Thoughts on the new update?

GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

Greetings survivors, killers, and both-siders of the Fog! I hope this thread finds you doing well.

So, today was the big day, eh? New update dropping, Dead Hard nerfed (FINALLY), Thanatophobia buffed, Legion and Plague apocalypse, bla bla bla...Originally, my plan was to take a good look at those red backgrounds, even if they are a VERY poor excuse of a reward and immediately close the game.


Each Forum post here was more confusing than the other, and 95% of them had a complaint of sorts (which is not unusual, but still...) and it was getting a bit difficult to catch up. So I decided to wake up my inner GLaDOS and put my differences with current DBD behind us...for science.

And well...the result was interesting.

Now, I didn't play MANY trials, because everyone knows I can't stand current DBD for long periods of time, especially if I am by myself, but I did get to see most of the stuff that got changed. And imma just say it right now: there was an impact.

Those changes definitely made an impact.

The DH nerf easily takes the spotlight on this one, and it is such a good change that now I REALLY wish the devs had the same idea back in 2017, when they designed the perk or a few weeks after its release. This had to be done, and in a perfect scenario it would have been done a long time ago.

There is also an odd absence of Decisive Strike...really, in the spam of a few matches I believe I only saw it twice. I don't think the 3-seconds stun time is a terrible change, mostly because DS actually worked like that in the past. Whether or not this perk has been killed remains to be seen.

Now, as for the killer buffs...I have some mixed feelings towards them. I get why they did it, especially with the "Hold W Meta" (which is a stupid thing, btw), but I believe they could have buffed Brutal Strength and Fire Up instead. As for the elephant in the room...


It has always been one of my favorite perks and seeing it finally buffed felt good. I used it on all of my games, and its usefulness is clear. Paired with gens taking longer, and Legion and Plague being...ya know, I can see this perk being a part of the "new meta", if we can even call it that way.

But, at the same time, there is some damage to be taken into consideration. Things seem to have gotten a bit rough for Solo Queue, even more so than they already were. Look, I strongly believe that the difficulty level of playing solo survivor was not as scary as some people made it out to be, mostly based on my experiences with solo q from 2018 until leaving the Fog.

But now... This update hasn't been kind to it, and I would not be surprised if there are complaints on the way.

Overall, I believe this patch did a few things which were needed...and many which were not, and perhaps even more so than most patches in DBD's recent history. I don't get why they nerfed BBQ, Ruin, Self-Care, and many others. If the objective truly was changing the meta, there are better ways to do it.

But then again, remember that everything you just read are the words of an old dog, one that no longer cares, plays...or even recognizes the game which he used to love.

And you, dear reader? What do you think of the changes released today?

I will be more than happy to read them!

-Signed by GeneralV, the Master of Old DBD.

P.S: If you would like to see my build for the day, here it is:

