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What type of Monster killer do you wanna see next?

Member Posts: 1,063

The Dredge and Demo are two of the best and most balanced killers In game kinda sucks we only have two... I personally wanna see more monster cosmic eldritch type killers maybe something like The Thing or Alien! What do you guys wanna see and If you have any concepts or art feel free to share below maybe you will Inspire the devs!!!

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  • Member Posts: 516

    Oh ######### Alien. Haha. I don't see how that would translate in but sounds fun.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Alien definetly.

    I've made a few concepts for it, but copying and pasting them here would take too long

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    Something Lovecraftian would be awesome but that's beyond BHVR's understanding. They barely make a barely working M1 killer let alone them making a Cosmic deity beyond the simple comprehension of mortals.

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  • Member Posts: 2,184

    The Goliath from Evolve.

  • Member Posts: 954


  • Member Posts: 1,814
    edited July 2022

    Xenomorphs are the obvious choice for licensed monsters. You could even do an egg-facehugger thing, like Victor from Twins (with a different effect from the pounce, obviously).

    John Carpenter's The Thing would be great, if survivors could be trusted to actually pay attention to the game. Have him look like one of the survivors from afar, but have slight inconsistencies as he gets closer, to sow paranoia all the time. Problem is: he'd be 100% useless against SWF, so that's out.

    [[Some kind of spider]] would be a treat, since there's loads of monster spiders in horror. Giant spiders, swarms of spiders, alien spiders, all kinds of things. But, the non-humanoid design was a non-starter for, well, ever. Dredge is still vaguely human-shaped, but I imagine fully arachnid is still probably off the board, unless you went spider-person (like that awful reinterpretation of Shelob from the "Shadow of War" games).

    A Blob could be pretty neat. Gremlins would be fun. Brundlefly from 1986's "The Fly" would work. The MOST LIKELY monster will be a werewolf, though. It's human enough to fit the model rigging, it's generic enough to do their own OC with the theme, and it's recognizable enough for a casual player to know what to expect.

    tl;dr - Werewolf.

  • Member Posts: 1,063

    love all of this I really hope we get just a year of all monster killers

  • Member Posts: 157

    One that can't teleport or stealth!

  • Member Posts: 190

    Shinigami from Death Note

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    Aesthetics wise idk, any sort of monstrosity kinda works, even Dredge's design would work i suppose. Power wise, something that punishes survivors for being close to the killer. As in standing in it's Terror Radius limits Survivors ability to do everything, slower repairing, cleansing, blessing, sabotaging, healing, faster item comsuption, no aura reading, exhaustion, obliviousness, etc. The thought process behind it is exactly what i said before, mere mortals innability to accept and comprehend a Cosmic being. It's mere presence and gazing upon it twists mere mortals ability to comprehend reality.

    A 24 meter base TR sounds about right, not to big to not be too opressive but not too short either so it isn't unusable. This creates a scenario of Map pressure without the need for crazy mobility and it forces survivors to commit. Either they do the further gens and risk a 3 gen or push through the TR debuffs so they can create pockets in the Map and reduce the effectiveness of the killers power.

    This ensures the killer doesn't require much gen defense Perks and can focus on Information or chase perks. Would people do Forever builds? Yeah they would obviously, wich is problematic so a possible solution is that each survivor gets afflicted with a random debuff, 1 gets slower repair, the other slower healing, the other increased item comsuption rate, the other slower sabotage, etc. This way while you can use Sloppy Butcher to punish 1 guy alot, it's still not punishing everyone extra hard and you might not even be punishing anyone extra hard cause that debuff might not even be applied to anyone.

    Another way to work around and prevent extra punishement for just that 1 survivor whole match would be for the debuff to have a timer and switch at random to another debuff when the timer expires.

    It could go first 60 seconds with slower healing, then the next 60 seconds of increased sabotage time, then the next 60 seconds of increased item consuption, then the next with no aura reading, then the next exhausted, etc. Make the effect switch at random after a set period of time.

    This way as long as someone is inside the TR then they are affected by a new debuff which is good for killer.

    This creates a risk reward for both sides, something the game really needs in my opinion, survivors inside TR get debuffed while survivors outside TR don't get debuffed. Killer gets to debuff everyone inside it's TR but is also forced to seek new territory to ensure they can debuff all survivors and keep the debuffs cycling. This creates a dynamic of engagements which is the purpose of the game.

    This power gives the killer two options, attempt stealth by shortning it's TR to catch survivors off guard with a debuff to make single targets more vulnerable or augmentthe TR to increase map pressure. Survivors can counter it by spreading out but risk being more vulnerable as individual targets or risk being closer to the killer and push through the debuffs while being in better position to help each other.

