Chapter Idea: Lies and Machinations

I know there was a recent chapter put out, but I got inspired by a killer idea i had and decided to make a chapter around it.
The Spinster:
An arachnid monster, whether they were ever human is unclear, but the malice and sadism they display are quite apparant. Tricking unwary nightgoers with the sounds of a helpless person calling for help, it made it's prey on those who would help others.
Power: Weave
pressing the power button places webbing on the ground that applies hindered to any survivor that walks over it, while also revealing their aura to the killer for 4 seconds. This power has 4 charges before it must be renewed at a 'nest'. When using the secondary power button key (control by default) for 10 seconds on a window a 'nest' full of spiders and webbing is created. When vaulting through a window with a nest, survivors will occasionally scream afterwards and have deep wound applied.
Scourge Hook: Voracious
When hooking a survivor on a scourge hook gain a 4/6/8 second haste buff
Hex: Belligerent
While this hex remains a survivor repairing a generator in the process of regressing has their repair speed reduced by 10/20/30% for 15 seconds.
Agile Hunter:
When under the effects of bloodlust, your lunge attack has increased range of 20/40/60%
Lewis Machievelli
Backstory: A fraud and a cheat, The question wasn't IF someone was going to go after Lewis but WHEN. Despite being the 'best mechanic in the city' certain customers would often find their cars breaking down not long after getting a repair from him, and everytime they went to solve the problem he seemed to already have an idea of the issue. When he was finally announced missing- no one batted an eye, Unaware as they were of his fate. Would they have been, they probably would have handed him over to the entity willingly.
Boon: Mechanic's watch
When blessing a totem, all survivors get a token every 30/20/10 seconds inside the boon's area up to 5 tokens at the same time. Whenever a survivor gets a great skillcheck with a token, the token is consumed to grant double the effect of a normal great skillcheck.
One step ahead
When screaming or producing a loud noise notification, get 4/6/8 seconds of aura reading on the killer if they are farther than 32 meters.
When a survivor near you loses a health state, gain a haste effect for 2/4/6 seconds
I'm open to suggestions to improve these ideas, but this was a spur of the moment thought process I wanted to share with you all!
Wow, damn I like it.
One thing, I don't like the idea of adding more slowing killers in, I say this because Clown and Freddy are rather dull to play as and against. I do like the window idea though, maybe only apply to medium/fast vaulting. Maybe make that the primary power and the secondary be something like using M2 to infest a survivor, make it a skill shot, they are always more fun, have it where infesting a survivor grants the ability to port to them, like Pin-head and they have to cleanse it somewhere. She would then be kind of weak in chase so maybe make her window power slow or forcus a medium vault. Idk, I'm spitballing.
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Haha, why did I go ahead and make it a her? I gots some problems.
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I am curious to other's input. I really like the idea though, it'd be so damn cool to see a spider killer in game. Awesome job on the concept.
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Thanks! I agree that a spider killer would be awesome. I like the idea of more monstrous killers showing up.
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This killer sounds terrifying good job
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Thank yoou! glad you think it turned out as a proper threat!
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I was thinking it'd work a bit more like trapper in chase, you lead a survivor to that area so they have less options to get away from you, rather than focusing on in-chase slowdown. you cut off their options and in return the survivor has to plan around you, instead of the other way around.
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Ohhh, gotcha, that makes more sense. Can't wait to see the mori animation hehe.
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I was thinking they'd have a unique mori where they web up the survivor and step on the neck. Leaving behind a cocoon. Unfortunately I think that killer's aren't allowed to leave anything but a normal body on a mori/kill. But if it were allowed I'd have them be the first exception (then give trapper his own new mori using his beartrap because that just makes sense)