Killer Add-on Changes | Nurse, Spirit, Twins & More
Hey :) First of all, these are all ideas and suggestions I have thought about and would like to contribute to the Devs. I want to try and keep the ideas/vibes of the addons similar but just make them feel more balanced and valuable. Feel free to discuss and share any other ideas you have!!
I have previously written a separate post regarding a complete addon pass ideas for The Onyro here:
Assume that addon rarity remains the same for each respective addon.
1) The Nurse
Firstly, I feel some of the Nurse's 'meme-like' addons are quite fun and offer some new/unique ways to approach the Nurse, albeit not very strong. However, some of her addons are either pretty overtuned or useless. I'll be mainly focusing on these in the list below:
Metal Spoon
- Successfully hitting a survivor with a chain-blink attack causes their aura to be revealed if they are being healed or healing themselves.
- This effect lasts for 40 seconds.
Dark Cincture
Reduces Blink Recharge time by 7%
Bad Man Keepsake
Successfully injuring a survivor with a chain-blink attack inflicts Broken for 40 seconds.
Fragile Wheeze
Reduces Blink Recharge time by 10%.
Heavy Panting
- Reduces the range at which survivors can hear The Nurse's blink to 32 metres.
- Successfully hitting a survivor with a Blink attack increases The Nurse's field of view by 2 degrees for 20 seconds.
Anxious Gasp
- Hitting a successful blink attack causes healthy survivors to scream and reveal their locations for 5 seconds if they are within your terror radius, provided they are not afflicted with the Exposed status effect.
- Gain 200 Bloodpoints in the Deviousness category when any survivor screams.
Kavanagh's Last Breath
- Increases the Nurse's Blink distance and charge time by 5% per every generator completed.
- Increases the Nurse's movement speed whilst Blinking by 5% per every generator completed.
'Bad Man's' Last Breath
- The Nurse is granted the Undetectable status effect whilst charging a blink.
- Hitting a successful blink attack grants The Nurse the Undetectable status effect for 15/20/25/30 seconds, variable on how many survivors are injured in the trial.
- This effect has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
Jenner's Last Breath
- Press the Active Ability button during a chain-blink to immediately teleport back to the previous location.
- Hitting a survivor after using Jenner's Last Breath will put them into the dying state.
Campbell's Last Breath
- Immediately Blink at half-charge in the direction The Nurse is facing after reappearing from a fully-charged Blink.
- Increases lunge range after the immediate Blink by 80%.
Torn Bookmark
The sound of a Blink has no discernible distance or direction.
Putting a survivor into the Dying state reveals the auras of the last two survivors hit by a blink attack for 7 seconds, excluding the survivor recently put into the Dying state.
2) The Blight
Blighted Rat
Increases Rush movement speed by 2% per each consecutive rush.
Compound Twenty-One
- After hitting a survivor using Lethal Rush, Compound Twenty-One activates for 40 seconds.
- Whilst Compound Twenty-One is active, it cannot be reactivated until the original activation duration has finished.
- Initiating a slam whilst Compound Twenty-One is active reveals the auras all survivors within 8 metres for 3.5 seconds.
Blighted Crow
Increases Rush movement speed by 4% per each consecutive rush.
Adrenaline Vial
- Increases the maximum look-angle during a Rush by 50%.
- Increases available Rush tokens by 1.
- Increases Rush movement speed by 2% per each consecutive Rush.
- Decreases Rush turn rate by 50%.
Vigo's Journal
- Gain the Undetectable status effect whilst rushing.
- Whilst using the last 2 Rush tokens, The Blight moves silently.
(This would be so scary im sorry)
Summoning Stone
After hitting a survivor with a Lethal Rush, Summoning Stone activates for 16 seconds:
- All pallets within a 16 metre radius of the survivors' location of health state loss are blocked by the Entity.
- Survivors within a 5 metre radius of a blocked pallet have their aura revealed for 7 seconds.
Soul Chemical
- During a Rush, the moment The Blight comes within 16 metres of a survivor who is repairing a generator or healing, a tremendously difficult skill check will interrupt the action.
- If the skill check is failed on a generator, the generator is blocked by the Entity for 15 seconds, at which the generator will regress at 200% regression rate. The generator will stop regression after unblocking.
- If the skill check is failed whilst healing, the survivor being healed is affected by the Hemorrhage status effect until fully healed.
Alchemist's Ring
- Successfully hitting a survivor using Lethal Rush will recharge 2 Rush tokens.
- Decreases the rate at which Rush tokens passively recharge by 15%.
Compound Thirty-Three
- The Blight can Rush without having to wait for all Rush Tokens to recharge.
