Does Killer actually feel fun to play?

Levitika Member Posts: 230

This is a poll only for people who actually play Killer. Not "I'm a killer main, New OTR is balanced, just don't tunnel, 4-6 health states is fair" people.

Does Killer actually feel fun to play? 87 votes

Yes (explain)
zgameboyFennbrokedownpalaceAven_FallenLeonardo1itaroundpittoxygenMattie_MayhemOGPlantCollectorGlamourousLeviathanEmeal[Deleted User]ElcopollodugmanGhouled_MojoKill_Yr_Idol83cheezjtzMarc_go_soloGannTMInk_Eyes 55 votes
No, it does not feel fun (explain)
WalterBlackmusstang62MrPenguinRanger_939Wampiritagetuy45u4iuPSPDBDVulturedeKlaw_04 9 votes
It feels like a chore for BP/challenges
ZVomSacrilegeGGPatchNoirmewmewAdjathashitmanN8dogsaggyderpderpIron_CutlassJinxedFridayNightPizza 11 votes
It's unfun to the point I can't play Killer regularly
GibberishSillierHorizon5MsSaltyGigglesLevitikaaeonskulpanakuCluelessViktor1853ThatOneDemoPlayerINoLuvBio_ 11 votes
Killers are bad at the game and I wish harm on people who outplay me
Header 1 vote


  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 230
    It's unfun to the point I can't play Killer regularly

    Weighted to prove that people have an elitist, entitled mindset with this game, evident by your gatekeeping. I like a challenge, but on the opposite side of the spectrum to your "point"; literally unwinnable matches where one struggles to even get one kill are NOT fun.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063
    Yes (explain)

    I mean yeah it's fun

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 2022
    No, it does not feel fun (explain)

    It really depends.

    Having the vast majority of killers be pretty much a loss if the survivors have a brain isn't great for fun.

    But if you're playing Nurse or something, in low MMR, or just enjoy the kilter, sure.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    Yes (explain)

    I think killer is very fun overall, otherwise I would just stop playing both sides and completely switch to survivor.

    Even a hard match with result of zero kills can be fun if you tried your best and learned something. Even from an extremely easy match with free 4-kill on five gens you can still juice out a fun gameplay, if you give survivors a breather. And well-balanced lobby, where some are good and some are not so much, where it's sometimes too easy and sometimes an actual challenge, it's a perfect recipe for a fun game.

    The only instance I can think of where playing killer isn't fun is scenario where you do your best and yet still feel like you can't do anything - your opponents are extremely efficient, always are where it's needed and never in the wrong place at the wrong time, predict every single one of your moves and even if they do screw up - they always have a lifebelt to use well and keep them flowing (pallets, windows, DH, DS). And so it's like you know you'll lose and you can't even get a redeeming chase out of the match. Real bummer. And while it shouldn't be rage-inducing, it certainly isn't fun in the slightest. Unless you're masochist lol

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286
    Yes (explain)

    by no means play I more killer than survivor at the moment - but whenever I don't have fun as survivor anymore I go over to killer and have some fun. If it wasn't for playing with friends I would most definitely be a killer main. - I guess I'm part of the small minority who generally think playing killer is the less frustrating and more chill role. I find flashy clicking and people thinking they're omega big brains who just have to let you know in the exit gates as annoying as everyone else - but it's much easier to just ignore these kinda things on the killer side and/or remove yourself from the situation. In general you are more in control of the match as killer - not as in controlling the outcome but as in you decide who you chase, you decide which gen you check or who you hook where etc pp. for the most part the killer is in the proactive role, while the survivor reacts. -Yes, when I'm matched with survs above my league roles are reversed but whenever I reach the limit of how far my abilities and perks can take me I just don't sweat it, embrace the overcommited chase, have fun doing that and move on to next. I also tend to have maybe one or two in ten matches that go like that; things tend to balance themselves out for me.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    Yes (explain)

    Killer is only fun if I can get lots of Interactions with Survivors, It can be fun if they want to play, but if they just want to do gens and run away its boring.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,280
    Yes (explain)

    If it weren't fun I'd have jumped ship a long time ago.

