Some Nurse nerf ideas

lav3 Member Posts: 758

First of all, a character like Nurse who's hard for beginners but very strong for good players won't be accpeted in other game except DbD.

However, she had distinct features from the start.

Slower than survivor (not from the start but yes), use blink to down survivor.

Rather utterly changing her mechanism or rework, I would suggest tuning her maximum potential first.

Simply nerfing Nurse into state of no one using will cause another controversies around playerbase.

Add-on Rework : Delete range addons and rework some of her useless addons.

It is very hard for survivors to gain distance when Nurse has range addons. (especially in open map)

I know, she doesn't have much of addons choice.

But range addons are no doubt the strongest addons she have.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have powerful addons.

The problem is her potential fluctuates from range addons into powerful direction.

She's the only killer who have BP addons and purple addons (except Kavannagh's Last Breath) are very bad.

Those should be changed to have new effects worth trying to use.

Even if range addons are gone, she still needs other decent addons besides blink recharge addons.

Fatigue decrease addons are also good but aren't useful enough to use in my opinion.

Basekit Change : Blink attacks no longer count as basic attack.

Imagine Blight's Lethal Rush Attack was basic attack.

I don't think Nurse deserves basic attack advantage.

Surely, perks like Sloppy and Exposed related perks like Starstruck will become utter useless on her.

But I think this is the right decision.

Just because Nurse gains huge advantages from those perks, I don't think the perks deserve nerf.

Nurse is probably the best killer gaining huge potential from those.

Basekit Change : Nurse always gets Blindness status effect.

Perks that are very powerful on her: Scourge Hook: Flood of Rage, Lethal Pursuer, Darkness Revealed etc.

I think first and 2nd solutions are fair ones but I am bit hesistant of this 3rd one. Let me explain why.

No killer should be restricted badly just because they have potentials, truly being honest.

However, aura reading perks on Nurse completely negates Stealth gameplay and survivors' unpredictable LoS plays.

Still she can use slowdown perks and other perks like Infectious Fright and Rancor which reveals survivors' locations.

Like mentioned above, they shouldn't be nerfed because of Nurse.

Of course, Blindness should be gone for a while when Nurse picked up a survivor until hooking.

She should not read where exactly survivors are in my opinion.

Considering Nurse has a pillow case on her face (or blindfold on other skins), I kinda think this suits on her.

Ideas I suggested do restrict her maximum potential but don't change her in drastic ways.

She will need other addons in exchange of Range addons and have fewer perk choices.

Does she no longer blink through walls? Does she lose blink? No.

I do like Nurse but also hate for praying Nurse player is bad.

I don't know. I wanted to suggest some changes unless Nurse gets complete rework.

How hard you try and rework some killers that are weak, you can't decrease the gap between Nurse and those unless you change her.

Whether these changes are done or not, she will be strong as always and some people will keep hating her.

Everything besides her basekit (addons, perks) make her next level.

Her maximum potential should be looked at, that's all.