Buff solo survivor and fix matchmaking system

lav3 Member Posts: 758
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

1. Solo survivor frustrations

Playing solo survivor is by far the worst possible experience you can get playing DbD.

Random survivor going down within 10 seconds against weak killers

Random survivor trying to get out of game as fast (unhooking self, exit game)

In my opinion, most of this problem results from "bad matchmaking".

How CAN you trust your teammates while playing solo?

This isn't only. Certain killers' strategies like Camping, Tunneling, Slugging are enormously fatal for solos.

I genuinely feel bad for players who mostly play solo survivor and something should be done for them.

Buffing solo breaks game balance? If so, another updates has to be done for that result.

I'm so fed up with accepting "Just play SWF" answers.

Many updates have been done to individual killers. Solo survivors deserve better.

2. Tragic matchmaking (a.k.a SBMM)

This isn't the only solo survivor problem. Matchmaking had flaws and still has flaws.

For solo survivors, no matter what MMR you are (even you don't know your personal MMR), you get dissatisfying moments caused by your teammates.

I wouldn't deny that your teammates' quality could be bad because you are also the type of bad survivor you think.

Of course there are also situations when you and your teammates face very skillful killer players, doubting SBMM is real.

Players cannot see other players' score (even your score too) which means this isn't trustworthy system. AT ALL.

Only for survivors? No. This is also problematic for killers too.

The higher MMR score you get, game becomes very stale. Same perks, same strategies.

Which means game becomes extremely stressful and gives more frustration.

The more you play weak killer, it starts to make you recognize that you are forced to play strong killer against good survivors.

I'm not the side of "I'm so bored with this every Nurse - Blight - Nurse - Blight".

This was an expected problem when SBMM started.

Every killer deserves fair chance against survivors no matter how matchmaking frustrates you.

I still wonder if this "Skill Based" is meaningful in this game.

DbD is not the game where only sweatlords, tryhards are playing. Even in high MMR.

Just don't deny SBMM isn't a perfect matchmaking system and needs more things to be done.

Changing meta perks, new fundaemental changes are good.

But don't neglect these and consider more fundaemental problems in your game.


  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Survivor has two massive problems.

    The first problem is that DBD is treated like a competitive game. Its this expectation that everyone is playing the game objectively "too win." For killers, how you choose to play the match is entirely up to you because there are no rules on how to play the game. This results in people in part of the community playing DBD competitively (focusing on balance) and part of it focusing on outlandish fun, wanting wildly unbalanced gameplay.

    Because DBD wasn't suppose to be taken seriously it was marketed as a wacky party game. It was only a few years later when the community pushed back on the devs, demanding nerfs to just about everything that the focus of DBD shifted to one of a competitive design. As a result the community was torn, between those who treated DBD like a joke, and those took it seriously. The devs didn't want to put in hard rules like any other competitive game on what each player was expected to do. Thus survivors were allowed to farm, sandbag or kill or their teammates and escape through hatch. All of these were considered perfectly fine in a game where you need your teammates in order to win. This is why buffing solo Q does not matter. Solo Q is fine, when your teammates take the game seriously. But you could give solo survivors basekit, ds, kindred, unbreakable and dead hard, and I promise you they would still lose more then SWF, who have a shared goal every match.

    The second and biggest problem that is also easiest to fix, survivors are bored. Survivor has not changed in years. Not the way you play it or what kit you use, nothing. The devs don't want to risk introducing strong perks. Majority of the survivors new perks are either weak or or simply jokes. Survivors have been forced to run the same things, and have actually lost strategies, as survivors keep being nerfed all the time. This post isn't about balance, so that's not the point of this. However it is undeniable that survivors have less tools and strategies available to them. I mean its extremely rare for a game to lose to strategies over time, but it does happen and for good reasons usually. But survivors have lost so many and they refuse to introduce more. So survivors either end up running joke builds, that end up ruining the match for any survivors playing to win. Or they run serious builds all the time and quickly get bored due to the lack of options and start throwing matches trying to keep the match interesting.