Deliverance Change Suggestion

Okay, I know Deliverance is a really strong perk. If the survivor manages to activate it while using it together with an anti-tunnel perk, the killer loses all the pressure they would've gained from that hook. I have seen good SWFs using that perk in really nasty ways that gained the entire team a lot of advantage.

HOWEVER, realistically, nobody uses Deliverance. The reason is really obvious, the perk will do absolutely nothing if the survivor using it gets hooked first.

6.1.0 is changing a lot of the meta, which is nice, we really want to see something different from all the old things, it feels like for the past few years the average builds almost haven't changed. I believe the majority of players want to see more stuff getting changed so the meta really feels different. For that reason, I believe that buffing this already strong perk could motivate a change in the meta.

My suggestion:

Deliverance still has the same effect for your first hook. Additionally:

-If you did not make use of Deliverance during your first hook, during your second hook, you can press the Activate Ability button to pause the progress of the entity for 10/20/30 seconds. Skill checks do not appear while the timer is paused.

Obviously, just like normal, you would need to make a safe rescue to activate the perk.

This change would make it so you can still make some use of Deliverance if you get hooked first, and this effect can be used in many different ways, including in a similar way to the effect that it would have in the first hook, which would be to just use it anyway so your teammates can take longer to save you and do gens (similar to the advantage you get from the first hook effect since, in the first hook scenario, the killer lost the pressure and might still have to deal with 3 survivors working on gens).

It could also be used similarly to Kinship and basically punish a killer that camps for too long.

Either way, you only get to make use of one of the effects of Deliverance, so it wouldn't be completely busted. Both effects can be less burdensome for the killer if they manage to get another down quickly.

Oh, if that would make you get worried about SWFs running 4 Deliverances, that still wouldn't be as busted as 4 Dead Hards pre-rework, not even close, and let's not forget that gens will take longer now.
