Maybe Some Survivors need to "Get Good"



  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
    edited July 2022

    Survivor queue times get shorter = survivors are all leaving because of this patch

    Survivor queue times get longer = survivors -want- to leave because of the patch, but they're forced to play survivor for BP

    No possible answer that involves people still actually enjoying the survivor role, I assume?

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Yeah... I barely escaped any of my games last night. It definitely was a bit of a bummer. It's the games where we only get 1 gen done for me that makes me feel kind of bored and sad with it. I'm running these fun perks and just not able to do much because it feels like the team is dropping like flies.

    While I agree that the basekit buffs to killers also help in chase, I definitely have to say that DH nerf does take some credit when it comes to buying time. My survivor games used to have on average at least 2 other plays running deadhard, and now deadhard is useless. Maybe in your games Deadhard was useless, but a lot of my killer games, deadhard was really significant in certain loops with windows. High mmr survivors know how to use dead hard well, so a lot of times it would buy another 15-20 seconds in chase if they were able to get to a good loop. Longer gens times also don't help, but when my teammate goes down in 40 seconds and would have been able to reset their chase and gotten another 40 seconds in the past, it makes a difference.

  • Aubwie
    Aubwie Member Posts: 24

    All they did in my games of survivor is camp and tunnel not really scary just boring, makes me want to main killer.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    I didn't say DH does not deserve any credit I said it's getting too much. Which it is. I get it. It's a visible perk. Changes that are not easily seen are hard to factor into what makes the differences in chases. At high MMR chases were extended because pallets could be looped maybe one or two more times before a forced drop. So yeah, they extended. I was a dead hard user myself with a fairly comfortable knowledge of looping and yet I didn't always get my dh off or was in a position to use it effectively. Equipping doesn't always mean it was used to extend anything. I'd say if you knew how to use DH effectively you had some basic knowledge of the mechanics of chase anyway. A new player that can't loop isn't going to throw on DH and become a God. A lot of people are saying DH is the only reason survivors were winning and that just isn't the case. It was the only reason killers could point to and say, see I saw them use this and they won but there are many factors to winning and dh is just one piece.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Yeah I agree. I wonder what would have been the difference in games if they only did the dead hard nerf. Because having eruption buff and gens take longer both hurt a lot when it comes to finishing the gen. I honestly think a big part of why games go bad is people just giving up, and when you have 3 gens that are almost done but not popping because survivors aren't pressuring them properly, the team will drop like flies with it looking like they got nothing done.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Game feels great as killer. I was playing Clown and Ghostface and always felt like i had a chance to win going for 12 hooks if I played well. It was so much less stressful not having to worry about Dead Hard or endgame DS/OTR. I do expect that they will revert at least one of the basekit changes, such as the speed boost nerf or the weapon wipe speed increase.

    That being said, solo needs info buffs immediately. They need the icons showing what other survivors are doing and a Rocket League style chat wheel to say I'm going for the save! Killer chasing me! etc. I think basekit Kindred would be fine if it severely restricted how far you can see the killer's aura because knowing exactly where the killer is going after the hook is really strong.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Basically just need to give all the free info a swf on comms gets to soloq basekit.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    This I fully agree with. The killer buffs are great, but survivors needed something in return. I so want them to add those survivor icons to help out solo survivors. And I want them to actually nerf camping and tunneling, and not actually buff camping.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    This is just my opinion so it doesn't mean much but you have alot of posts so I assume you've played for a while, and I want to clarify inner strength is a good perk and I'm not hating on it I'm stating my opinion in general

    People have gotten too comfortable healing in this game, and against skilled killers you need to make the most of your time, gens go fast if people commit to them and run builds to counteract the slowdown somewhat because there's not enough speed perks you can combine to totally stop it but still adrenaline, resilience is one hell of an underrated combo you're basically staying injured to have a free toolbox and if multiple people are running gen builds with adrenaline the gens will fly by faster than you think and you'll all fly out of there like cockroaches.

    I've always said this and caught a bunch of ######### on here but good survivors don't need to heal because they're good enough in chase to stay on gens and still give the killer a decent run if they run up on them, survivors heal too much in today's DBD and there's a time and place for healing like after a gen pops and someone is right there other than stopping everything to reset everytime.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    I doubt it, since they disabled bonus killer queue is endless again, dying 9/10 match is probably not that fun for the average dbd player

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'd be fine without healing if Iron Will was still available. The moaning just gets on my nerves after a while.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    That's my biggest issue with this. Idc about dead hard or whatever, but basekit buffs for killers and nothing to compensate for solo q just isn't great.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    a lot of survivors are still playing like they are untouchable and toy around with the killer which ends... very quickly

    nobody is doing gens