    So killer get's stronger 1v1 or macro pressure. But also puts the killer in a position where they must engage with everyone as much as possible. You don't make use of your power if you're camping a hooked guy... he's on the hook he can't do anything so you're not debuffing anyone unless they come to you and even then the debuff they might get might not affect their chase potential so killer might not benefit from the 1v1. This will benefit you against Ultra altruistic players for sure but quickly becomes a useless strategy if you just let people do gens.

    Again this makes things a risk vs reward game, where risking a 1v1 rescue might not be good for either side.

    Perks that would combine well with the killer? Lethal Pursuer to know at the start what's the best pressure option to spread debuffs. Corrupt Intervention to force players to either hide and be useless or come closer and risk debuffs. Starstruck, buffs your TR to give you lethality. Chase perks are a bit of a mix cause they either work in shorter chases or scares people into shift + w which might not be ideal. Dark Devotion can be useful, hitting the Obsession transfer TR so if the obsession comes in contact with other survivors they are debuffing themselves while killer is free to aproach someone with no TR, you can mix this with PWYF to hit the obession activate Dark Devotion, leave the Obsession, gain a PWYF token and surprise someone else with stealth and speed to increase your lethality.

    So we're looking at a Build like Corrupt Intervention/Lethal Pursuer - StarStruck - Dark Devotion - PWYF. Not Meta Heavy but plays to the killers strength's and weaknesses. Gives information/allows to pressure the Map better - Gives speed - Gives Mobility in form of stealth and gives Lethality.

    Startstruck plays well into the risk reward. Being exposed on top of whatever debuff you already had is a good deterrent against any rescue attempt.

    It's a good Mix of everything a killer needs without being an anti-loop killer.

    In a perfect scenario i guess you'd hit the Obsession, they'd run into someone else and spread the debuffs, then you can use your stealth and speed to hit someone else, get the down and pick them up, if StarStruck goes on then you you know your timing was right and someone is there and you insta know you've debuffed and exposed someone. IF Starstruck doesn't procc then you were either still under the effect of DArk Devotion or nobody else was there, which means they either are isolated or there's a chance they've made contact with the Obsession and are debuffed aswell.

    That's just pretty good pressure if you ask me.

  • Member Posts: 1,063

    This Is a really good Idea maybe the devs will see It

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    • Werewolf. They could have a lunge or sprinting attack a bit like Demo or Blight, and an ability where if they hold down the Power button they can smell the rough direction (within a 90 degree arc say) to the nearest survivor. Could also maybe move a bit faster than normal out of chase for map traversal?
    • The Thing. It would swap between two forms, one where they look like a survivor in the match and another where they’re a monstrosity. In survivor form they have innate Undetectability, can vault like normal survivors, and can damage generators and dropped pallets and walls, but they are unable to attack. When they transform into their monstrous aspect they’re more or less a basic killer, maybe with some minor benefit like a longer reach than normal. Note that even though survivor players won’t necessarily be “fooled” by the mimicry it’s still a decent ability because of the built in Undetectability.
  • Member Posts: 589

    Wendigo or some Slenderman inspired killer. If we talk about OCs

    As for licensed, The Thing and Alien

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Werewolf but make it different than demo with the lunge, I would hope they would focus on making it a good tracking killer with a lot of built in info.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    I do agree it's a good idea but it might be very hard to implement and it won't be a casual friendly killer for either side. It might be good for SWFs to face, it brings something new for them, while they can prepare each of the SWFs member for 1 specific role they might eventually get countered by the random debuffs. Then there's the whole matter of how strong the debuffs can be vs how much stacking survivors cand do in an SWF scenario. Which can mean either the killer is opressive vs SoloQ or the debuffs are too weak and SWFs have no issue whatsoever.

    It's very tricky to make the power viable but not opressive or weak. It might be opressive if you make a build with Thanatophobia and Sloppy Butcher vs SoloQ but Thana and Sloppy might be what gives you a chance vs a SWF...This is a very tricky scenario.

    IT's why i limit the base TR. If we limit the base TR then we can increase the debuff effects since they're in a smaller area, it doesn't punish everyone at once but those that are punished, are actually punished to a fair degree so that killer can have pressure insde his TR. And if you're in that smaller area the proximity between players is greater meaning there's a higher chance for a chase to happen which means there's a possibility of the 1v1 being more favourable to killer because the random debuff might be a chase debuff and that's just bad luck on survivor side, which obviously people will complain about because it happens to be RNG but at the same time the debuff might not impact chase so killer might not get much value either.

