Many killers will start tunneling and camping after the update

Like i said many times before and i will say this again KIILERS needs a reward and Incentive for not tunneling and camping, however the recant patch has turned it to the other direction nerfing healthy perks and forcing killers to ''unfun gameplay'' lets do it by examples:
pop: Pop goes the Wessel has been nerfed so badly its no longer pays off for the killer to leave the hook, you probably waste more time going to that gen than you gain on the actual regression. healthy perk got nerfed into the ground good job devs :).
pain res: Giving the killer information after hooking a survivor is ALWAYS good and healthy, if there's information to work with its more possible that killer go and pressure that gen instead of camping. Well they removed it so what's going to happen is the most killers will just take the 15% regression in the background and stay under the hook.
Overcharge: Now, overcharge had a potential to become another healthy perk that promotes and rewards the killer pressuring the gens, well guess what? it got nerfed so extremely that nobody will ever use it. Do devs understand that walking to a generator and kicking it and also camping the gen until its regressed is a HUGE time investment from the killer?.
Devs for god sake you cannot complain about killers using ''Unfun tactics'' or whatever you called it and making changes that incentives this gameplay AT THE SAME TIME.
Generator kicking perks are the most healthy things in this game, rewarding the killers and at the same time making the game more ''Fair'' for the survivor. Nerfing them is only making the game less enjoyable and YES especially for the survivors which is hilarious.
Since the healthy perks got nerfed into the ground what i will do and probably many other players we'll be using the passive game slow down (deadlock, tana, corrupt, dms, dying light ,dms,gift of pain,) and it will be a new meta. Ultra camping and tunneling making the game very unfun for the survivors and unrewarding for killer. I suggested many times before about making pop base kit to reward and incentives killer to pressure the gens giving the killer a TOOL to do that. Like i said i think tunneling and camping will be more prevalent than ever before.
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You're complaining that the meta slowdown perks were nerfed in a meta shakeup. And this is while you now have many great new options like you already mentioned, Thana, Gift of Pain, Deadlock, DMS, Jolt. And what, you're crying about a couple perks?
Killer is stronger now, I don't know what you're whining about.
Post edited by Rizzo on13 -
Well not only a few of this but they also made camping and tunneling even stronger than before.
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People will tunnel or camp anyway if they want to.
They did it before, they do it now, they will do it. So nothing changed and nothing probably ever will be changed.
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An interesting view. but some things to note which you may have missed:
1.pop nerf combine with the base mini pop you have now is not that much of an extreme difference.
2. pain res was OP and very much an over picked perk. You could aurge it was over done but to say it was fine was a bit much.
3. over change was way too strong I think it was over tune and should be 300% but thats me.
4. dms and corrput will rarely if ever get played. corrput got nerfed to the ground and is really only good on a few killers and dms was really only played with pain res...
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I mean if you were trying to win there was no other options anyway, there is no reason to play for lose I think.
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What, your title is "Im starting tunneling and camping after the update" and you whine about pop being nerfed, even though we now have 2.5% base kit regression, so Pop IS basekit in case you didn't read notes. We also get faster kicking speeds. Are you saying you won't tunnel and camp? That you're worried that others will tunnel and camp? Why even put a clickbait title like that if what you actually should have put in your title is "I think killers will tunnel and camp more after the update"?
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for those wondering what the difference would be. As the Devs said themselves "This change will make Pop Goes the Weasel very effective against generators that are nearly done, but weaker against those with a small amount of progress."
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Devs don’t complain about unfun tactics. This is a surv problem
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Are u saying pop got buffed lol?
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No the claim from OP was "Pop goes the Wessel has been nerfed so badly its no longer pays off for the killer to leave the hook, you probably waste more time going to that gen than you gain on the actual regression"
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Yes and OP is objectively 100% correct. There is no reason to leave the hook for pop no more as 95% of the time the value u will get is much less
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Been playing for 2 years. Killers always say this after every single patch. I remember killers saying that they were gonna camp and tunnel every hook when Pop's duration got nerfed from 60 seconds to 45 seconds.
You go ahead bro, play how you want. No one will stop you. You're not punishing anyone but yourself.
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Pop is still as effective as before on near-completed gens, and all gen-kicking perks have been indirectly buffed thanks to the basekit 2.5% regression and the faster kicking speed.
