The New Progression System Is WAY worse Than The Old One

BHVR hasn't edited the amount of BP it takes to get to Level 50, so now to get P3 perks, you have to grind the amount you would if you were at P3 pre-patch. This costs about 7 Million BP, but now without bloody clothing. To get said clothing, You would have to get 14 Million BP instead of 7.

The amount of BP it takes to get to P9 (Perk Charms) is 21 MILLION BP. This is way too much for newer players and will increase the grind by 3X. BHVR needs to fix this IMMEDIATELY. Newer players shouldn't have to grind 3X as much as someone with 1,000 hours before 6.1.

TL;DR the grind is NOT getting reduced, it's gotten worse


  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited July 2022

    Speaking for myself, any prestiging/grinding past P3, tops, is entirely self-inflicted and shouldn't be factored into calculations. Bloody clothing and charms don't affect gameplay the way lacking perks would, so I don't consider them part of The Grind (tm)

    The barest of minimums would be P1, which is 10 more levels and gets everyone you own those perks in tier 1. From there it's your choice to level the specific character(s) you actually want the perks on, or keep grinding the character who owns the perks to get them in Tiers 2 and/or 3 in everyone.

    Edit: I imagine levelling only your maina would be more a survivor thing, while trying to get all perks on all characters would be more valuable for Killers.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Anything above the perk unlocks is to continue to get items and addons, actually.

  • Ramanga
    Ramanga Member Posts: 50

    Yeah I was trying to convince some friends who've barely played that they should come back, but they asked exactly how the new system was better for them and I really couldn't explain it.

    You might possibly earn 40,000 bp/match instead of 32,000, a 25% increase, but then you still have to do the same amount of levelling, if not more, you'll just not be getting any perks that way (on the plus side you'll get sick of addons and offerings).

    So many people yelled at the top of their lungs that this update only helped the obsessives and did nothing good for new or casual players, but BHVR ignored this.

    At least VHS launched yesterday, so there's that.

  • Pokedude1110
    Pokedude1110 Member Posts: 24

    BTW, I should've clarified that it's solely for scale. my main point is that to get to Prestige 3 you have to grind the exact same amount, but now it's to get perks and now without Prestige cosmetics. The grind has become harder for newer players and super easy for older players, which is not something that should ever happen, especially with this game. The newer player's grind is getting even worse with each new chapter that releases, effectively making it so that the only easy way to get the grind done is if you have played the game since release.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    To get to Prestige 3 on a single character costs the same amount, but the point is in terms of unlocking perks that’s the worst you have to ever do when you get a new character. A flat 150 bloodwebs max get you their three perks on all your other characters at level 3 all at once. So the more characters you have the more the new system saves you, especially as you get more new characters over time.

    Also it’s worth noting that the new matchmaking bonus where you get boosts for playing the side that the system says needs more players can get pretty huge. I was seeing it on streams as high as a 100% boost to bloodpoints multiplicatively applied to the amount you get including bloodpoint offerings and the new 40k caps, etc. You can get something like 70-100k bloodpoints in a match.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited July 2022

    You say that like the cosmetics are more valuable than the perks. Perks are a much better reason to grind prestige, imo. Hence my point that grinding past that is entirely the player's choice as no rewards past P3 affect gameplay.

    You may have a point the is difficult for newer players but given the size of the game at this point I don't think there's any way around that short of overhauling the entire system from scratch.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    yeah, completely disagree here, the grind was never how many blood points you need, it was how long it took before a character was playable.

    This new system means characters being ready to play is much faster, you use BP to get characters to level 3 with the best perks and unlock them for free on all characters. The value you get from blood points now is amazing, I went from really only having 1 survivor and 4 killers with a lot of perks to all killer and survivor characters being playable now.

    The whole blood point grind hasn't changed thing going around is a myth.

  • FunCat
    FunCat Member Posts: 27

    THis change is the worst change since this game was launched.

    With the old prestige system, you was able to stay at a level 50 bloodweb to have better items.

    Now you are forced to prestige everytime you reach a level 50 bloodweb and you have level up the bloodweb again and again.

    It's surely better to have perks, but if you need specifics great addons (ex: long range for the nurse) you must spend 500 000 bp before starting to see good addons in the bloodweb.

    I had 2 000 000 BP and needed the long range add on for the nurse,

    I had stiil the old bloodweb but didn't have this add on in iit.

    So i was forced to prestige and start to level up the blood web, wishing that i will not wait too long to have my so desired addon on the bloodweb.

    I spent more than 500 000 BP befaore having this addon and after I competly leveled up the Bloodweb to 50 and prestige again, i spent again 1 000 000 BP.

    I only had 3 of this kind of addon with 1 500 000 BP .

    So maybe you have now better chances to get perks, but you will struggle to get good addons because you will be most of the time in bloodwebs that have only crap such as the one from level 1 to level 40.

    If you need to have your characters all filled with all perks it's then good for you, but it will be a nightmare for you to have good addons for all your characters.

    I don't think lot of players are playing with all the characters.

    II think most of the players have preferred characters and will be happy to have now all the parks available without to have to level up all characters.

    But now it will cost a lot to have a purple flaslight once you will be forced to prestige.

    I hope they will give better bloodweb for the low level or i think i will do as lot of other players and also as I did last year,.... stop playing this game AGAIN.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    as a content creator, I want to play a variety of characters as I feel IMO, it is better than the same killer/survivor all the time, so it benefits me greatly.

    I've generally always tried to avoid using high addons and relying on them, I stick with yellow or below because I figured green and above are tougher to get, so if it is tougher to get the really good addons in new system, then I can see why that would make the new system seem worse.

  • Ghalam
    Ghalam Member Posts: 99

    The new progression feels bad. If I play average 20k or so per game I require way many more games than I did with BBQ and chili giving me extra blood points. This feels way grindier than it did before. Also, what is the point of the shrine of secrets now? you get 100k for a perk you have maxed out or you pay 2k/4k/6k to unlock each tier. May as well do the grind to P3 for whatever killer you want the perk on. I appreciate that I get the perks immediately but the amount of work it will take to get there makes me want to play the game less not more.