Has David King always been gay?

I mean technically both are true. He was born that way, but was outed recently if im not mistaken.
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By recent I meant literarily speaking. Not canonwise. Canon changes with retcon.
Wondering if this is another gay Dumbledore. It seems that way.
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Well, he certainly is now.
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No. It stated he had a girlfriend in the original lore.
Unless the GF was just his big, gay beard, he has been ret conned.
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Some gay people out (notably older ones) have had straight relationships before. It could take time to discover your true sexuality or perhaps society pressured them into acting straight in front of others.
So like from a writing standpoint it may just be a retconn, but it would still make sense even if it wasnt a retconn.
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wait david king is gay always has been
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Well, at that point, it's impossible to distinguish ¢ℓєνєя αи∂ ρℓαииє∂ writing with a straight-up retcon, so it doesn't matter.
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I mean I guess it doesn't. Representation was perhaps a bit forced but I'm still happy it exist.
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I'm pretty sure, design-wise, was that he wasn't originally written as being gay, but DBD asked GaymerX to help decide a survivor to make LGBT+ (with the idea that they'd pick someone for reasons that felt genuine and who wouldn't come out a token or stereotype) and they decided on David.
FWIW, I think their reasoning was solid, I like their choice, and I think it's resonated with at least quite a few people.
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Not me. I belong to the part of the LBGT community that doesn't get impressed with blatant queerbaiting.
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Oh well. I respect your opinion either way.
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Thank you, I respect you. I just want to be viewed as more than marketshare.
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One is not truly gay until they publish an unnecessary tweet for PR
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A lot of trans people I know it took way too long to put 2+2 together, then they look at their childhood and then it's like "oh yeah I was trans the whole time Haha"
David feels kinda natural in that regard I guess, but I didnt read the tone myself so I'm not 100% on the specifics. Having an established GF doesnt ruin anything for me.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Sure but this is a fictional character, whose entire identity is defined by the paragraphs provided.
Adding stuff later is totally fine but he was clearly never originally intended to be gay.
This isn't political. Purely observational.
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Yeah, always will be too
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The way they've done it (with one of the original characters, as opposed to just making it one of the newer characters or even ading a new gay killer) suggests they've cared about representation in their game from DAY ONE. They didn't. Which I can't really fault them for, because NO ONE did back then. But I'd have a lot more respect if you didn't take one of the most stereotypically manly men and gave him the Dumbledore treatment.
It's blatant queerbaiting and it's phony.
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I think at the time David and Huntress were release Behaviour was not thinking about characters sexuality (I guess lore wasn't a priority before). But you know, DbD evolved and representation is always welcome. I'm glad the chose an original character.
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I am not sure I’m following, are you saying David feels natural because you think he’s dumb?
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It was a recent revelation for the players and not something that was part of his lore for the first 5 years he was in the game. Its something they worked to add to his lore over the past year.
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I'msayingthat discovering yourself isnt aleays easy. You miss obvious signs, interpret things the wrong way and what not.
A lot of guys dont discoverthey are gay until they get laid. My dad was one of em lol.
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I don't think it was intended for David to be gay till like 2022 MAAAAYYYBEE 2021. Like he was added so long ago and he also had his tome ages ago. Like I do like him being gay but it kinda does feel like a retcon to make him gay because they didn't want to make a new gay character. Here is to hoping for more LGBTQ folks in the future though (Im too lazy to find a rainbow emoji in the forums ######### emoji yoke)
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Agreed. Just add a gay character.
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or you know Bi people exist.
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Was it not announced that he was gay. Mybe Im misremembering but I thought it was like directly stated.
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He is specifically mentioned to be gay after the fact, not bisexual.
Bi and gay are not the same thing.
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Clearly. But I wonder why the implied animosity toward bisexual people from gay people. I've seen so many gays and lesbians gatekeep bisexuals, hard.
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Who is "implying animosity"? It's not myself as I have carefully worded all my responses. Or are you just pulling this opinion from your own feelings?
You can't just throw a blanket statement that "gay people gatekeep bisexuals" without any context whatsoever.
It's not true regardless.
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Yes. Move on.
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His tome would contradict the idea that it was a retcon. It sounds like he did have a girlfriend but didn't actually love her. It happens. I actually know several gay guys who said before they realized they were gay they had a girlfriend. It is entirely possible for both to be true.
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i really dont understand why sexual orientation matters at all in a murder video game or why anyone cares what gender some character wants to bang when sex has absolutely no part in this game.
