Any other ideas for Pallet Muncher Wraith

Sadly don't have dredge sadako or nemmy for call of brine, eruption and dissolution. I was considering overcharge but being below baseline regression (which is already rather #########) for 12 seconds doesn't seem that appealing and like realistically who is missing the skillcheck in 2022 some shenanigans with dragons grip might be intresting though but considering the coal is to go around 2 foot tackling everything in sight its 80 second cooldown would get in the way. I have been considering lessening the kicky kicky theme of the build and adding MYC for fun and pressure though
Run an uncloak speed addon
You'll eventually come across a smartass survivor who will repeadetly vault pallets in your face over and over so you can't break it
I do this to wraiths with this kinda build and they get so mad at me
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Sadly I got no addons yet but my plan was purple shadowdance and then that one uncloak after breaking ######### one for fun
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I went back to my classic Laura build Wraith which originally was Purple Speed+ Beast Soot with Sloppy, Nurses Distressing and Coulrophobia.
With Iron Will nerfed, I swapped it out with Dissolution for now but I haven't gotten it to work yet.
It's not a pallet build but I just wanted to share