What would you do if you see these offerings in the play as the Killer?

I just know it will be probably sabo squad that will try to delete my fun out of the game and it turns out it was! What a suprise.
IMO I think map offerings should go, there are unbalanced, on this example you can see why as well.
If I don't load into RCPD, I'll play any match up.
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Irritating but I'd deal with it and probably open the gates to force them out
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Just based on the offerings? Wouldnt expect a full squad of sabo. But tbh badham isn't even the best for sabo, you could run any map then. Typically you go for RPD and abuse the library or Midwhich which has generally bad hook spawns
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Yeah unless rpd or midwich, sabo squads aren't too bad. Just know what to expect and slug till it's safe to start picking up.
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I would call it a bully squad not a sabo squad. i dont consider one toolbox a sabo squad
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Btw I think I just realised what was the last brown offering: I think it was for the basement to spawn in the shack, so they can fully abuse the school building, downstairs mainly. This is so evil and sad that people are allowed to set up the game like this. Stupid offerings.
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Slug and camp make one of those survs lives as miserable as mine.
Learn when the prime time swf hour is and go go gadget Starsruck.
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If I load into a busted map because of an offering, mercy is off the table. I'll play as the perfect bastard.
I obviously think map offerings should go.
Someone made a great suggestion a few days ago: offerings should instead help preventing to go to the map in question with some probability, maybe 50%. The effect should not be cumulative so four survivors wouldn't be able to guarantee it.
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A tip: "bullies" usually expect, quite naively, that the killer will play to win and get hooks. Against those I usually play to troll. I usually get rage-quits or bleed-outs. (Granted, I suspect it requires some experience to pull off)
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happened to me too when i was playing trapper... at that point since they refused to do generators, kept fleeing in that cursed place and just to be sure to gave me a really bad time by using also purple toolboxes just in the absurd case that i had the luck to find a hook (impossible since thanks to the pietrified oal offering they removed the only hook availables that could spawn in the school: the one behind it and the one after the window in the school's garden), i just dc and wrote to them that i won't waste my time playing with people who doesn't want play the game (or better, they want play ONLY to make the match miserable for the others). this should be punished with a ban imo (like they did already when legion blades addons gave infinite mending).
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Starstruck in this type of scenario is always hilarious. Especially on slinger, where he just kind of pokes them with his gun and they go down.
If I suspect a swf, I usually run Starstruck as an optional perk so I am able to hook in peace.
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Sabo squads are the most fun you can ask for as Killer.
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Do your thing - I'll watch some YouTube while I wait at the Exit Gates
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Can you guys stop asking to nuke map offerings please? Just remove all the fun left in this game why don't you. They're the only things that make ghostface and mirror myers viable.
The core of the problem isn't map offerings, the problem is unbalanced maps.
If anything they should make map offerings hidden (as well as balancing maps) so that people have less cause to ######### about things that don't matter.
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play the game
if I lose, oh well
if I win, cool
if theyre salty, womp womp