Twins is an absolute Powerhouse

I always hated playing Twins, so I never really tried them. And versing them was always horrible. But for the past Month I was playing A LOT because I wanted to use up all the good Offerings for the P3 reward.
Bruuuh, I keep 4king with 4 gens up 90% of my matches. What is going on? This killer is the easiest Killer, I get better results with Twins than with any of my mains.
And MMR is not the reason. I see the same SWF groups with Twins like I see with my mains like Nurse, Artist etc.
And yes I play Twins a bit in a dirty way and slug if I see the oppurtunity. But I dont do the boring camping playstyle
This killer is nuts.
I think what you mean is, they are monsters.
In high mmr.
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Indeed they are very strong. Which is why almost everyone has them in A tier in their tier lists.
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This is insane. Once I got the hang out of Victor they can nearly never dodge it.
I dont even have good perks unlocked, the only slowdown I have Is lvl 1 POP. Imagine Knockout on Twins.
I havent seen endgame once in the around 100 games I played as twins so far
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I think twins can only get cooked by insane genrushing (4 boxes with BNP or whatever) and maybe a map like Lerrys (wasnt on that map as twins so far)
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And the survivors bring 1 CoH, and their whole deal completely falls apart.
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Not really, have versed some CoH troups. Yes, snowball slows down. But they waste so much time healing and rebooning. They still dont reach endgame
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The thing about that one quote people like mocking where the devs said Twins were "monsters at high MMR" is that it's very believable because the Twins are very good, lol.
I'm not very good with them, but I do find them very fun. Looking forward to their update, iirc they're confirmed to be next!
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I hated twins when they released. Idk why, just wasnt fun to play. But after being "forced" to play her a bit she actually grown on me. However, from the survivor POV nothing has changed. Its a massive slug fest and not fun
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I got my adept on Twins on Lery on old rank 1 reset system. its strong map for twins because victor has no terror radius and he moves 150% m/s. He's like better stealth killer than wraith on lery. it makes no sense.
Your lucky if you like them, they're apparently one of least popular killers meaning the majority don't think they're very good and don't have much fun playing them. you found a killer that gels with you.
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Survivors have to be very coordinated to counter a good Twins player. There are ways to deny Victor downs and limit his power, but they're pretty unrealistic in solo queue. Victor chasing an injured player? Injured player ideally tucks into a corner or hops in a locker while a healthy player blocks the hit or stands in front of the locker so Charlotte can't pull. Good luck pulling that off in solo queue.
Plus, most players can't stay up in a chase vs Charlotte anyway, which renders a lot of Victor counters moot.
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I never played them but from my understanding is that yes, they’re strong in capable hands, it’s just that they’re just clunky to play, which alienates players from them.
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Dont know why people think she's weak, I completly ripped swfs with meta perks and pink items apart, maybe it's because they dont know how to play against her, but nevertheless I feel very powerful playing her (without slugging everybody)
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But I feel I’m losing my sanity playing them.
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motion sickness or wdym?
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I'm pretty sure you aren't really on majority side, most isn't THAT good at her.
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that can be said about pretty much the entire community in general no matter what killer or survivor
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I meant like she is the most unintuitive killer of all.
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I'd like them more if they weren't so clunky to play as
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While this is true - the killers who only play twins are usually incredibly good and will stomp most teams (even really strong SWFs).
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They are strong but only as long as Survivors don't heal, anti-slug perks and they don't work well together as a team.
When you meet Survivors with We Gona Live Forever, CoH and medkits you will be glad you can even pick up someone lol.
Any healing, antislug perks are their biggest enemy which all of these are very common.
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Against randoms everything is a powerhouse though. In fact, if you're a somewhat experienced killer and you don't stomp 99% of the matches, you really must be doing something wrong.
Against SWF, if they're good and know what to do, Twins' power considerably decreases. But that's every killer.
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Wait till you go against good Survivors that buddy up, you'll get lucky to pick a single Survivor up
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I have seen that a few times. Still destroying them all. Most they have managed to do was 3 gens so far
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I had very good survivors when I played twins. I see the same top notch sweat SWF groups as twins like I see when I play nurse. And I havent lost a single match as Nurse since 6 months or so (3k is a win for me)
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Fyi, Twins are the 4th most used killer in competitive DBD tournaments.
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Killrates show that killers on average kill around 50% of survivors per trial so I think killrates should be closer to 90% then if that't the case. Unless most killers are baby killers then? I think I win most of my games but I don't know exactly debends which killers I play with myers I always win but with pig I have harder time.
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Not really I looped both Vic and Big Sis multiple times...the only reason we got 4k isy teammates kept trying to body block and not do gens
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That goes for a lot of killers though. I feel The Twins is harder to counter than a lot of other killers. Solo survivors struggles a lot.
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I believe that time management is the most important thing when playing Twins, more than mechanical skills.
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I've been playing them since I knew about Lynxi and figured out how to play them efficiently. I had the same experience as you, stomping every match and doing incredible comebacks.
After a few weeks playing almost only twins the MMR did his thing and now I have more balanced matches with smarter survivors who actually know how to counter them so I sometimes have to sweat a lot.
Anyway I still find them way more powerful than my other mains.
If someone is interested of learn to play twins check this channel
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They are quite strong in right hands and it's good to hear you enjoy playing Twins.
Still i refuse to play them. Twins' cooldown is so clunky and sluggish, they are kinda painfull to play.
And this comes from guy who enjoys PyramidHead and Freddy.
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I mean gotta has to be that way, Some counterplay is needed to kick victor.
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The twins weakness is when survivors stick together in pairs of two once you know someone is being chased, victors about to down your buddy? Have him hop into a locker and then stand in front of it and force victor to latch onto you , or when they go down kick victor and pick them up with something like WGLF, power struggle and flip flop is a weakness for them as well, or if a survivor has a syptic agent they can activate and eat a victor hit just to kick him while he's on cool down, my point being there are plenty of good strategies that can negate the twins completely and they're more of a noob or mediocre survivor stomper.