Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

This update is going to make or break the game

As a killer main I hope this game does not die but my experience has been horrible on survivor on killer its been great but you have to remember if survivor is (unplayable)… for most people the game will die the game needs a balance and there isn't one late at night and survivor still has the blood point bonus that means its very bad player numbers for survivor and that's not normal especially for a big patch like this most people know that I hope they address this quickly cause if only the killer is having fun only 1 in 5 are going to keep playing its basic math if they don't address this soon the game will die.

sorry for grammar


  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    I wonder why killer mains think it's great to have super easy wins...

    Let's not talk about SWF... let's talk about solo Q games. You as a killer probably had easy games in the past before because of baby survivors or had to sweat your ass off. And it was fine, as long as some mechanics were not abused.

    Me, as a solo Q main surv, had lots of fun playing survivor even if it meant dying... because I had the means to make it harder for the killer to get me or I had the means to help myself survive more.

    Many of those resources are gone so now you know the killer sees you = the killer downs you. Yes, you can still have some loops but not as efficiently. And I never ran DH or DS by the way.

  • Teslaboi
    Teslaboi Member Posts: 107

    Yeah, I unfortunately have to agree. As a fellow killer main that likes to delve in solo que I can confirm it is basically unplayable.... and match making incentives don't seem to work in SWF soooo.... guess I'm not playing survivor.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Just one thing: the incentive prop has been busted. It shows +100% for survivors, yet survivor queues are 3-5min and killer are instant. The prop should be the other way around.

  • evancalgary
    evancalgary Member Posts: 90

    I don't I want to work hard for a win and feel proud of it if its just given to you from the start what's the point

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    It might be too early to tell but people sure seem to be really divided on these changes. I think killer mains are more likely to keep playing when the game may seem rough for them than survivors are. Survivors are the ones chased, thrown on hooks, mori'd, camped, slugged and tunneled. Killers only have to deal with so much from survivors and can't be eliminated from the match. If survivor mains feel those things are more common now or just happen easier than before then I can see why they'll decide they've had enough. The killer role in my opinion has always seemed easier to just accept a bad match and move on. Speaking from a survivor main perspective however reaching those points of frustration that just make you want to close the game out do happen often.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    Yeah I don't think DBD has long left ngl unless a lot of things get changed and quickly.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    There is no such things as "super easy wins", most killers don't have low enough MMR to match with incompetent solo queue players.

    There is plenty skillful soloq players and it's not like we can opt out from SWF matches.

    Honestly, at this ratio reduction of survivor players only helps game health, most "killer main" plays killer just because they can't match as survivors with reasonable time frame.

  • VcatoV86
    VcatoV86 Member Posts: 48

    This game will die for one simple reason: devs do not care for survivors. They only care about two things (as is evident by their last survey):

    1) what do streamers think? They bring in the money.

    2) do killers have a "long" (subjective) wait time.

    Now that killer requires zero effort for 4k and streamers can punish swf, the devs don't care. At all.

  • evancalgary
    evancalgary Member Posts: 90

    easy wins is not the problem it are survivors enjoying the game if the answer is no the game dies cause 80% of players are survivors and if they eave there's going to be no one left

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    Huh, pretty bold to assume ALL survivors stop having fun because of this change.

    If that's the case somehow, how about removing killer role and replace it with bots? this way people can win more and have more fun.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,432

    I think most players will roll with the punches tbh. Plus next chapter is Resident Evil, probably not a coincidence this update came out when it did. Last years Resident Evil chapter boosted player numbers higher than ever before, so best time to introduce a rework is just before the next one drops

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    Survivors are crafty, they'll adapt. Re-learning how to run tiles without dead hard is gonna take time and practice, and everyone's sense of how much distance they can get off a hit / palette drop is also shorter than they're accustomed to.

  • evancalgary
    evancalgary Member Posts: 90

    this is honestly right on the money for the most part i think you could add bad leadership and communication from the devs and bad patches

  • evancalgary
    evancalgary Member Posts: 90

    that's fair but if a dlc brings them to the game and not the game itself they wont stay long like 3 weeks tops

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    the maps should be redesign to the point where looping is viable again... or else it is just a hack n slash kind of game in some tiles

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    Well we still have the mid chapter coming up around the corner, and I’m sure some stuff will get addressed. I say it’s too early to tell, but you’re correct in pointing out it’s not looking good. I say after the next chapter with the Knight from With Honor (or whatever the name of that game is), if things haven’t been ironed out by then, we’ll have a more concrete answer and may even be able to call it.

    If VHS was to release soon, it would have put some holes in the DBD ship (not enough to sink it, just damage it some). So BHVR needs to be thankful for that. Idk why they just didn’t stick to the plan of bringing solo Que up to SWF as close as possible, then buffing killers. Base kit Kindred alone (as suggested) would have been a huge help.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618

    really? for me it's the opposite: until now i had faced only extremely toxic tryhards who are winning without troubles... the only exception was when i was tired of the situation and took blight... i barely won, but it wasn't fun at all... they even forced me to tunnel at a certain point... if this should be my average killer experience then i'm done for good with dbd...

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    This game survived several months of the old Ruin + Undying terror. I doubt it'll be any different from any other time people said the game would die.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    We'll see how that works out for the streamers when they end up in 10 minute killer queues because solo queue survivors aren't around for them to stomp.

  • Ciabe
    Ciabe Member Posts: 119
    edited July 2022

    100% loss rate out of 15 solo Q survivor games...even against mediocre killers that really deserved barely 1 kill. I didn't run meta perks before, but the extra gen time is impossible. Usually no gens done. My killer games have been cake walk like never before.

    They broke it good with this. A game can't survive if 80% of their player base loses 100% of the time.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    I just got out of a match, because I was slow to the uptake until I realized how slow the gen was compared to before and how slow I was running AND the new loops.

    It was insufferable and against a legion running thana, sloppy, ruin and Lethal. Pretty much made it impossible to do gens and we all failed at 4 gens left, barely getting the 1st gen done to begin with. This update has quite literally made playing DBD a snooze fest for the killers who are BOUND to get 4k's 90% of the time which is a HAVEN for entitled killer mains since the META perks have been nerfed to an unusable, unreliable point and HELL to play for Solo Q, more so even impossible.

    This has officially been swayed to being Killer sided without a shadow of doubt and will likely force an unwanted meta changes forcing either more SWF or less survivors. Or? Kill DBD as whole... and I truly hope NEITHER of these come as an option.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    This whole "SWF is the problem" argument doesn't hold water. It doesn't take comms to know that if you're not being chased, almost invariably, you should be M1ing a gen. In the first minute and a half, the killer should lose 3 gens. That's not SWF, that's solo survivors knowing what to do.

    In that time, we get one out of our requisite 12 hooks. Now it's 4v1 with 2 gens left and the killer needs 11 more. THIS is the reason killers tunnel and camp; to at least make it 3v1 and make the match bearable. It's not SWF, it's genrushing.

  • evancalgary
    evancalgary Member Posts: 90

    expectations are higher now and for most people this is there breaking point after the horrible meta in the past if people don't like this update they will leave its that simple