Legacy portrait extra for the end-game screen

Hello! It's just a little idea I had... as you may know, every Prestige 3 Character before the update gets a new legacy portrait with an animated scratchmark gradient that goes from bottom to top on the back
I think it'd be cool if in addition to that, your tile (with perks, items, add-ons and points) in the End-Game Screen also had an animated scratchmark gradient that goes from left to right in the background so you're able to show off your dedication to other players!
yes! I love this idea, simple, but fun and it's still a way to show the effort we put in ^^
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BHVR Please!!! Read XD
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That would be nice.
Doubt they will do anything more, not like they did much tho...
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i love this.
anything that other people can see that provide the promised and official "bragging rights" as mentioned in a dev stream
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This is a great idea. Many people have pitched in their ideas by now. I made a post about this issue myself. The more we draw attention to this, the more likely we are to see action!
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This, the portraits are really cool, I love them, but it kinda sucks only you are able to see them...
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Absolutely. I don't think it's asking for too much. It doesn't need to be complicated at all. As of now, I am STILL grinding for P3 in the hopes they will give us something that can be seen by others.
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I literally changed my Steam name to "P3 Grinder" currently struggling to get all killers to p3 but i am very close.
currently only 8 killers missing and they are all at least p1 or p2 with Blight only missing 16 more levels to be p3.
I really REALLY hope they add something to the after game lobby screen that indicates P3, because while the personal reward is nice, nobody else can see it and that irks me.
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Yeah, I currently just have Twins left to get to P3. They're currently P2 lvl 4. I very much hope my ridiculous dedication to this is properly rewarded with the "bragging rights" they promised.
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Please. The way they teased the P3 rewards made it sound like it would be something you could show off to other players, and that's still more important to me than something only I can see in my character select screen.
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It's frustrating because this is clearly a big deal to many, yet no attention is being given to it.
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Agree with you