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He should've been written as bisexual rather than gay imo. Would stop the arguments about the girlfriend in earlier tomes and bisexual people are underrepresented and face discrimination even from the Lesbian and Gay community.
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On the off chance you're actually curious here's a uni thesis that's good to read on the topic
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im not gonna read a thesis. I dont mind representation at all, im on the lgbt spectrum. Its a good thing to see.
But, there is no reason to shoehorn stuff for the sake of diversity into places where it doesnt belong.
the sexual orientation of characters in deadbydaylight has zero impact on gameplay, story or anything actually relevant to the game and i am at a loss as why someone would care about what a avatar that doesnt have sex, engage in relationships or anything else of that nature matters.
Look at the update to sims 4 coming where they are adding more sexual orientation options and already had the pronoun option.
thast a game where representation matters, where people dont feel left out because its relevant to the game.
Same with any other game that has relationships or things of that nature built into the game. in these cases its relevant and actually can matter.
In dead by daylight what exactly does this accomplish in something where sexuality is utterly irrelevant to the game other than saying, "now there is a line of text that states this character reskin likes to have sex with other men"
And this is supposed to make lgbt people happy?
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the thesis. you have the document to educate yourself and you refuse to use it.
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Actually interesting enough we can also look at this from a scientific perspective.
There is actually evidence that shows that people respond to fiction characters similar to real people. It's call the parasocial contact hypothesis.
It's an interesting phenomenon in which if people form parasocial relationships with fiction characters and those fiction characters happens to be a lgbt or any other minority then it decrease prejudice and hate similar to having a diverse group of friends.
Your brain understands that it's a stranger but it also can't distinguish between empathy for a queer person and a queer character. This is one of the reasons why diverse representation is important.
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So hear is my question, they made a point to come out and make David gay, and then they decide to nerf his perks and make it less incentivising to level him up and use him. How does that make the community feel?
@GoodBoyKaru I will let you have first crack
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Home of phobic 😔💅
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sure, like i stated before, i have absolutely nothing against representation whatsoever and is something i WANT in games.
And in Story driven games i myself gain connections and emotional attachments to characters.
But in DBD where the characters themselves dont actually matter but to pay homage to a franchise or to bring in new perks to the game and progression?
So yes while representation is important, representation should be relevant to what its being represented in.
Personally this feels kind of insulting to shoe horn in a gay character to make gay/lgbt people happy, like gay people are supposed to want to play david because of his irrelevant sexual orientation?
It comes off as pandering when no one who plays dbd should be thinking about sexual orientation or to what their character is playing as, you could just as well leave it a void and you can pretend its whatever orientation you want if that is somehow important to you trying not to die in a game about murder.
Representation matters in games such as mass effect.
in mass effect you can romance charcters. if you could only romance opposite gender characters THAT is a lack of representation. Romancing isnt integral to the game but is relevant to the gameplay, you can engage with it and in such a format its important to have that representation in.
I don't want to be pandered to because a company wants to score some social justice points. (which is how this feels) i want to simply be represented equally in situations where such representation is relevant and is part of the experience.
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Care to elaborate?
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i thought i had responded to you, but did not. see my above post before trying to pretend your thesis is relevant to my opinion in any way.
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you said it yourself, he comes out as gay then gets his perks nerfed. clearly home of phobia going on at bhvr interactive /j
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to answer your question im going to post a music video:
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I would have agreed before but now we have the story team making flesh out lore. It's becoming more story driven in my opinion.
Plus they sorta passed the point of no return when they introduced heterosexual characters in the game
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tell me you didnt actually read a post without saying you didnt read it.
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To be honest though aren't we all just a marketshare in any businesses eyes....since they want our money for their products they must find a way to appease to us through our most deep rooted ideas and beliefs.....or am I just getting over heated at work and talking out of my ass again....
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straight relationships were already represented in dbd. they had straight relationships represented since August 2016 with the release of The Nurse. what was wrong with wanting queer ones, too?
nothing. we asked for equality, we got equality, and its made most of my friends very happy, including gay, bi, lesbian, trans, non-binary, aro, ace, etc. people, very happy. so yes, it did make queer people happy and gave us equal representation. i dont care if you thought it does or doesnt fit, because they decided to expand the lore to include relationships meaning that queer representation now belongs.
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a cultural reset, actually.
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Oh yes absolutely a cultural reset
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DBD hasn't really evolved in the lore sense really. They've added more lore but DBD isn't a story driven game and without content that makes the character's lore relevant these extra details about any given character only hold so much substance. If I had to guess, I would say most character purchases in DBD have been merely based on the outward appearance of the character rather than anything pertaining to their lore.