    I don't tend to put that much weight on winning, personally. Crushing losses where I barely got to do anything can be frustrating, but I tend to be in positions where there's always something to learn from the experience.

    The best matches are the flashlight squads who just don't do generators, those are a blast. Not that common, but always a ton of fun. Still, even a regular match is still fun!

  • WalterBlack
    WalterBlack Member Posts: 190
    No, it does not feel fun (explain)

    Leaning more towards no; every time I want a bit of variety and play a different killer than Nurse I get BM'd, teabagged, shat on every time. I wouldn't call playing Nurse "fun" but it's the best way to *at least* not get BM'ed. Playing Killer in and of itself can be fun, it's just the other side's behaviour that ruins it for me.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    Yes (explain)

    Explanation is simple: killer is the only role that playing. Survivor is either holding M1 on a gen, or dangling on a hook.

    Of course, players of Ayrin-Probz-JRM level ARE playing, but 90% doesn't have such skill and don't want/have time to invest so much to play game. Killer, on the other hand, can play the game from baby-steps (usually that's where they are staying to the end, crying about gen-rush and second chance perks)

  • FengIsFengin
    FengIsFengin Member Posts: 2
    Yes (explain)

    in my opinion, even though i am a survivor main through and through, i feel that killer is fun. i've spent my fair share of time with killer and despite how stressful it can be at times, it feels exhilarating as well. killers i play are usually just trickster and onryo and i have a good time, even when i take my losses or get outgamered whether it's by an incredibly amazing timed dead hard or just by being mind gamed. it's harder than survivor to me, even if it's because i mainly play survivor, but it is fun even if there are times where it isn't

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    It feels like a chore for BP/challenges

    Where's the "It used to be fun, but one after another, all the fun killers got massively nerfed and now you can only really play a couple of characters - neither of which you enjoy - or you have to go into every game expecting to lose " option?

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    Yes (explain)

    As a main killer, I find that playing as a killer is often fun and challenging. However, the fun is power when you face a bunch of genrushers. But it completely disappears when you face a swf bully squad with four flashlights, head on and Boon:COH so they can be a pain and heal whenever they get hit. As an example I am going to use a match I played some time ago as Pinhead in Dead Dawg, in which a bully squad always directed their chases towards lockers so I could get stunned, blinded( luckily I was running lightborn) and clicking their flashlights. Again, beating a bully squad is satisfying, but It is not fin anymore, as It is more personal I feel. But, in a nutshell, being killer is funny most times.

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 230
    It's unfun to the point I can't play Killer regularly

    Yes, everyone does have bad days. But I'm not blaming it on some nebulous force, I blame it on ######### balance and utterly insufferable pricks like yourself who go out of their way to try and make people's day worse.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,169
    Yes (explain)

    Killer is more challenging, more dynamic and has more variety. Just more fun in general.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    It's unfun to the point I can't play Killer regularly

    Killer is unfun, Survivor is boring.

    Play Evil Dead, way more fun

  • aBean
    aBean Member Posts: 3
    Yes (explain)

    The game is fun to play as both roles, the vast amounts of people choosing to be dipshits is what makes playing killer a drag at times.

    I get it, you have a flashlight, and no I don't mean it in a 'gosh dang, they did a flashlight save!'. I mean I'm breaking the pallet and letting you run off to your hearts desire whilst you choose to flash me while I do it. I also understand you've managed to open the gate while I was chasing the other dude. Can we move on and go next?

    I'm looking forward to unlocking more characters to play, being a newbie and all, but need to take regular breaks just to have a couple fun games in a day.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910
    Yes (explain)

    I like that all killers are unique. It adds more diversity to the role and it feels rewarding to get good at. Also I feel I don’t automatically win every single game, which gives me a challenge to overcome.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408
    Yes (explain)

    I like playing killer quite a lot actually. It can be really fun, though I tend to play killer a bit more casually than I do survivor -> simply because of SoloQ and falling into lower mmr hell.

    I truly don't mind clicky clicky's, it has a beat to it 😂 And I'll never stop enjoying putting on surprise Blood Warden and seeing cocky survivors TB at the gate and then seeing BW 😈

    Like what is there not to love about GF and Nemi?

