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PC - Invisible walls blocking projectile-type assets

Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

Issue has been found on build 6.0.2 during a match on the "Léry's Memorial Institute" map.

It has been noticed, that there is an invisible wall/asset in the middle of the door frames in one of the corner tiles (per match). The invisible wall is only located in the middle of a doorways and blocks all projectile type attacks.

List of corner tiles tested & affected (these tiles have to be in the corners | these can also be found in attached videos as in most of them I show the tile names in the ESC pause menu): 0P_MD61, 1P_LD61, 0P_LD61, 1P_HD61 .

Slasher powers affected by the issue:

•Hunting Hatchets (The Huntress)

•Vile Purge & Corrupt Purge (The Plague)

•The Redeemer (The Deathslinger)

•Summons of Pain (The Cenobite) (Additional note: whilst standing in the right spot, chains will not spawn and attack the survivor)

•Afterpiece Tonic/Antidote (The Clown)

• Showstopper (The Trickster)

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Open the title on build 6.0.2
  2. Select "custom match"
  3. Click "Match management"
  4. Select the "Léry's Memorial Institute - Treatment Theatre" as the only map in the map poll
  5. Get a second user (necessity to start a custom match)
  6. Player that has the "Killer" role selected, must select a killer from the list above
  7. Start the match
  8. Go to each corner of the map that contains the tile from the list above
  9. Throw/Shoot/Vomit in the middle of the doorways connecting the corner tile with other "Corridor" tiles (I don't have access to your pro Naming Documents :cry: )
  10. Observe


Actual: The Projectile is blocked by an invisible wall.

Expected: Projectiles are not blocked by invisible assets.

Repro stats (assuming you use jira or youtrack)

Reproducibility: Sometimes (majority, RNG due to spawn randomness. Around 70% if you count only matches in which the issue has occurred and not corners/tiles tested)

Priority: Low

Severity: Normal

Proof / Clips of issue

sorry but since it's game we sometimes messed around for a little, sorry for the couple minutes of wasted time across the clips <3


Game mechanics & information from template that do not play any role in the issue:

  1. Player Log (procedural map generation)
  2. Perks used (issue unrelated to perks)

Locations: if a tile is extended further from the corner only, issue is less likely to occur. Most often it has been found to occur when the corner tile starts and end in doorframes and does not extend past them.

Behavior: Projectiles that do not have an area of effect, are rendered completely useless if they hit the invisible block (example, huntress hatchets). However, if the Player uses Trickster with his "Edge of Revival Album" killer power addon, and hits the invisible asset with a player standing behind it, the Player receiver laceration.

Spawn requirements: As mentioned earlier, the asset only spawn in if both doorframes/ways spawn in the corner tile. If one of them is missing, it is unlikely for the issue to occur in said corner.

Kind regards and hope you enjoyed my little read :) I try my best.