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Did they buff Trapper yet?

Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

beside the 5 years wait for reset trap and starting with 2 trap, did they buff him yet?

man is literally the worst killer voted by community


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Well, he did get other buffs (addon pass, traps not sabotage-able)

    but other than that, no. And as far as we know, nothing is planned for the near future (Twins are supposed to be looked at next and that’s at the earliest on next midchapter in about 3 months..)

    also the community always jumps back and forth who the actual worst killer is (Trapper, Clown, Legion, Sasako, Myers, Pig are among those I have often heard) - in the end it is subjective. Even Trapper can perform well.

    also, killers will get some significant buffs with the upcoming midchapter which Trapper will also benefit from!