Question about new prestige

When the new system takes effect, am i going to lose all my BP when all my characters auto prestige the first time? All of em will at least be p1, with many being higher. Ive never prestiged a character n this could get expensive. I havent seen anything on how the initial transition will work.
Nobody will loose anything. Neither bp nor perks.
Catch up mechanic is auto and free.
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I still don't understand how the catchup mechanic and the prestige multiplier are supposed to work together. If my catchup from perk tiers is enough to bring me from p0 to p2, does that mean it'll take me to p2, or p6? Do i need to get rid of hundreds of addons to get p1 in order to automatically get brought up to p3+?
why does this game never have straightforward math
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It's perfectly straightforward. All those bonuses are applied to perks and prestiges that were earned BEFORE the patch. So you'll get your bonuses separately: achieved prestige levels * 2 + perk tiers prestiges. You cant get prestiges by perks and then somehow get prestiges by those prestiges.
If you don't want to lose tons of your addons - just p0 lvl 50 your surv. That way you'll get 2 prestiges based on your perk tiers (i.e. p2 lvl 50) and you'll be able to p3 them right away after the update, without losing anything (except 20k tax).
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none of this even matters with survivors, because perks are the only truly important thing for them. its more for the killers that have been at p0 level 50 for years because they've needed to keep grinding addons to actually be viable. Thats why the math feels off, because they're going to be all over the place on how many perk tiers they have and many will not auto jump to p3 unless that bonus applies.
Also remember, it didn't always give you 2 perks in high level blood webs. "old grind" isn't going to scale up properly compared to "new grind," just like was the case with legacy before that rework.
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I don't get your point here and confused. You are able to get p3 and unlock all 3 perks at tier 3 for all characters although your surv is p0 (with 120+ perk tiers). And you don't have to get rid of addons. How doesn't this matter with survivors?..
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survivors don't need addons or items anywhere near as much as killers need addons. many people have killers who do not have 120+ perk tiers but have stockpiles of addons that are stored in order for them to actually be viable when used. If I want to guarantee their perks will be level 3 on all other killers after the change, its important to be sure whether they will be without having to sacrifice all of those addons by getting p1 before the change.
I couldn't care less if i lose a bunch of brown toolboxes on Bill in order to make sure everyone has BT at tier 3 instantly, but i sure as hell care about losing 50 coxcomb clappers on wraith or 40 pinky fingers on clown by comparison. Especially since they can't use something like plunderer's to resupply everything in a dozen matches without needing to touch a single web.
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Oh, I read your comment before you edited. Got it now.
You are right here, let's say it was "character" instead of "surv" in my post.
We get ~50 perk tiers on the way to 50 lvl, that's the average number and it is correlate with dev's math for catch up mechanic. If killer were lvl50 "for years" grinding for addons and if you have 40 pinky fingers (even though you might be using it, at least sometimes), I can assume you've climbed high enough into 50lvl infinity to get more than 120 perk tiers (of course if you have enough perks to get in the first place - it's 40 perks on tier 3).
And if you don't get enough perk tiers (without prestiging at least once) you couldn't reach prestige 2 anyway.
The only weak link here is if you have only, let's say, 5 killers and you didn't purchase perks from shrine at all so you haven't had enough available perks to get those 120+ tiers for all that time. That's bad and I can understand this. Sounds truly horrible and unfair since tons of bp won't be counted. Maybe long-run profit (you didn't waste bp on perks anyway, and now perks will be asy to get on all characters) will overlap that, I don't know, I didn't count.
Anyway, if you were invested into your killers (and have enough perks to get p2, as you said) you are safe and will get p3 for them without sacrifices (technically p2 lvl 50 but it's not a big deal with new system).
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unfortunately, you used to only get 1 perk per tier, and im a survivor main. Ive just been dumping all of my BP into killers while playing casually for years so most of them do not have 120+ perk tiers each. I've generally bought most non-licensed content with shards, so I don't even have all of them due to not playing frequently enough. That said, many of them have been in a constant state of barely being touched due to meta shifts and/or being unlucky with whatever addons were needed at the time, which is another thing that has changed with reworks/addon passes/etc as well as just the sheer amount of webs involved. I guess you could call my grind progress a middleground: not new, but not current... just in a constant state of catchup as my progress was slower than the growth of the grind. Also those addon numbers weren't exact, they're relative: some killers you look for specific addons because they're what you want to incorporate into your builds just like perks, so you tend to stockpile them so that you dont have to regrind between each game hoping for more.
Thats the main reason for my concern. Depending on how the math works, either it would be cheaper to abandon all the addons for half my killers to make sure their perks are tier 3 for everyone (especially newer ones with less investment) but some like nurse or billy who were OGs might have maybe ~100 perks since I haven't put anywhere near as much into them since the level 40+ blood web change adding more perks per web. I would rather not pre-prestige any killers who i have addons stored up with (ironically often a byproduct of having to grind out perks in their webs) but how exactly the catchup and prestige multipliers work together is going to be a pretty big factor.
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That's much tougher decision than I thought :c but, yeah, the math is separate. The system looks for your prestiges and your perk tiers at the same time, and then gives you bonus prestiges independently. That's how it was described and that's how it works on PTB. So p0 120+ tiers is p2, not p6. You should decide what has more value - unlocking perks or savings god addons. And maybe grind for 120 tiers if it is possible to save addons AND unlock perks.
Anyway, I hope, they'll provide an update for rare addons soon enough. Then you might be able to restore the pale of lost addons pretty fast searching for them in smaller levels of fresh p3 web.
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Sadly I think for the most part the addons are going to win with most killers. Some that I got more recently like trickster I could probably afford to lose the dozen or so good addons, but i'm going to be trading one grind for another with a lot of the others. Certainly makes the "forced prestige with a forced cost for nothing" sting that much more, even if they're "reducing" it to 20k.
I said it in another thread on the topic, but these types of situations are the exact opposite of player retention. Progress should never feel hopeless, non-linear, nor counterproductive when its one of the biggest driving forces behind retention.