Other than the fact that you're pressuring survivors off gens and potentially scoring another hook.
But if you're happy with your 2k carry on.
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Thank you for letting us know
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It's already been proven in many vdeos from PTB that you can camp 2 hooks before 3 gens go off in most cases. The ######### are 2 people gonna do with 2 to 3 gens left at that point.
Let's also factor in that playing solo, you'll have one person being chased and hooked, look around and see 1 person on a gen and 2 people circle jerking in a corner for no apparent reason.
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Dude, Pop's nerf is so slight that it barely matters. If anything, complain about the ruin nerf, THAT ONE was severe!
About pain res, yes it's sad the scream and interrupt is gone. I would have liked if it kept the scream / a notification, with the interrupt being gone to destroy the interaction with DMS. But on the other hand, smart survivors let go of the gen before the hookinh, so you would also not get any info out of that now. Use Surveillance with your Pain res, and you should know where to go to.
You have got to explain to me how a 400% regression by Overcharge + 100% from Call of brine would be "healthy" for the game. Such a big regression makes soloQ extremely miserable, since you cannot coordinate to limit the impact of that regression. It's already bad enough with current ruin, but a 500% regression would be even worse.
"Nerfing generator kicking"? What are you smoking? They actually buff it this mid-chapter it giving it a base regression! All they did between PTB and live is toning down ONE perk that coincidentally is a gen kick perk. And you are holding an eulogy for gen kicking, as if the devs removed that from the game. You seriously have to calm down, mate.
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Someone asked after the update, will Solo players will go?.
Someone else answered: Solo are not going anywhere.
Killers: we're also not going anywhere, we stay by the hook.
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its just an idea... but maybe a skill - issues?
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It's not that bad. I won't deny it is a huge nerf, but anyone that has gone against pain resonance knows that 15% is quite a lot.
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I don't get it.
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im shaking in my boots, please dont!!
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Honestly, just stay mad. Both sides are getting nerfed, but killers got it better, yet you complain like you have no other perk options. You expect to have it easy with perks that will do it all for you, while you put no effort in. Try putting some effort, try other perks, other builds, other game style and get some skill, instead of crying at every update that is not a 100% buff to you.
Let's not act like ppl don't avoid playing killers with high skill cap just because it's inconvenient and will require effort in learning the killer, and would rather play the easy killers with the easy perks that carry all their matches.
By this time we should all know that things change and devs nerf perks, you can either accept it and adapt or cry about it in the forums like it will change your outcome.
There are plenty of other good options you can try
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Threatening to facecamp and tunnel when every killer is already doing it regardless of the game balance is not really a powerfull position.
You should instead say that you're gonna let everyone escape so newbies will get higher mmr and they're gonna end up being high mmr randoms.
Now that's scary!!!
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"Pop's nerf is so slight that it barely matter"
Ah yes a nerf which severance is directly proportional to the progress done on a gen is so slight it doesn't matter?
Old pop gives you 20sec no matter what (except the gens done less than 20%).
New pop gives you, on a 99% gen:
Progress: 90sec*0,99 = 89,1sec
Regress: 89,1sec*0,2 = 17,1sec
Plus built-in "pop"
90*0,025 = 2,25 sec
At BEST it gives you 19,35sec worth of regress.
Now let's see the "worst" case, a gen with for example 10% progress.
Old: Flat 8sec.
Progress: 90sec*0,1 = 9sec
Regress:. 9sec*0,2 = 1,8sec
Plus kick: 4,05sec.
50% value and even that only thanks to the flat kick bonus.
On any gen between 20 and 80% (5,85sec-16,65sec regress, calculated with the new 90sec gen) pop got nerfed by up to roughly 70-75% depending on the stat of the gen.
And sorry but if i have to walk twice or thrice the time it takes of the gen to even find the damn thing then i would say the perk is rightfully dead.
(Someone may gladly correct me if my calculations or the logic of them have some error in them.)
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Another baby crying that their hand isn't being held.
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Are you taking into consideration the flat regression that kicking now does?
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Built in "pop":
90sec*0,025 = 2,25sec
There in the original post, right?
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Oh, yep, you're right.
Apologies, I'm pretty tired and I must of missed it.
