Clarification needed ASAP to avoid disaster

The recent developer update pointed out

Finally, we’ve made a tweak to our catch-up mechanic, which awards you bonus prestige levels based on your progress prior to this overhaul going live. This is based on the number of perk tiers you’ve unlocked on a character as well as their prestige.

In the PTB, we awarded one bonus prestige level for each prestige your characters had prior to the PTB. For the full Mid-Chapter release, we have increased this to 2 bonus prestige levels. This means if your character was prestige 3 before the update, they are guaranteed to be prestige 9 after the update, granting all the new rewards immediately. The catch-up mechanic will be limited to prestige 9, however, even if the calculated bonus would exceed this.

We had previously been given the following information about the transition policy for players who chose to accumulate perks in order to play the game rather than to prestige.

If the character has 70 or more Perks unlocked (Counting each tier of a perk separately):

1 level for 70-119 Perks

2 levels for 120-169 Perks

3 levels for 170-219 Perks

4 levels for 220-269 Perks

5 levels for 270-319 Perks

6 levels for 320+ Perks

The above information does not appear to have been updated since the change to the number of prestige levels awarded based on current prestige levels.

These two systems will now result in potentially significantly different outcomes. As a result, several youtube personalities have pointed out that since prestiging currently costs nothing (except lost addons/offerings), you should do the math to see which system will advance you further.

You can already read in this very forum dozens of threads with people giving the advice that if they have a character at level 50, and they have fewer than 70 "perk points" (a challenge to explain to your casual friends), that the best course of action is to press the prestige button.

This is a huge problem, because a significant portion of your players do not regularly follow the forums, watch youtube videos, and/or put together excel spreadsheets with their game data in order to figure out whether or not pressing a button is going to screw them over in a week's time.

If there is an updated version of the conversion table for perks vs prestige levels, make the players aware of it as soon as possible.

Another easy solution would be, for the purposes of the transition, to treat each level 50 as if it was equal to a prestige level and then awarding the higher of the two prestige level results. (Cue the typical crab mentality of your average internet poster).

If you do not clarify and forewarn users of the need to analyze their situation in the next week (or two), be prepared for a flood of complaints from users angry that they lost out because they weren't informed, didn't have enough time, the required mathematical analysis was too complicated, etc.


  • Ramanga
    Ramanga Member Posts: 48

    I've created a spreadsheet to help people with the decision on whether to prestige or not. This tool will calculate the number of prestige points you have per character and let you know how close you are to the next prestige level and about how much it will cost in BP. Note it is based on characters being level 50 and no current prestige levels.

    To use the tool, simply count how many perks of each tier you have on the character and fill them in the listed columns.

    As you can see in the example, Twins will be converted to Prestige 1 but are only 1 perk away from having enough perk points to be made Prestige 2. Blight, on the other hand, would be Prestige 0, but is only two perk points away from being converted to Prestige 1. So the cheapest option is to prestige now, but I might want to go ahead and spend the 55k BP if I wanted to keep his addons and offerings.

    One thing to note is that the average character who just had hit 50 had only 58-59 perk points. Since BHVR wont do anything until you have at least 70 perk points, the best option for fresh 50's seems to be to prestige before the patch hits.

  • philomela
    philomela Member Posts: 34

    Agree it's not being communicated well and can almost predict it's going to be tears before bedtime when the patch hits, with people not getting anything despite grinding at 50 for what they felt was a long time. And others somehow vaulting to prestige N whilst spending comparable amounts (or less) BP to get there.

    Those at 50 but below the perk level threshhold should be auto prestiged and have their perk levels converted into levels thru P1, considering that a) they could have hit the prestige button and be granted two (?) levels b) they are only going to be maybe a dozen perk levels shy of 70. So for each perk above 50 or so they should probably grant 5 levels in P1, since that's what it ultimately comes out as.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    This spreadsheet is neat. But a few questions:

    1. I have 120 perk tiers on Claudette. Why does it say she would be prestige 1? Shouldn't it be prestige 2?

    2. Why does is say none for Claudette with 120 perk tiers, but "spend bp" for Dwight with 121?

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516
    edited July 2022

    IF you are at 120 perks, don't prestige. You will get P2 level 50 on patch day.

    Haha, appreciate the work added in. Though I cannot edit the document to see my values.

    Edited; Err nvm

    To OP

    I think just asking on the forum is plenty. They have answered plenty of questions regarding this already.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    N/m I see the problem now. You set it at greater than 120 not greater than equal to.

  • Ramanga
    Ramanga Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2022


    Post edited by Ramanga on
  • Ramanga
    Ramanga Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2022

    Good catch on the greater than /equal to error, please forgive me, it should be fixed now.

    The rationale behind the recommendations are that

    @119 perk points you lose 49 perk points worth of potential progress, so you can spend 28k BP to convert to another prestige level

    @120 perk points you are at a break even point so no action is required

    @121 perk points you lose 1 perk point worth of potential progress so you can spend 1.35 MM BP to convert to another prestige level.

    The decision of whether to spend the BP is left to the user based on their own judgment and priorities.

    Post edited by Ramanga on