Maybe Some Survivors need to "Get Good"

Here we go, time for me to share my input on this patch.

As a person who mainly plays soloq survivor, I can definitely feel a difference in my games. It doesn't necessarily feel like the gen I'm sitting on takes forever or that my personal chases are worse, but the overall game dynamic feels a little off.

I was fortunate enough yesterday to get a good mix of killers and not face forever legion/plague, so I got a good grasp of what an average game might be in this new patch.

A lot of the games that I had, I end up dying in the end, which before the patch, my escape rate was more a 50/50 chance (depending how risky I wanted to be for EGC saves). Now, I'm not entirely upset about this, I was a little bummed last night because I had many games where I knew pre-patch the game wouldn't have ended in a 4k.

The grievances I feel is that the overall game pacing has changed so that survivors definitely have less time to do things. Now, this isn't a bad thing because BHVR wanted to raise the kill rates, so making it harder for survivors to get everything done with 4 survivors alive is a good thing towards that goal.

What I mean about the pacing being different is that by the time end game hits (if it does), there was usually 1 person dead, 1 on hook (person in chase while last gen poppped), and then 2 survivors free. I was usually injured because I found in a lot of my games there wasn't time to heal, which then left us in a situation where we either had to choose gates, heal and go for the save, or split up and maybe hook trade if we had states left. Usually this would result in either a 4k by the killer or only a 1 man out because the killer would pressure the gate and chase one of us letting the other escape. I would say, this scenario was the average game I would have, which feels as if it is designed to only have 1 survivor escape maybe 2 if the killer decides to camp the hook. Usually before, there was a high chance we could get the 3 man out, or at least have enough time to hook trade, get the doors, and reset. Now since the games are a little more closer, there aren't those extra hooks states at the end game for that wiggle room of time.

There were a couple observations that I made that could cause this phenomena to happen or explain why it is harder for survivors right now and how it might not be permanent at all.

  • 1: Survivors aren't used to being in chase with the killer without dead hard or aren't used to them getting a quicker blood lust (not forcing the killer to break the pallet to get rid of it as soon).
  • 2: Eruption really hurts soloq.
  • 3: Low Morale/Ineffecieny
  • 4: People aren't used to having to hook trade with the new cooldown time.

So, for the first point. In a lot of my games, my teammates were going down pretty quickly where I would barely get half a gen completed by the time they went down. This was not the case in the previous patch, and I feel like it might be the people who were reliant on having dead hard extend their chase. They just need to adjust and "get good" which will take a little time for them to rememorize how to run loops without getting hit. This didn't effect me personally because I never ran dead hard and usually don't run exhaustion perks, so chase is about the same for me.

Eruption definitely hurt some of my games. I started running rookie spirit just so I could maybe save regressing generators and see what the killer was kicking. Although I know the killer kicked a gen, I don't know when my survivor teammates would actually go down. Having generators take longer, plus me not being able to progress anything for 25 seconds hurts a lot. I can't work on gens and I can't reset myself and heal. Although eruption does have a cooldown, the coooldown is only 30 seconds, so you can basically always apply eruption on gens and if survivors are hit by it, the gen won't gain enough progress to be significant.

This third point also doesn't help when survivors just "give up" because they aren't winning. These games are going to be close, so close that most games might only have 1-2 survivors who get the chance to escape. Having survivors either throw by running to the killer, suiciding on hook, or just wandering around not sitting on gens is basically handing a 4k to the killer. The games will be close and you probably won't get out, but if you decide to stop trying, then it ruins it for the team and you're just sealing your fate. Maybe that one survivor who hasn't gotten chased yet is a god in chase and you should be on a gen instead of opening a chest or cleansing a dull.

I had a bunch of games where survivors get grabbed during the unhook/hook trade. This was because of either STBFL which is now easier to deny unhooks because you have a couple stacks built in base kit or they just hesitated for a split second which was okay before but now you can't. Puts everyone in a really bad spot and usually it was game over at that point.

I still had a couple games where the killer was bad and we got a 4 man out, but those were because I think the killer was kinda thrown into a game they weren't supposed to get (I had to wait for survivor games quite a bit). I still was able to have good chases that would bring back the game. I was able to have some good chases that would allow 2 gens to pop and then I would get hooked. It just wasn't enough in some games when my teammates would go down quickly.

I feel like, as survivors improve in chase without using dead hard, then escape rates will go back up a little. There is the other scenario where then more experienced survivors have their mmr drop so then they are paired with people who give them more a 50/50 escape rate, which just causes mmr to have a deflated survivor skill level so that will be interesting.

TLDR; Survivors need time to adjust in chase where they have to loop without having dead hard. It's going to be rough for survivors for a bit, but most likely will go back to having better average escape rates for those who can loop.

