Wesker Music

What vibe do you want to get from Wesker's music? Like what feeling do you want to pop into people's head when they hear it? Like for example Nemesis, even if you're someone who doesn't know him you can get a feeling of what he might be just by his music. It's really loud and fast and energetic which you could then assume that Nemesis in Resident Evil is clearly a big boss enemy that means something to people.
For me, I want it to be the loudest and biggest music yet because of the weight behind Wesker. The feeling of "Oh this is clearly the big bad I've been waiting to go against multiple games in!". The feeling of this character is IMPORTANT. They need to nail that.
Honestly so long as it doesn't sound like a washing machine, it's good with me
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cough cough GF theme cough cough
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just throw on "heat on beat 2012" from RE6 & call it a day.
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Whatver it will be, BHVR will knock it out of the park.
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Something like that. I really loved the idea adding his voice-lines to his chase music. He is still human and iconic, it is makes sense tho.
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What do you think he's gonna look like
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A dbd-ified/remix of this
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He has many cool themes: Wind of madness, RE4 mercenaries and UC one. Any of these themes + dbd one would be great. But it will probably be something completely new. RE4 mercenaries style fits his personality i think :)
Edit: Typo
Post edited by GRIG0 on1 -
Like his vapid uninspired confrontation in 5? Sorry i just think wesker sucks ill leave now lol
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I actually like that theme more honestly. Sure it sounded like a washing machine but it sounded good as a simple horror theme.
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I will bet my soul on it being RE5 Wesker.
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I'd bet almost anything itll be his RE5 look but I so badly want it to be his STARS outfit.
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All that build up for him to be a generic not well thought out character. As in he was built like he was going to be different and more interesting then your average re villain. So much wasted potential with that character for him to just be a 5 year olds idea of power scaling with the matrix bs and the revisit into final mutations that all the games did with every last boss since Birkin.
In dbd hes either going to be matrix wesker which is lame, or hes going to be a mutated wesker. Which at that point why isnt it Birkin?
Im going to humor it and hope that bhvr can make him interesting, and im happy for the people that like him. I just cant stand him.
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To me hes a killer thats creeping in the dark watching and waiting so the music should be something like string plucks like something youd hear watching a spider crawl down its web.
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Pump up the jam by Technotronic.
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problem is, if the chase goes for too long, it sounds super annoying and repetitive.
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I can see why people don't like him. Everyone has different tastes. Also I will say 1 thing though. You said why isn't it just Birkin a that point, honestly that could be said for Nemesis in DBD as well.
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Some other killer themes already do that honestly. I don't think anyone would like listening to Twins' chase theme since it's like 1 second long.
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You and me both, mate. This is by far the least hyped I've been for a licensed chapter, hell, maybe even in general. Wesker just seems so incredibly boring and uninspired to me. Then again, I wasn't really that excited for Ringu either, and yet it ended up being one of my favorite chapters of all time, so I haven't completely lost hope yet.
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I still think bhvr are competent enough to make something interesting. I haven't been disappointed with a killer since twins
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The reason why I wouldnt say that for Nemesis is because his base form with out his transforming can stand on its own as a concept. Which Nemesis transforming is the only thing he has in common with Birkin but it was done better with Birkin.
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Guess you are more accepting than I am. I've been pretty disappointed with most of the recent killers.