How many Survivors are gonna stop playing after the update next Tuesday?



  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    You'll certainly have your real world data this week.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374
  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Here you go...

    BHVR, Let the Community Help — Dead By Daylight

    This is from MandyTalk

    Don't forget that there's also no matchmaking in the PTB so accurate information with regards to balance is impossible to get from that respect.

    Any other snarky comments Racoon?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Did they?

    I was unaware, but said it as it's a neutral statement based in reality.

    Like to where it was said? I'm definitely curious if I'm unintentionally quoting someone.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Don't forget that there's also no matchmaking in the PTB so accurate information with regards to balance is impossible to get from that respect.

    Direct quote from a mod. For whatever reason, I put the mods name and a link to it on this comment thread and it got blocked. I really don't understand these forums sometimes.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Do you disagree that accurate data will come to light this week?

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    I'll keep playing survivor after the patch, but I sure won't expect to survive anymore. My escape rate is already too low as it is. I'll experiment with a few different builds to see what suits me, and then maybe I'll actually get better? Who knows.

    As another "who knows," they'll surely make some adjustments after a while. They've already said they'll be making additional changes with hotfixes and what now, so I'm curious to see what happens.

    Sucks that I don't have anyone to swf with though.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Ah, I took your message the wrong way.

    I thought when you were saying "You'll certainly have your real world data this week.", that you were being snarky and meant I had made up the mod saying that. Sorry about that.

    Yes, the developers will definitely have balance information after this patch. I doubt we'll see it and we'll probably have to look on one of these DBD stat sites to see what's happening.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,700

    no it's not, this is the update that's gonna bring a lot more perk and killer variety. This is the update that's gonna save DBD you can count on that.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Maybe it's going to slightly up killer variety, but it won't do anything for survivors. They'll still be bringing an anti-camp, anti-tunnel and anti-slug perk since those problems weren't addressed at all, and camping even got buffed. That leaves just one open slot which is going to be CoH or one of the exhaustion perks.

    This won't fix anything for killers either, since the core gameplay for killers is just flat-out terrible and trying to solve it via balancing wouldn't fix it until survivors have a 0% chance to escape. This patch might increase the winrate for killers, but it's not going to make playing killer more enjoyable or less stressful.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    they couldn't really change much " in the beginning of the years of DBD" cause you know, you can't always know if a thing is ok or broken in a game without testing and seeing it working out in game (which takes time of course). Sure 6 years might have been long (maybe too long) for changing things but well, better late than never.

    Saying they "completely nerfed all perks to garbage" is also such a untrue statement. There were nerfs, buffs and some tweaks as well. Also I think it is pretty dumb to be upset with the idea of getting used to new perks if you realize that we have new perks every chapter as well.

    When you have a game that exists for 6 years with constant updates, it sounds quite ridiculous as well to have the playerbase running the same perks for 2 years also, like, you know, what's the need for multiple options if it all comes down to 1-3 ctrl C + ctrl V builds?

    In regards of the last claim, they addressed the camping/tunneling aspect of the game. You know, the endurance wasn't always there by default, no way you would say even this was a frustrating change for survivors (if so I can't think of what would satisfy you at all at this rate). The issue with those aspects is not by any means eradicated though, especially with the reduced DS stun + killer boosts on cooldown, but hopefully this may come to a better change in the future.

    Over all I agree that having some disappointments with some things is totally valid (not everything pleases everyone, nor displeases everyone as well), but crying about things changing at all to the point of not playing again sounds just stupid to me.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,700

    well I think these are great changes for both sides that will make the game more enjoyable, I do however wish solo queue would've gotten a buff cause they do massively need it.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,135
    edited July 2022

    The perk "variety" for killers is just gonna be the gen perks that got buffed this upcoming patch. The only thing that changed is the difficulty of killer now.

  • randyorton
    randyorton Member Posts: 5

    As Killer its so easy to win and the pros who think they sre good as killer and use the headshit or stand infront of you after they hook the last i laugh at you because it needs 0 skill.

    As killer you can win every Round the Gens are now freaking slow to finish. Camp the first on to dead then hook the next and wait until unhook tunnel him to dead wait until he dies. Then down the other surv and go for the last easy as ######### and you cant complete all gens now. So happy camping and tunneling it works awesome with the new patch.

  • honestscript
    honestscript Member Posts: 259

    lol, i stopped playing now unless friends are on because at least then this game can be kinda fun

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Ah, the combo of


    has caused this thread to arise again!