    So while RNG sucks ass, it doesn't directly affect everyone the same way. You're not stuck in a slower gen all match, you're not stuck in an exhausted all match scenario.

    Get away from the killer, let the timer expire and you're free of the debuff. And for the killer, he has to apply pressure.

    Have information perks to know where to apply pressure, have lethality to make use of that pressure.

    The biggest issue the killer might have is Mobility, stuff like PWYF won't work everymatch, so applying debuffs might not be really easy but a good first chase coupled with necessary info will allow you to know where to build pressure. Giving a killer like this a Tleport would be too strong and the TP would have to come with some heavy penalties. Increased TP cooldown, limited spots to TP , RNG placement of TP spots...With good RNG killer could use Lethal Pursuer and TP and apply debuffs to multiple people without much skill or thought required, he simply was lucky and had free info on where survivors were.

    So a standard 115% or 4.6m/s killer might be enough even if it gets harder on the larger Maps BUT don't forget survivors need to work as a team always so the chance to debuff multiple people will present itself and if they don't help eachother then someones being left for dead which helps the killer aswell.

  • Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2022

    I would want to see Count Orlok or Kurt Barlow. Barlow's stooge Richard Straker would also be terrible to see in the game.

    I would like to see Shang Tsung in the game. His power could involve using the form of fellow survivors in order to sabotage their efforts.

  • Member Posts: 745

    An alien killer. And new map should be a space station

  • Member Posts: 6,090


  • Member Posts: 366


    If the chapter doesn’t drop in December, I’d be highly disappointed.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    As for licenses, definitely Xenomorph for me! Also Wendigo (Until Dawn) and Werewolf (Quarry) would be nice i guess.

    An original spider killer is also something I kinda expect at some point with all those Terra Arachna tome stories.

  • Member Posts: 199

    Werewolf or giant spider, Alien obviously.

  • Member Posts: 244

    A Killer who turns into various Junk foods and drinks Burger Hotdog Soda or The Seductress Succubus/Vampire thing that charms survivors into attacking other survivors or sabotaging gens name her Lilith maybe.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Alien will always be my first choice.

    But for an original killer, I'd like something along the lines of Statues of the Morai. The three sisters of Fate, in statue form, a little like the Weeping Angels from Dr. Who.

    You and two other statues would spawn about 24m either side of you. At any time (with a slight cooldown) you can transfer to another statue and take it over. So you can position your three statues around the map and teleport between them for quick map traversal/pressure, or you can set them up in key areas like Trapper/Hag and use them in a chase.

    Perhaps each one can have a slightly different strength like one can vault/break 25% faster, one can hear survivors 25% louder, and one can see blood/scratchmarks 25% longer.

  • Member Posts: 786

    The BLOB! I want to roll, roil, and generally ooze around the level, absorbing survivors.

  • Member Posts: 941

    Alien or spider killer (or both).

    Also some kind of carnivorous plant.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Someone I know had suggested a dark medieval knight.

    The mechanics and powers would need to be unique as in not just some dude in armor with a great broadsword.

    Imagine him being able to call his war horse and he can mount it to traverse the map faster. Maybe change the mechanic to be like when Billy is in a chainsaw rush.

    Then, when mounted and a survivor is in line, you could charge with a joust lance at them for an insta-down.

    When not on the horse, then give M1 swing ability like every killer.

    Maybe make it spicy by allowing survivors to pick an apple from a tree and feed it to the idle war horse so it gets distracted and won't answer to killer knight's bidding for a short time?

    That would give some fun variety while keeping it well inside the horror requirements.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Alien would be sooo cool.

    Take the Pig mechanic of setting a reverse bear trap except in Alien's case, it can breath into survivor's mouth to set a seed to be hosted in their belly. If the survivor cannot destroy the parasite in time, wait for the timeless animation of it screaming out of their abdomen and then baby Alien roaming the map like one of Nemesis' zombies.

  • Member Posts: 138

    What about Count Dracula?

    Flashlights would give Drac some extra spicy grief.

  • Member Posts: 138

    Something with a Possession power. I mean, like a doppelganger that completely impersonates a survivor that you have trapped in your lair or while they are on hook?

    Like literally look exactly like them where you can work on gens and stuff but instead of powering the gen you are secretly knocking down progress.

    Would be neat that if survivors identified you (for sure a SWF would) then they could do a special action against you to leave the body.

    I'm all about seeing killers with new mechanics and clever ways for survivors to thwart them, too.

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