Is this game okay?

Grison Member Posts: 11

Two things.

1. I played for a few days with Survivors, no problems. Today I wanted to play the Killer. I was disconnected 4 times in a row, I got a penalty. This is some known issue or maybe I'm lucky?

2. A long time ago, just before I stopped playing, the big event was about introducing some MMR for every killer, better survivor rating, the game was going to be better and more fun. Today was my first game since then, so my MMR has to be pretty low. For starters, 4,000-hour survivors. Cool. My second game was a wonderful team with 4x Putrid Oak, you can imagine what it was all about. The third team full of players from 2000h. And they were all teams. I have a total of maybe 150 hours for the killer? 200 at most. I'm in the middle of 1000 kills achievement, no Gold Badge achievement, so my skill is rated Silver, not very high. Does MMR even work? How can I be connected with such players?


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,276

    If you are in an area with not a lot of players, MMR will take a backseat, its rather unforutnate. Also disconnections haven't really been an issue lately so I think that's probably on your end.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    It is very hit and miss sometimes and it also depends on the time of day. Hope it gets better for ya.