Wrong Prestige lvls after conversion?

Wampirita Member Posts: 808
edited July 2022 in Bug Reporting

I didn't aim for p3 everyone before update, i only focused on my mains, and after the update, my characters who were p3 with ALL perks, ended up being p9 anyway, no matter perks unlocked.

From what i understand, characters i had with more perks should be on bigger prestige than those that were just p3'd.

In my case it was like that before update:

Jake - p3 ALL perks

David - p3 lvl 21, barely any perks

Jeff - p3 and around 80% of the perks

Yui - p3 ALL perks

Nurse - p3, lvl1

Huntress/Doctor/Bubba - p3 ALL perks

Trickster - p3, about 50-60% of the perks.

Why characters that I had fully grinded ended up on the same lvl as those that didn't get many bp

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  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 586

    This isn't a bug, they limited the catch up mechanic to P9 at max, even if bonuses when calculated together could push you past it.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 808

    that's not the problem i have with it

    Mandy said p5 = p3.

    characters I had on p3 with no perks, shouldn't be the same lvls as the characters that were leveled beforehand

  • Chimmers
    Chimmers Member Posts: 3

    I also have a similar issue. All my survivors were P1 last night but survivors from Adam down haven’t received the boost to P3. Very frustrating as I spent ages over the last couple of weeks getting everyone to P1. No issue with the killer levels, just survivors 🤷🏼‍♂️