My thoughts on reducing prestige "tax" from 50K to only 20K?

So they listened to the people. The masses obviously thought 50k was ludicrous so they reduced it. But if they took the time to go in and tinker with the numbers...


Do the devs get a commission of the BP they make us pay? Just get rid of it Jeeeeee-Zusssssss LOLOLOLOLOLOL


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Yea it makes no sense to be there in the first place, like what was going through their minds when designing this. Very strange

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    Should be 7k MAX if they insist on doing it, make it same cost as Iri node. If they're going to keep it high they should give players a choice - pay ridiculous amount of BP to prestige OR don't pay and just stay at level 50 without getting prestige rewards. I don't care for the charms, cosmetics, or brags but I do care about wasting 20k BP over and over.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 346

    They did SOME good BP related stuff, don't get me wrong. Increasing the BP cap, now more BP will be earned each match, ect.

    But if they were truly listening, people were saying basically that we shouldn't have to pay to prestige and questioning how it reduces the grind if it does.

    They could have easily just removed it...

    But we still got some good stuff on the BP side.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Here's the thing, and I really had to think about this for a while and from their perspective.

    They can't just reduce the grind a lot and increase the BP gained at the same time. You'd end up with no grind or sense of progression.

    You also can't increase the BP you gain by a large margin and then take it away later when you realize it's too much. Everyone would riot and lose their minds.

    Their removing bonus BP from perks because they don't think it's a healthy way to gain BP in the game. Agreed.

    But they're adding bonuses and penalties in a controlled way so that they don't give too much to where it completely nullifies the grind. Because once they give it, it can't be taken back without major backlash.

    So they implement a bit at a time to see how it holds up in live servers. Not enough? Reduce the tax, or increase the queue incentives rates, or give a slight bump to post match BP earned. And you do this little by little until you get to that healthy medium.

    May not be the greatest thing in this moment, but may be healthier this way in the long run for the game.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    They don't just remove something brand new like that. They can tweak it, but not completely remove it after they just added it. That would be like them admitting that they were wrong and there was no reason to put it into the game to begin with.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    They're only reducing the grind if you want every perk. If you don't care about unlocking every perk in the game, it's an Increase in grind

  • Dhurl421
    Dhurl421 Member Posts: 154

    I didn't even know it cost anything to prestige until I saw this. Tells you how much I pay attention, but wow that's silly.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I know, and I'm a firm believer that it doesn't help those that are new to the game or that are in the group of players that's only worried about a handful of perks.

    I do understand however that it's a fine line trying to make it perfect to where it benefits everyone equally. Because we're not all in equal places at the start and don't all have the same end goals in mind. However, I do think they're heads in the right place and they're trying to move in the right direction.. just at their own pace lol.

    Hopefully there will be more changes in the future that help those mentioned above.

  • spodamayn
    spodamayn Member Posts: 220

    Kinda like the cap to the prestige catch-up mechanic that they just added lmao. This whole thing reminds me of the UI changes that they added a while ago that they refused to revert. They still didn't revert the changes, but they finally improved it after the game got review bombed on steam lol. I'm predicting the same might happen this time with how much this new update changes things