Brainstorm a New Game Mode Idea

What if you held the power to create a game mode for Dead by Daylight? What would it be? How would it work? There are no restrictions here, so go as crazy wild or as simple as you'd like.

I know there's some creative people in this community. So, write it down because I want to see it!


  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    DBD BR, where everybody is a killer and you have to loot stashes to find addons

    1v1 me Cowshed will take on a new meaning

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    Remove the hook system altogether, and make gens take 40 to 60 seconds instead, depending on testing. Now, with this change, matches become timed sequences. Each match takes 15 minutes. There are no hooks, gens are completed in 40 seconds. When a killer downs a survivor, the survivor teleports to a locker and respawns in 5-15 seconds. The game becomes point focused. The winning team is whoever has more downs/gens done. Gens would respawn, but not sure what time would work best, or simply like "the last two completed gens are blocked until another gen is completed" to prevent people from just hardmanning really inaccessible gens(like top of asylum, dead dawg, grim pantry).

    Matches would start out favoring survivors as the resources would be present and plentiful, then as pallets get burned through, the downs would start to become quicker, shifting the end game in the survivors favor.

    This would remove camping, tunneling, and slugging as gameplay styles as it would be unnecessary. Downing someone would be enough to get your objective up as killer.

    Probably no need for perks at all.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited July 2022

    All Survivor now have shared hook count.

    Only 3 gens are unlocked at a time. The rest are blocked by the Entity.

    Survivors must, as normal, power 5 gens, then open the exit gate. With only 3 available at a time, this lets the Killer know where to look, and keep pressure on the Survivors. The Killer must get 12 hooks, or all 4 Survivors hooked at the same time, or all 4 Survivors sacrificed.

    When a Survivor is put on a hook, they are in First Hook Phase. First Hook Phase timer is removed entirely. They may either wait to be rescued or point to a hook they wish to be moved to. Moving to that hook will put them in Second Hook Phase. Now they are on a timer and MUST be saved from that hook or they will die. On Sacrifice, that gives the Killer another Hook hook on the counter. The Killer is NOT informed in the event of a Survivor switching to another hook, only when the Survivor is unhooked as normal. If a Survivor is in Second Hook Phase and the Killer spends more than 10 seconds within 32 meters of them, they go back to First Hook Phase.

    Every time a generator is finished, another becomes unblocked. The Killer can see the aura as per usual, but the Survivors do NOT get any notification of which one became unblocked. They must look for it. They are informed when the Exit Gates are powered as normal.

    When the Killer gets 12 hooks, all Survivors not on a hook and not already through the Exit Gate will be taken by the Entity, the same as they are during the EGC.

    Blocked Generators will normally not show up for the Killer unless a Survivor is within 24 meters of them. In that event, the generators aura will appear for the Killer, outlined in purple.

    This game mode is intended to keep Survivors at full power for most of, if not the entire trial. It also gives them mechanics to avoid camping, though the mode clearly doesn't reward camping in the slightest. To alleviate how much power the Survivors will have throughout the trial, Killers get a bumps in intel, as well as less generators to patrol. This is a fast paced, break-neck mode. Tunneling will not be a good option either, as the amount of hooks gathered is far more important than just trying to get the same person on a hook repeatedly. Some Killers may honestly not be great at this mode, while others would be much stronger. If the game overall doesn't ever address these balance issues, then the game mode should either boost or hinder the power of particular Killers in order to make the entire Killer roster more evenly matched. Some perks would also become much stronger in such a mode. The ins and outs, as well as other issues, would need to be determined during testing in order to fine tune any problems out of the game mode.

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452

    No gens or exit gates, just 10 or 15 matches of trying to survive.