I don't get why they have to nerf Spine chill

Their nerfing it because it gives to much information on the killer is what I hear...How or is it because you can play jump scare Myers anymore because a survivor has Spine chill. I like the perk mainly for the fact I now can deal with Wraiths and all that now it only works if the killer has direct sight of you. I know how to make the perk better let's also remove the speed you get on repairing and healing that barely changes anything. Spine chill is fine as is the speed boost never made it over powered plus the killer looks at me it activates it doesn't prevent them from chasing me or not downing me while I'm exposed. I have no idea why people complain about the perk even then some perks that people complain about get nerfed all the time I complain about Dead hard i never say it needs a nerf I just say I hate how I can hit someone but it doesn't count because they used the perk. Spine chill is fine the way it is.
The devs really wanted to butcher this current meta to bring out a new meta. They got what they wanted as a lot of current meta perks are in the trash now.
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Spine Chill as it currently stands is a little too strong. It would be a good perk even if it had no action speed bonus. So it did deserve to get a nerf of some kind. They may have over-nerfed it in the new version, but it did need an adjustment of some sort.
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Because the perk was designed for new players in mind and not competitive-minded players who want every advantage in one perk as possible.
Literally gave a warning killer is coming, faster actions, etc.
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Because its a perk that tells you if the Killer is coming, no-one reasonable is walking backwards to counter it.
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They removed its ability to be used as a crutch to invalidate stealth killers. It still provides plenty of value against non-stealth killers, especially since they walked back the LoS change.
A perk that is universally good with situational obsolesence is still much better than one that is mediocre all the time, otherwise nobody would ever bring anything regarding healing into matches with the assumption that plague could just nullify them all.
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The perk was simply too strong against stealth killers and gave unnecessary speed increases. It punished killers for looking in a survivor's general direction and rewarded survivors for being spotted. What sense does that make?
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No one perk should completely supersede killer powers, and that includes Stealth.
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It completely screws stealth killers. I rememeber using it all the time when I was a baby survivor, it was a brain turn off.
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Because kill rate it lower than what the devs want and a bing of stealth killers whined about it because they wanted to have an easier time pulling people off of gens.
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Compare it to another info perk premonition
* Info
* 30 second cool down
Spine chill
* Info
* No cool down
* Faster action speeds
* Faster vault speeds
* Forces killers to moon/crab walk to gens as the only counter
It is way too strong just like iron will. No cool down perma effect perks should either be extremely weak to balance out the 100% uptime value or not exist
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I think I'm confused about its changes. Everyone saying it no longer counters stealth killers, but two main stealth killers - Myers and GF - get their powers when in line of sight from survivors. So if Spine Chill now activates on line of sight, doesn't it tell people when they're being stalked?
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Myers main strength is not the stalk, if you only go for EW3 downs you are bound to lose the match, his main strength is having a 8 meter TR with M&A, once you start hearing it he is 1,8 seconds away of getting a hit which he almost universally gets.
EW3 is a very important part of his basekit but the reduced TR is also a powerhouse to contend with if you know how to use it, thats what Spine Chill really counters on Myers, stalking is better done at low wall loops or after a pallet drop since you are at minimum range and maximum stalk efficiency.
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yes, but how many people will take a perk that is good against two Killers in the Game?
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Cheers. I don't use Spine Chill and honestly couldn't remember the last time I had a jump scare Myers. Most just stand at a distance and i see them and run, or I hear them breathing when close by. Probably just the MMR level I'm at? A higher MMR Myers probably plays more efficiently
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There's several perks that deserved their nerf less than SC. I still hope that a new vaulting speed perk is coming.
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Spoken like someone who has never been a stealth killer trying to get some value to their power, only to watch the survivor leave the gen 30 meters away and run to a safe area.
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I do think the equal to Spine chill is Premonition. They could change with cool down and buff to make both has its own use.
- If not in chase + look at Killer's direction: perk activated for 3sec.
- While perk activated, you dont leave scratch mark.
- After that, the perk has 45sec cool down.
Spine chill:
- If not in chase + Killer look at you: perk activated for 3sec.
- While perk activated, your action is 6% faster.
- After that, the perk has 45sec cool down.
Both perk should not work on Undetectable.
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The problem with Spine Chill is that it prevents stealth killers from using their power. The action speed bonus nobody cares about. The vault speed bonus is a biggie. The counterplay to spine chill is to avoid looking at the gen/survivor.
Can't count the number of times I've approached a gen as Ghostface only to watch the survivors sprint burst away.
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Another problem is that you can't reliably tell who, if anyone, has it.
Maybe the Survivor running away has Spine Chill. Maybe someone else saw you and told them on voice chat you are coming.
If you could somehow tell if someone has it then moonwalking is good counterplay. But that would require some new kind of mechanic that reveals perks. It's just easier to go through with the rework / update.
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Current Spine Chill just hard counters GF and Myers while also it soft counters all other stealth killers and stealth perks. I had a match as GF in RPD and i couldn't find one Claudette the whole match. After i killed 3rd player she tbaged me at gate and escaped. She had Spine Chill and knew all the time when i was sneaking up to her.
Spine Chill deserved nerf but not in a way bhvr did it. It shouldn't trigger when undetectable killer is looking in your direction and thats it.
Spine chill after this change would still be a good perk since current speed boost it gives can come handy in hard situations.
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Unpopular opinion: vault speed build was stupid and I’m glad it’s gone.
But beyond that, yes, it needed to be changed because it was too effective against stealth killers.
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Undetectable, means Undetectable.
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Same reason they butchered the part of BBQ that did not influence the meta whatsoever. Just because people used it.
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Excellent way to put it.
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Bro, you could be playing against a Ghost Face/Myers/Wraith/Pig and they would never catch you off guard because of the perk alerting you they are near and looking at your direction even through walls. It also gave the vaulting speed to the survivor which further weakened these same killers, now it doesn't.
Tbh I thought I would see so many more people complaining about the nerfs to Dead Hard and Ruin, yet most people seem chill about it but complain about the non meta perks
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Imagine being a serial killer and needing to act so shy and scared of survivors that you cant establish eye contact lol Spine Chill made killers feel like a joke.
I'm all for strong perks, but not ones that emasculate the power role
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Too powerful against stealth killers.
This is a change I could accept, and I don't say that very often.
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Stealth killers.