- Breaking a pallet or breakable wall using Lethal Rush recharges all Rush tokens.
3) The Spirit
Kintsugi Teacup
- Instantly recharges Yamaoka's Haunting after damaging a generator, vaulting a window and breaking a pallet or breakable wall.
- Reduces the duration of Yamaoka's Haunting by 0.5 seconds.
Dried Cherry Blossom
- Increases the volume of Survivors' breathing, grunts of pain and footsteps by 25% during Yamaoka's Haunting.
- Scratch marks are no longer visible during Yamaoka's Haunting.
Mother-Daughter Ring
- Increases movement speed during Yamaoka's Haunting by 40%.
- Increases The Spirit's terror radius and directional-phase cue radius by 8 metres.
- Scratch marks are no longer visible during Yamaoka's Haunting.
Wakizashi Saya
- During Yamaoka's Haunting, press the Active Ability button to immediately return to the Husk.
- Survivors within 8 metres of the Husk trigger killer instinct and suffer from the Hindered status effect.
Mother's Glasses
- Phasing within 16 metres of a generator triggers a difficult skill check for all survivors repairing the generator.
- Failing the skill check results in an extra 1% regression to the normal failed skill check reduction.
Senko Hanabi
Successfully hitting a survivor in a post-phase attack calls on the Entity to block all pallets in a 16-metre radius for 15 seconds.
Rusty Flute
- Increases the recharge rate of Yamaoka's Haunting by 25%.
- Survivors in the Spirit's terror radius are hindered by 2% and suffer from a 10% action speed penalty whilst Yamaoka's Haunting recharges.
4) The Artist
Matias' Baby Shoes
The auras of Survivors within 7 metres of an idle Dire Crow are revealed to you for 4 seconds.
Iridescent Feather
Grants the Undetectable status effect when Birds of Torment is on cooldown.
Garden of Rot
- Survivors swarmed by Dire Crows suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.
- Survivors who complete the Repel action suffer from the Exposed and Incapacitated status effect for 5 seconds.
- Reduces the maximum amount of Dire Crows by 1.
Severed Tongue
- Reduces the duration of which The Artist requires to send Dire Crows into flight by 0.5 seconds.
- Increases the flight speed of Dire Crows by 20%.
Severed Hands
- Any survivor within a 5 metre radius of a survivor which is swarmed will have their aura revealed for 8 seconds.
- A survivor who performs a healing action or repairs a generator with a swarmed survivor will also be swarmed.
Ink Egg
- Increases the maximum number of Dire Crows by 1.
- Decreases the hitbox size of Dire Crows by 1 metre.
5) The Hag
Bloodied Mud
The Hag's lunge range is increased by 30% for 5 seconds after teleporting to a Phantasm Trap.
Rusty Shackles
- Phantasm Traps do not spawn mud phantasms.
- Reduces the trigger range of Phantasm Traps by 20%.
Grandma's Heart
- The audio notification for a tripped Phantasm Trap does not have a discernible distance or direction.
- The Hag's terror radius covers the entire map for 4 seconds after a Phantasm Trap is triggered.
Disfigured Ear
Survivors that trigger a Phantasm Trap are afflicted with the Oblivious status effect until they trigger another trap.
Waterlogged Shoe
- The auras of survivors who crouch on a Phantasm Trap are revealed.
- Using a flashlight to disarm a Phantasm Trap removes 10% of the flashlight's charges.
Mint Rag
- Increases the movement speed of the Hag by 4.5%.
- The Hag cannot teleport to Phantasm Traps triggered within a 16 metre range.
- The Hag can teleport to any Phantasm Traps triggered further than 16 metres away.
6) The Twins
Toy Sword
Decreases Pounce charge time by 0.05 seconds.
Tiny Fingernail
Reduces Unbinding time by 1 second.
Soured Milk
If a survivor crushes Victor while he is idle, their aura is revealed for 6 seconds.
Madeleine's Glove
Increases the range at which Victor triggers killer instinct by 6 metres.
Ceremonial Candelabrum
Increases the amount of time it takes to remove Victor by 2 seconds.
Cat's Eye
- Reduces the audio radius of Victor's grunts whilst roaming by 4 metres.
- Whilst a pounce is fully charged, Victor roams silently.
Bloody Black Hood
Increases Victor's movement speed whilst a pounce is fully charged by 0.1m/s.
Baby Teeth
When switching to Charlotte or Victor, the audio notification is silenced.
Weighty Rattle
Survivors who remove Victor are afflicted with the Broken and Blindness status effects for 25 seconds.