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Ah it's okay. I'm on mobile and was too lazy to space it all neatly.
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Welcome to the real killers club. You're late. @kaskader
They should have given us nerfed BBQ and/or 1 minute of Corrupt basekit to compensate BT basekit and new OTR.
(Now that i think about it, BBQ + Kindred basekit would have been much healthier for the game)
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your math is good. petty much matches mine.
I guess from my point of view there are times when I hook a survivor near a gen kick and move on. Sure It's not as good as before but Pop did have a 35% pick rate for a reason. It was too strong, I don't think the perk will be useless, or it's doomsday for this perk (look at ruin for a dead perk). But that's just my option I believe if any perk is seeing at a 40% play rate, survivor or killer it should be looked at for a nerf or rework.
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Well you aren't wrong that something had to be done about the meta but like i already said a dozen times on this forum by now:
Bhvr used sledgehammer methods to get the live meta not played anymore and just buffed other perks up to the same borderline broken level.
Best example DS and off the record. They ruined DS by reducing the stun down to 3 seconds and buffed off the record to instantaneously substitute for it.
What they should've done is deactivate DS during egc but give it after every unhook, reduce the stun to 4 seconds but give it a 7% speed boost for the stun duration or something and remove the skill check. And then buff off the record slightly to match the not-as-heavily-nerfed DS in strength.
Aka nerf the meta slightly and meet it half way by buffing the weak perks up to a medium level so mutliple things feel strong but not oppressive and create a bigger diversity in the viable meta perk pool.
But no, break the live meta and directly substitute it with something else buffed to the previously broken level. 🤦
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I agree that camping is a problem and I really hope they find a fix for it.
I just wanna DC everytime I go againts a bubba,trickster,or huntress,all they do is camp hook and leave you no way of unhooking.
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"Will start"? You talk like they don't do that already.
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You dont' NEED to pop at 10% to begin with! You always look for the gen with the most progress to pop it, you usually do that now and you'll do that after the mid-chapter. Popping a gen with 40% is nice, but not as important as popping one with 90%.
So, in the most important situations, where pop is needed most, it gives you (using your numbers) 19,35 compared to flat 20.0 seconds. Oh what a major difference, the perk sure is unplayable. /s
It's ridiculous to say the perk is dead. It's power is barely scratched for high-progress gens, and in only gets considerably weaker the lower the current ge-progress is. But in that cases you just DONT NEED pop to begin with. You need pop for preventing / delaying gens from being completed, not to ensure no gen gets any progress at all.
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I don't camp anyway but there's nothing about this update that would make me want to.
I am literally giddy at the thought of using the new Monstrous Shrine. I cannot wait to be 24 meters away from people on scourge hooks and watch their teammates underestimate the time and fail to save before second phase sets in, and to have every hook in the basement be scourge hooks.
Cannot wait.
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I mean they already camp and tunnel been doing so for ages lol
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Correction: No one is "forcing" killers to "unfun gameplay" besides boring killers.
It's called taking risks. It's called fun. Hook someone and go search for the other people and have an interactive gameplay experience with as many people as possible instead of being boring. No one is forcing you to camp or tunnel anyone. That mindset is a self made one, not a forced one
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Are you okay
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Hmmm... Weird how camping and tunneling are now much harder with the new changes. You sure you wanna do that? Numnuts.
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Many killers are tunneling and camping even before the uodate, and dbd only favor killers becuase many killers are to stupid to actualy kill, , 8\10 martches i play are with those killers,
Killers should think how to play instead complaining about the game , dont even play it if they dont know how to play the game
Even my noob lil bro mnage to kill everyone without problems, but he dont tunnel and target, he watch how survivors play then do a stategy how to kill,
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I dont care I have to deal with tunnelers and campers.I care that i have to deal with tunnelers and camper PLUS the awful matchmaking,solo q,rubberbanding and bad desgined maps.But mostly soloqa and matchmaking.Is already unbearable.Ill just watch the streamers i like while i will just uninstall and come back when all of this is solved.
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healthy perks? not so much sure about it... people will usually tend to exploit and obtain an advantage with those perks, no matter what...
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I will be fine. You just have to change up the approach a bit. But if there is anything easy about survivors, it is face camping them. They always get so mad and make tons of mistakes as a result of it. I am not too concerned about the changes.