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Tips for damaging survivors with dire crows?


I have the daily to damage survivors with dire crows 4 times. I've been playing with the artist for quite some time but I never seem to be able to damage the survivors, only swarm them. I think I'm overlooking something.

Anyone got advice?

Best Answer

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2022 Answer ✓

    To damage them with crows they have to either be very close to them, youll see a straight line in front of them thats the damage treshold, or hit them with a crow while they are already swarmed, the second is hard because its up to them not dispeling so go for the first one.

    It also depends a lot on the Survivors, usually you put a crow in a loop and then try to herd the Survivor in a direction he will get into the damage treshold line, then you shot, they get damaged, I say it depends a lot on them because the counterplay is leaving the tile to avoid the crow entirely so youll have to find Survivors who dont really know how to play against her.

    Its not an easy ritual or an engaging one if you dont like Artist, I suggest you reroll it and get a new one.