There should never be debuffs on a perk

Calm Spirit, Botany, and prob some more perks should not have debuffs. Perks in general shouldn't have debuffs because they are a PERK, something that helps you through the match, only addons should have debuffs and nothing else. I hope future perks don't come with debuffs because its just not healthy.
This seems like an incredibly arbitrary stance to take. Why should add-ons be allowed debuffs but not perks? What's the difference? If anything add-ons should be given more grace in this regard because you're actually spending the add-on, you get one single use out of it, while perks are forever.
Perks take up a perk slot, so yes, they inherently have a cost. but what if the effects of that perk are too strong to warrant only costing 'one perk slot' and nothing else? You attach an additional cost to them.
You have Hex Perks, which are strong perks, but they have an additional cost to them, they can be disabled by survivors.
Likewise, some other perks have an additional cost in the form of a debuff.
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I'm fine with debuffs on a perk when it comes to a big tradeoff like No Mither; then it becomes a playstyle change. But debuffs on thoroughly average or below average perks are just baffling. Like, I thought they were trying to buff less-used perks, but instead they made Calm Spirit unusable and killed the build Botany was best at.
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Why do you feel it's not healthy?
I think allowing debuffs on perks actually opens up BHVR with more avenues to make a variety range of perks. If they want a particular powerful effect, but it has to come with a downside, I think that's more interesting than only exclusively creating weaker perks with zero downsides. The extreme example of this are Hex perks - the downside is they CAN be broken.
I think the difference is, the downside has to be worth the upside, and that comes down to balancing the perk effectively.
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I do not completely agree with this.
some effects dont need a downside though. For example altruistic healing with a medkit + botany knowledge seems completely fine to me so i dont know why botany knowledge applies a debuff there.
i dont know why calm spirit has a debuff at all.
some perks just dont need them and in general i like risk vd reward more than "this is better, that is worse" type of perks
imo perks shouldnt give debuffs but instead just not work in some circumstances. I think they are trying new ideas with perks in this patch and how the community reacts which is why 2 perks have debuffs now.
we ll see if they stop doing it
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I would say hex perks are not a normal type pf debuff. Hex perks can have this because it's a specific model on the game (hex totems) but randomly making percentage debuffs on a perk makes no sense
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There’s nothing wrong in principle with a perk having a downside, it just needs to have an upside that is strong enough to make up for it. Calm Spirit’s upside isn’t a good example of that unfortunately, but hypothetically if it did something more impactful that made up for the slower cleanse speed it would be fine.
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Some perks need drawbacks to balance them rember when legion could swing 6+ times in frenzy missing all of them that's the perfect example of why some things should have draw backs
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Botany should just not apply to self-healing, period. Remove the medkit efficiency debuff. It’s stupid yet also does nothing against other forms of self healing not involving medkits.