayed and always blame it on the game when they lose.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    i have a video of a bubba throwing the game just to get me and I got out luckily

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited July 2022

    DbD has no evaluation system, you can´t see your and the other peoples mmr rating and you don´t get viable feedback after a match.

    So people don´t know where they stand at skill wise and whenever they lose, its not their fault, but that game mechanic/bug/OP thing/butterfly flapping with its wings.

    Then they come to the forum and say that they´re in elo hell, because they always get terrible teammates or seal team 6 squads. When its actually their own skill or the lack of.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886

    My take is that games aren't consistently bad, how we view these games has a lot to do with perspective, and the majority of the time, you'll be grouped with comparably skilled players. And yes, I play solo queue, pretty much exclusively (like 99%) and have about 1K hours in survivor. Sometimes I'm the strongest link, sometimes I'm the weakest, but on average it's pretty fair.

    Solo isn't that bad, people just only see their version of events, and it's human nature to deflect and project.

    Everyone will get the occasional awful matchmaking fiasco, if you truly are playing most of your games in a bag of potatoes, it's a virtual certainty that you're a potato too.

    A hard truth for all the "my teammates are always so baaad" crowd.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited July 2022

    Because clearly you aren't trying hard enough to ruin your own fun.

    Try my helpful list of self sabotage...

    Take everything in game as a personal attack.

    Have a rigid set of arbitrary rules that apply to everyone but you and get really angry when others don't comply.

    Always expect to get everything you want and that everything you want will work all the time, if it doesn't this is another form of personal attack.

    Be sure to feed your ego you want it as big and strong as possible.

    Surround yourself with others who'll also feed your ego and feed off each other's ego, its the core of a good obnoxious SWF.

    Its always everyone else's fault... ALWAYS!

    Remember you are the victim and hero rolled into one... act accordingly.

    There is nothing in game that can't be blamed on opponent's exploiting broken mechanics, make sure they know what they are doing and how they should feel about it.

    When in doubt project... "I'm not mad... you are"

    There is no scenario so benign that it can't antagonize you with this helpful list! Now get cracking and spoil your own fun TODAY! 👍️

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Because they only rember their bad matches but never their good ones.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    How is that game? I wanted to try it a while ago but never did.

    I might try it soon but currently playing crash 4.

    Also sorry for the derail.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Is that the one that just dropped on PS+?

    If so, derail away and let me know how it is :P

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited July 2022

    Yes lol. If we exclude the spin offs it is my favorite already compared to 1, 2 and 3.

    I didn't expect it to be this good honestly. Gameplay is deeper now with some new stuff and there are also more characters with unique playstyles you can play as on certain levels.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Amazing news!

    I've got both Plus Premium and Game is a good time to be a gamer, for sure.

    Glad you're having a time :3

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Yeah, btw maybe that is why some people get into negative mindset. They rarely take a break from dbd and that is the only game they play.

    I would maybe be like that as well but I just do what I feel like.

    Sometimes I binge dbd, other times I play it here and there and some times I don't play dbd for a long time/just watch the streams of it.

    I still appreciate the game tho and I am interested in it. Hence why I don't just forget it. It is interesting game even with all the flaws and currently no asymmetrical horror game can compete with it. We will see how tcm turns out to be but dbd has a lot of licenses and original content they do is also pretty decent most of the time.

    In the end gaming is a hobby for most of us and we should enjoy it. People shouldn't force themselves to do what they hate.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Yeah soloQ is miserable I got tunneled and facecamped just now 4 games a row and died to second hook in these game or was farmed off the hook without bt... Usually it's not that bad but today was not my day I can say.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Maybe yesterday I would somewhat agree but I have had very rough time today in soloQ. Killer thought is not nearly as bad as people say. Today I played 10 games as killer and my worst game was 3 survivors dc:ing and one escaped throught hatch everyone was hooked once and some two times but I was dominating and downing people fast so they could not take it I quess so I ended up with 0K. Other than that I got 3-4K:s thought. Well few 2K games as well when I let the last guys escape.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    I used dh, bt, adrealine and ub. Killers where trikster, huntress, nemesis and ph. Well If my teammates would saved me with bt and I would have ds I could survived agains't huntress and ph as there was only 1 gen left which was almost finished in both matches but instead I was farmed off the hook. Other matches I died second hook while trikster and nemesis facecamped.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    edited July 2022

    People remember the one bad game they had, and not the 10 good ones.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Adding onto that, why am I the only person who apparently never, ever gets trashed talked in post-game chat?

    Doesn't matter if the players are the cockiest, rudest little bastards I've ever seen, it's only ever silence or a quiet gg.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    "Tomies over Homies" LMAO do you mind if I steal that?

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Because a lot of players choose cry instead of learning to play.

    For that reason they say " My matches are a Nightmare every day getting tunneled", that is a lie, I play every day as survivor and I get tunneled maybe 2 games every 9-10.

    So thats all, a lot of mediocre players crying because they doesnt want how to loop and complain for everything that bothers them. If you don't want to get tunnel, Learn to loop, potatos.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 346

    Because you're not an entitled crybaby who's incapable of seeing Dead by Daylight for what it is... a video game XD. A video game that you also have to put in some time to get good at. But people SURE do love to b** about a video game wanting EZ kills, or to only play against killers that don't force them to actually have to change up their game. "Nurse is broken, I can't even, I just can't even ... "

    I get a kick out of some of these posts. What's considered "broken" or "unfair" to the OP (shrugs)

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Wow that’s some really great advice, it’s not like if you loop a killer for 3 gens and they camp and tunnel you out. I wonder what you can learn while you just get tunneled off the hook. Btw this happened to me yesterday. Looped a wraith for 3 gens and then got tunneled off the hook with my solo teammates not having bt or taking a hit. And I only lived because I was forced to hide the rest of the game

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Meanwhile, I'm here SWF fishing with Trapper and no one even falls for Bloodwarden anymore. :'(

    Somehow they all learned their lessons, sadly...

  • Solomonkane
    Solomonkane Member Posts: 112

    Same (I'm also primarily a solo queue survivor), it feels like I've rarely been tunneled and camped. (Unless its endgame which is far more understandable.) I'm rarely left on hook to die by my team. Gens get done when I'm in chase or someone else is in chase.

    I did have a game yesterday where a pig camped my hook by crouching near a rock. I tried to signal by flailing my arms. I had TWO teammates dive in for the rescue. The pig immediately went to go after me, I was able to reach a pallet and bonk her with it. She simply dc'd.

    I honestly wouldn't have remembered that game if the killer didn't dc.

    I guess I'm biased in that I remember the dumb things I pull off over the bad games.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I would upvote you a dozen times for the phrase 'tomies over homies' if I could. I can't believe how many games I've died from trying to complete Rift challenges.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    If you loop him for 3 gens its normal the Camp. Risk- Reward :)

    What do you want xD Wraith Lost 3 gens, he Wil Tunnel you because his Game is over and he wants at least 1 kill.