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217
    edited July 2022
    Yes (explain)

    It depends on the map and the skill level of the survivors. Playing against highly skilled and coordinated survivors is a nightmare and really unenjoyable, playing against average survivors is enjoyable unless they are constantly Bming (unless they step in a trap shortly afterwards or fall for an obvious mindgame). Also the 'Gideon Meat Plant' is one of the worst maps (probably the worst), especially on high MMR. In general every map needs to be reworked or at least the landmarks and structures on them, since some combinations are really mean and survivors could loop you forever (Garden of Joy's main building is really strong on the ground floor with good windows and some safe pallets. Sometimes a jungle gym can spawn near the window on the first floor, combine that with this good structure and most killers won't catch you). Blessing should take longer, since the current speed makes it unnecessary to snuff it out (unless you have Shattered Hope or they add a cooldown on blessing). But when I get a good map and average survivors (that can be grabbed with Tinkerer), playing killer makes much fun.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 876
    Yes (explain)

    I like killing people

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    Yes (explain)

    There's less toxicity from survivors, because they don't have time to be toxic. Usually I tunnel toxic survivors out of the game as soon as possible. So there's less tunneling from me since I have less of a reason to do so.

    When I say less toxicity, I mean that there's less T-Bagging at every pallet, flashlight clicking or the entire team spam tapping one gen to keep it going in your face.

    (entire team spam tapping one gen to keep it going in your face): I had one team try this yesterday as the match started. They kept trying to tap it even when I had two survivors on hook at the same time. They were even flashlight clicking trying to get me to leave the gen and my two nearby hooks.... They did eventually complete it, but that match ended in a 4 kill and they only completed the one gen.

  • HangryMogwai
    HangryMogwai Member Posts: 52
    Yes (explain)

    The killer role is enjoyable primarily due to the variety of mechanics between the killers, from the Dredge’s darkness and locker teleportation to the Trapper’s traps. I do prefer survivor though, merely because it feels challenging and rewarding to win (escape with as many people possible) where as the with the killer, it feels rare not to get a 4k (or let the last survivor go). It’s this reason that I actually think I like the lower tier killers more than the higher/meta ones.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    Yes (explain)

    I like killer better than survivor because it has a lot less downtime, more character ability variety and I like the feel of the chases in first person perspective (even though third person is a tactical advantage I think the first person feels more natural if that makes sense?)

  • Turtl
    Turtl Member Posts: 4
    Yes (explain)

    Honestly playing killer is fun from the stand point of not having to rely on other people and letting you focus on bettering your game from 2 perspectives. Now I haven't been playing for a long time or anything I started up on launch got into other games and came back during 6th anniversary and playing killer presents a different kind of challenge being in a different perspective and its one that you can use to learn to play both sides without having some one to teach you.

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158
    Yes (explain)

    Not having to deal with DH and DS at the endgame are enough for me.

  • Fenn
    Fenn Member Posts: 33
    Yes (explain)

    Not being forced to run so many slowdown perks really helps, now i can play with alot more varity in my builds

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    Yes (explain)

    Especially since the patch, killer is the only role that has consistent interactions throughout the game and actually feels fun. Sitting on gens is boring, and chases are so short most of the survivor games will be either hitting skillchecks on a gen or hitting skillchecks on a hook.

    Whether I play my killer games friendly as Legion or seriously as Hag, I generally have fun during the game. If I get stomped to the point of it not being fun, then I actively make it fun by changing my objectives and interacting differently with the survivors.

    I do agree that it takes a bit more motivation and energy for me to start playing killer than survivor, since I'll be alone and I'll be nervous at the idea of going against mean people, but to be fair, BM affects me much more when it's from killer than survivors. I just don't get salty about teabagging or clicking, since most times I feel like the survivors don't actually mean harm and they usually let up when they see I'm chill.

    Also, since I'm still low mmr, killer really isn't too hard at the moment. I can easily get a draw or a win.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,560
    It feels like a chore for BP/challenges

    It was fun.

    Rubberbanding ruins the experience.

    Nothing feels worse than having my curves ruined because the game rubberbands me backwards which makes it so I miss my chainsaw with Billy. It literally makes me get off the game from how frustrating it is to deal with. BHVR was suppose to fix it, but it's still a major issue.