Next update should be for solo survivors, as well as a means to deter killers early tunneling.

Mewishis Member Posts: 305

I think that solo survivor definitely needs some love in the next patch as although base bt will help a lot, especially with my matches, I want to know what my teammates are doing at least through icons like I want to know if they are on a generator, healing, or being chased. It would significantly help me to make better decisions and I don't want to run information perks all the time even if they are useful it would be nice to add more base information.

Though I definitely agree with the concern of adding too much information would be bad, which is simply why I am asking for at least a few changes that would give me a lot of information. So I don't stick to a generator while the other survivor that I think is going for the save is being chased or the other way around. I don't care if my teammates don't make use of these icons similiar to deliverance broken status or the icons we have, as I pay attention to those things and I would definitely make use of these if they were inplemented.

Also instead of adding perks I think there should be more incentive to getting more hooks spread on the survivors, to deter tunneling and camping extra points if you get a hook on every survivor and more if you death hook every survivor, and so on.

Since tunneling will likely never actually fully disappear the game should have it so at the start of the game like at 5-3 gens if you get hooked (once or twice depending on how abusable it can be if it was actually implemented) in a short period of time without the killer hooking another survivor you should get a free DS lookalike, without a skill check to increase the chase time to help deter tunneling at the start of the game.

Though limit it to one player only and obviously make it expire after the killer hooks someone else I can agree that its a pretty big change that sounds pretty bad on paper, but it's only a suggestion and one that can be easily bypassed if the killer does actually turn their attention to someone else as well as only being active at the start of the game and to only 1 survivor it does help

I just think it's better than adding more anti-tunneling perks into the game and it actively rewards killers who don't tunnel while punishing the ones who solely try to win through tunneling a survivor out as quickly as possible and not to mention it easily bypassed simply by playing normally. Is it a bit extreme? Yes, but I don't really see any problem with it being abused too much since it's only active at the start of the match.

Is it the solution to tunneling throughout the game? No, but I more have a problem with the game starting and just tunneling at 5 gens than someone trying to get a kill at 2 gens left because sometimes it really is best to secure a kill so you don't lose. Just never saw much of a problem with tunneling at midgame and late-game.


  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Also, make it so blood point gain is similar to both sides by improving the emblems so there is no more of a definite better side to get blood points on. Thanks.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited July 2022

    I also want action icons... so my teammates will stop assuming I'm doing nothing and stop trying to sandbag me