Stale Biscuit
- Reduces the Pounce cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
- Increases movement speed during Pounce cooldown by 5%.
- Increases movement speed by 7% for 3 seconds after switching to Charlotte.
Sewer Sludge
- Increases the amount of time it takes to remove Victor by 3 seconds.
- Increases the amount of time it takes to kick Victor by 0.5 seconds.
Rusted Needle
Survivors that remove Victor suffer from the:
- Mangled status effect for 30 seconds.
- Hemorrhage status effect until fully healed.
Victor's Soldier
Survivors suffer from Deep Wound after removing Victor.
Spinning Top
Pouncing on a survivor causes the survivor to drop and damage their item, losing 20% of its charges.
Drop of Perfume
- When survivors are in close proximity to Victor while he is idle, their auras are revealed instead of triggering killer instinct.
- Survivors in close proximity to Victor while he is idle are afflicted with the Oblivious status effect without being alerted.
- Victor is silent whilst idle.
- Victor cannot be idle within 8 metres of any hook.
Iridescent Pendant
Any survivor within Charlotte's terror radius whilst Victor is being unbound will permanently trigger killer instinct to Victor until switching back to Charlotte.
That's all for now, but I'll add more very soon :) feel free to share your opinions and any other ideas you have for any killers!
Hmm, off the top of my head just looking at the killer list a bit
- Trapper: I'd revamp the Padded Jaws to be "Traps immobilize but do not cause injury. You can acquire a trap from any locker, if you do the oldest trap on the map is consumed by the Entity." Basically to replace the mostly useless bloodpoint bonus with something unusual.
- Wraith: Revamp "The Beast - Soot" to read "The Terror radius of The Wraith is no longer suppressed while Cloaked. You remain translucent while Uncloaked". As above, it replaces the bloodpoint bonus with a unique effect, in this case the Wraith has a terror radius while cloaked but is never fully visible even while uncloaked (he would still have the red stain while Uncloaked but his physical body would be the translucent version he has when Cloaked.)
- Hillbilly and Leatherface - Revamp Speed Limiters to read "Hits with your chainsaw do not automatically trigger the Dying state. You have no cooldown or tantrum from hitting objects". (Normally if you hit an object you suffer cooldown or tantrum. With this you can hit an object and, while the chainsaw turns off, it doesn't stun you.)
- Nurse - A Red add-on that reads "Your base movement speed is 115%. You can not Blink to end within 5 meters of a survivor". So you can Blink almost normally, and chase as fast as a normal killer, but you can't actually Blink right next to a survivor to land an immediate hit, you have to Blink close to them and chase them."
- Hag - A Red add-on that says "You can not teleport to your traps. Your traps are independent creatures that can chase and attack survivors following a 1 second delay after triggering and which last for 10 seconds." Basically this would be an add-on that can take advantage of the new bot code the devs are working on implementing this year, turning all the Hag traps into bots that briefly chase survivors around.
- Doctor - Revamp the add-on that changes the shape of his Shock into a Ring to instead be that it Shocks both the normal Shock cone AND a ring around the Doctor. That way it's actually objectively an add-on that improves the ability.
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The only add-on I want is a Ghostface add-on:
Marking survivors no longer Exposes them. When a survivor reveals you, they become Exposed for 40 seconds. Grants 100% Bonus Bloodpoints for stalking score events in the Deviousness category.
Survivors would still become marked through stalking, and they'd get the red ring around their portrait to show it, but they wouldn't be exposed. Can still combine it with things like Victim's Detailed Routine or Driver's License for some point in stalking.
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this is acc a really cool idea love it
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I think the Trapper one is really unique, maybe even increase the Trap amounts by 3 etc and make him into more of a killer that has multiple points of immobility dotted around the map.
Also the wraith one is pretty cool, that just sparked an idea for a crazy idea lmao - imagine a wraith addon that no longer suppressed his terror radius but kept him completely invisible while cloaked, would never happen but would be v funny
I like the Hillbilly & Leatherface ideas but maybe make it like 100% reduced stun duration? I think just zero stun would feel be a bit much for a bloodpoint addon as such.
I'm not sure about the Nurse one, it honestly feels like it would just feel really clunky trying to blink around and getting an invisible 5m block from survivors.
The Hag one is crazy cool but honestly would prefer a new killer that does a similar thing; requires set up that then offers support/chase ability around the map etc. We haven't had a set up in killer in agess
The Doctor one is great as well but must admit dont really like playing against it so im not rooting for this one lmao
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Thanks! Glad you like them. 🙂
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Where is oni his add ons needs buffs his iri ones are so bad.