Why can't Huntress do this...?

Huntress should be able to levitate her hatchets above pallets and windows and then shoot them on command. This way she can close in from the other side and turn every 50/50 into a 100/0. The only thing the survivors can do is hold forward to a corner and hope it buys enough time to do gens. Also, Huntress' movement speed should be 4.6 m/s.
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So, Artist?
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What? she is not a telekinetic killer, she is a good killer you just have to improve your skills to her.
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In a perfect world. I think all killers should be able to levitate.
Also I want all killers to run around saying BOOOOO. Like this
I doubt this will ever happen... but one can dream.
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My skills at Huntress are not the issue 😂. This is a commentary on how badly designed The Artist is. People say she's counterable but I'm not seeing it. Dire crows should not do direct damage unless you are already swarmed by birds. Or something. I'm not even sure if that would fix it. The Artist is truly terrible to play against. I give up on hook against her every time because it's not fun playing against a stacked deck.
Q: Why can The Artist levitate projectiles at pallets/windows and shoot them at short range for direct damage, but Huntress can't?
A: Because Huntress is one of the best designed and most balanced killers in the game and The Artist is the most ill-conceived and badly implemented.
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I agree.
Post edited by WhoIsZachery on0 -
She should be able to do that with 3 hatchets at a time also.
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Post edited by WhoIsZachery on0