I don't understand why people are unironically refering to this patch as killer sided

Before patch: UB/DH/DS/BT
After patch: UB/DH/OTR/Prove Thyself
As a survivor main, all this patch did was make me have an extra endurance state, a stronger DS and faster gen speed than before, while removing Ruin, DMS+Pain Resonance combo for the game.
I think it was really bad for solo queue, and the endurance thing is gonna be frustrating especially against killers like twins and Trickster
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Before patch: 4 perks
After patch: 4 perks
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This content has been removed.
I see more survivor improvement than anything else. They called bt meta, gave everyone a free version, and then buffed the meta perk. I might even start using dh now since it gives a speed boost.
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Survivors got mega buffed and killers got tiny milliseconds of extra time
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I think they'll nerf the endurance stuff. I don't know how DS is stronger or gen speeds are faster.
Solo q is dead that's the main takeaway.
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I say it's a good update for both sides. Unfortunately I couldn't get any serious games in the ptb so I'll have to wait until it comes to live before passing judgement.
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"and faster gen speeds than before"
This is the (admittedly only) part of the post I really take issue with, and I'll explain why below.
I'm writing this with the assumption that the above phrase means gen times overall will have increased with Prove Thyself. However, if you mean "I will have faster generator speeds while using Prove Thyself on the new patch than without using Prove Thyself on the old patch", then I'd still suggest reading the numbers because the answer is "it depends".
Gen speeds are not faster than before. Here's my reasoning as to why:
In the current patch, here's how long it takes to repair a generator:
When we include Prove Thyself into the equasion, we get these numbers:
(The Wiki is in the process of renovating itself for the new update, hence the bugged scripts. Nevertheless the numbers are correct, I checked them, but this is more presentable than my workings)
In the next patch (with 90 second generators), here are those same calculations:
Objectively slower so far, but we can include Prove Thyself (and unfortunately will not be including all of my workings because they are hell to read through, even for me, but the summarised version is below):
As we can see from the numbers above, without Prove Thyself:
- 2 People working on a Generator takes 5.88 seconds longer
- 3 People working on a Generator takes 4.75 seconds longer
- 4 People working on a Generator takes 4.55 seconds longer.
With Prove Thyself:
- 2 People working on a Generator takes 5.12 seconds longer
- 3 People working on a Generator takes 3.67 seconds longer
- 4 People working on a Generator takes 3.13 seconds longer.
So basically, this probably wasn't worth it, but with the new update without factoring in any perks to slow down, speed up, or regress generators except Prove Thyself then Generator speeds are always slower than they will be on live servers. Overzealous after cleansing a Hex Totem I could see possibly making a difference, but that needs the killer to bring a Hex Perk (and since Ruin has been gutted, there's literally 0 reason to bring a Hex ever outside of adepts). I think, if we were to factor in other perks and items into the calculations, we would still see the trend of slower generator speeds without fail (though the number will grow smaller and smaller).
The only thing which increases gen speeds that won't change is when 4 people use a Brand New Part together. As they always repair 25% of a generator over 5 seconds, then 4 people using a BNP will always take 5 seconds regardless of how long generators are.
TL;DR - Gen speeds have not increased in the next patch so you will not be receiving faster generators.
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What is new Off The Records but an even stronger Decisive Strike?
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Because giving every survivor the 2nd most-used perk in the game for free, buffing said 2nd most-used perk to huge levels, AND taking the single most-used survivor perk and making it more-or-less exactly the same instead of gutting it to the ground, (while ALSO not touching the absurdly broken, game-distorting, killer-invalidating Circle of Healing), just isn't enough for some people. Despite the seven most-used killer perks getting massively nerfed across the board.
They wanted free Borrowed Time, Free Decisive Strike, and a force field that keeps the killer from going within 32m of a hooked survivor
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Yeah now everything you told us is true because you are survivor main. Now i have to believe you after that, no chance....
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This but unironically.
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Least delusional dbd forum user
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It is not Killer nor Survivor Sided. Both got their up and downs. All killer got a buff (even killers like Blight and Nurse), generators are gonna take longer, DS nerf, DH nerf - U won't get DH for distance which made DH so strong, Endurance meta is a joke since u can just take STBFL and if they try to bodyblock you, then they are not doings gens lol, Iron Will got a huge nerf, PGTW got a huge nerf, ruin nerf, etc.
Like u guys can't make this ######### up. Don't act like only one side received nerfs.
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Strongest survivor perks nerfed: Iron Will, DS, DH. Generators nerfed, they will be longer to finish. Killers have general buffs. And except Ruin, all of killer perks will be still useful after nerfs but perks like IW and Spine Chill butchered.
And you are telling me this patch is survivorside lol? Don't worry about OTR btw, this perk will not come to live. PTB version was so broken, perk will be nerfed 100% .
Saying that "I am a survivor main" does not make you survivor main and does not proves your opinion. You need to bring real arguments for prove yourself. And honestly i am not believing you, you are not survivor main.
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Think you ignored the part where I said they'll probably nerf the endurance stuff. You also didn't explain how gen speeds are faster. And you lastly ignored the part about solo q being dead.
OTR isn't a stronger DS, just a strong perk. DS imo isn't worth running with it's new nerf. I would've been happy to cancel it during endgame but not the reduced stun.
This patch was a buff to killer and a massive nerf to Solo Q. Once the endurance stuff is fixed then you'll see it's an overall nerf to survivor.
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Ah, the same person who I just saw earlier today as a self-proclaimed survivor main. Lol. Good times.
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It's a meta shakeup that's all, we'll have to see where things lay. However as it stands for basic mechanics it is a buff to killers with the longer gen repair time, faster pallet break, 2.5% instant gen regression per kick & shorter cooldown to basic attack vs 5 second base borrowed time for survivors.
As someone who plays a lot with Jeff, the IW nerf is gonna suck but I'm sure I can adapt.
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A complete meme and a waste of time, that’s what it is, realistically speaking the only time a survivor is going to get any long-term value out of OTR is during the Endgame, before then, they either get a minor amount of value out of it by bodyblocking early into it’s duration, OR do nothing but be a slab of meat for 80 seconds
if it got disabled during endgame, I think OTR would be mostly fine outside of endurance stacking