Dead Hard was a crutch

Generally, I don’t use Dead Hard. But if its a rough night of Nurses and Blights, I end up putting it on.
Dead Hard was too strong and it really did lack counterplay. It was easy to use with very few drawbacks and even the strongest Killers would get in scenarios where baiting it out was impossible.
We’ve all seen the end of match perk screens and behaviors stats. 3 out of 4 Survivors use it on average. Change is gonna be hard all the exhaustion perks modify people’s playstyles, so there will be a lot of Survivors dying because they underestimated distances.
Even though Dead Hard feels great to use, we all know its been the majority of the playerbase’s crutch for years. I don’t know if this rework is the right move for BHVR because it will upset so many people, but I applaud them for taking such a risk to get some exhaustion perk variety in matches.
More like exoskeleton, it buffs everyone not just those who is not very good.
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I think the biggest thing we're going to see is a lot less risk taking at pallets. I'm generally going to expect a drop 1 loop sooner than i would assuming everyone has DH
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Their first iteration on the PTB was just fine. Remove the distance and give a 1 second endurance effect. Now, with it being 0.5 second endurance and endurance no longer triggering if you're afflicted with deep wound, it'll be largely useless. If a perk is too strong, nerfing it into oblivion is not the correct solution.
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Oh yeah. It’s strongest in the hands of good Survivors. Its a crutch for some of the best.
Wouldn’t be shocked if some super high MMR players quit the game over losing Dead Hard.
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You know, even as a hardcore survivor main, I'm willing to agree that the Dead Hard we're saying goodbye to was BS. However, I can't help feeling like most of the killers who would crucify DH users are just gonna be met with disappointment when they find out they can still get looped without it. And in comes the complaints about all the other exhaustion perks, especially with people playing safer now...
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Dead Hard was so far above the other exhaustion perks.
Even with the 0.5 duration mega nerf, it’ll probably still get used more than Balanced, Smash Hit and Head On.
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Dead Hard sucks. I never use Dead Hard, ever. EVER! What a puny plan.
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It's not like Dead Hard is leaving and taking half the pallets on Gideon Meat Plant with it
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Talk for yourself I recently became a slinger main, I can't wait for shots to actually matter and not people denying snipes because of E.
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Due to all the safe pallets I think the scariest Killer BHVR could come up with would be called the Woodchipper. Definitely S-tier for sure.
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Chainsaw killers are quite strong simply because they can saw down pallets.
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DH a crutch? Some breaking news here. Next thing you know we'll hear NOED is a crutch
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i really wish they buffed second-wind/renewal to not require the survivor to completely heal a full health-state.
its only way to use off the record->dead hard or dead hard->BT in the end game next patch. dead hard+off the record+bt(for end game)+renewal/second wind is going to be really awkward build to play.
maybe, playing against nurse 24/7 without meta build is uneventful.
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NOED got the killer 1 or 2 "free" downs per trial and could be countered without perks (cleansing totems)
Unlike Dead Hard, which gave survivors 1 or 2 extra loops per chase, 3 out of 4 survivors had it, and it had to be countered with exhaustion perks and addons
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Trapper stonks this update
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sadly NOED doesn't even help killers to win, all it does is inflating kill rates a little (maybe 3-5% or so)
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Crutch for whom?
For a lot of killers to whine about, even though 9/10 times it could easily be baited?
Yes, good survivors know how to use it well but if you're chasing a god looper you're already losing the game, regardless of DH's involvement. The average survivor DH's for distance often into a wall/tree/whatever inanimate object. And if they do manage to get into the next loop, jungle-gym T&L, you can mindgame them.
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Dont blame them blame all the players that wanted to abuse and stack as many endurance effects as possible.
Dead Hard should always been about skill so I think the .5 is fine tbh.
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Changing perks won't change play styles, different perks will become meta instead.
Until base changes are made, it will be sprint burst/lithe in 80% of games instead.
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Ironically I feel like one of the main reasons why dead hard is so popular is because of how many nurses/blights you find in solo queue, I never equipped the perk when I was relatively new to the game...when my games used to have different killers in them (my games used to be something like: clown - demogorgon - myers - bubba - freddy, maybe a random nurse or blight every now and then) but after a while my games started looking like: nurse - blight - nurse - nurse - blight - nurse - nurse, so I equipped the perk and never stopped using it since then.
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Why do you think they people will “underestimate distances” when the entire purpose survivors intentionally made you think that was because they could dash?
Like, the logic behind this is so odd. People still think that DH users were actually just underestimating distances this whole time?
Oof. It’s no wonder some of you whiffed even after you knew DH was in play.
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This. Exactly this. Remember when survivors were constantly complaining about Spirit having no counter play? She got nerfed, now it’s NURSE who has no counter play. Players are always going to adapt (on both sides) and perfect the next best thing.
My vote is on Sprint Burst or Overcome being the next thorn in Killers’ sides. The smart ones will just run to safe zones, and play it safe- eating up the killer’s time. They won’t be as strong as DH is now, but still annoying by eating up precious seconds.
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Hope devs take the same time they took for DH Nerf (5 fking years) to Nerf Nurse.
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Except one has to be dealt with during every chase with every survivor every time.
And the other happens once per match and can easily be prevented and is also rarely used.
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Even after dead hard was basically deleted you people are still complaining...
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There are definitely some survivors who currently consistently evade attacks using Dead Hard which has an identical 0.5 timing to the new version. So I’m fairly sure those players will still use the perk.
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It's a crutch, but...
Generally, I don’t use Dead Hard. But if its a rough night of Nurses and Blights, I end up putting it on.
I use it against those top tier killers that have no counter play except with Dead Hard.
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I will miss using DH against Nurse or Blight's using crazy good addons because it helped a lot against them and their top addons. But on the other hand although it sounds odd... I'm kind of happy it's being nerfed because I will no longer feel at a huge disadvantage when using another perk in its place. I can't think to myself "if only I had DH". Basically, a new perk slot has unlocked for me now!
One thing I really fear though is the rise of basement trappers now that DH is being nerfed... hopefully it doesn't catch on.
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Oh the new Monstrous Shrine was already going to see to that. Not being able to Dead Hard over a trap is just the icing on the cake.
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People will adapt and learn to play smarter. The first month will be rough but it's not going to be the end of the world to not have it.
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Good thing DH is way better against those killers with the change, but weaker against m1 jokes.
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Why are they reworking RPD when The Game is still a thing?
As an M1 killer main, RPD is perfectly fine, and it always has been, but I'm tired of getting 0K games after kicking damn near ever pallet in The Game.
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They will quit rather than play Killer, tbh.
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Yeah, before this nerf I was still playing without dead hard for almost a year. My looping is a lot better and sometimes I would run windows to connect loops better.
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The thing with dh is the it diesn’t have strict activation requirements and it is useful in any situation. You don’t need windows or anything else really you hust need to be injured which in a chase will always happen.
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It's ok using DH against nurses or blights.
Other than that it's a crutch perk at it's best.
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You can’t choose the killer ur facing
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I dance on Dead Hard's grave
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I just feel bad for killer players now that survivours are forced to learn how to loop safer. I have hoped for dh nerf for ages but its scary what the effect will be long term. Sprint burst has always been good for safe play and i hope the game doesnt go back to everyone using it.
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So what? If you go up against a doc or a trapper, you refrain from using it?