Possible DS balance changes

I’ve got 2 ideas that I think might help balance DS
1:Everytime DS is used on a killer in a match it’s stun time is halved and on the 4th survivor to use DS they will have the perks effects negated so only 3 strikes max will go off in a match each stunning the killer for less and less time
2:If the exit gates are powered you have to wiggle to a certain percentage to use your strike,this percent would be reduced if you are the obsession 


  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    I would like it to be an exhaustion perk honest.... while in chase stun the killer for 3 seconds causes exhaustion for the same 60,50,40.... it would somewhat be like DH require skill----> reward... lack of skill/practice-----> punish.... maaayyybe add in the injured requirement