New patch first impressions

From a killer point of view, the nerf to dead hard and decisive strike make the game feels way more light to play. The nerf to most gen defence perks (except ruin) isn't that terrible as for now.
From a solo q survivor point of view... the experience is horrendous. Not only do survivors get smashed harder... but it also feels like many aren't even trying to seriously win anymore.
I just stopped playing after I tried it yesterday and today tbh. I wasn't even seriously considering coming back since I have Evil Dead and VHS now, but I decided to give the " famous perk overhaul update addressing tunnelling and camping and shaking up the meta " thing a try.
This update is just -bad-
- It replaced the same long dull boring meta, with an even worse, duller, more boring meta. They buffed tunnelling and camping, they buffed bloodlust (like, why? it's literally the most bad player rewarding, undeserved, worst way to buff killers with literally 0 skill)
- It took away a lot, and it didn't give back half of what it took. Sure, nerf deadhard and DS and such. WHat are you giving me in echange? Off the record? A passive perk that adds Endurance (which BT already does better anyway). What are you giving me for nerfing Iron Will, Spine Chill, and more? Lightweight? as if Lucky Break didn't do everything Lightweight does but just so much better. They basically ruined the best perks to give you garbage. New Pharmacy? really? You can't even see the chests' auras and what are you gonna do, bring coins and Plunderers, 2 perks and an offering just to heal?
- It motivates camping and tunnelling because they removed the tools that helped this (DS, Deadhard) and replaced them with literally -useless- mechanics. 5 Second Endurance is just nothing. A joke. So you are forced to bring BT/Off the record - Every. Single. Match. So much for adding variety huh? Now you only realistically have 2 perk slots as a survivor if you want to be efficient and band aid basic gameplay issues that are now more prominent than ever (camping and tunnelling). So much variety, so much fun.
- Buff to the most boring and dull aspect of the game : Gen regression and game stalling. Gens taking forever, sitting on a repairing simulator for ages. "Just bring Prove Thyself!!!" I'm guessing it's also mandatory now right? We're down to 1 perk slot then. Again, so much variety and meta shakeup.
- Solo Q in the literal dumpster. A big middle finger to veteran players that have stuck around as solo players for this long.
- Oh, also blatant lies and exaggerations about reducing the grind.
THey have only done 1 thing right, releasing cosmetics. As always. You can always count on Behaviour to release nice cosmetics.
Everything else, is just awful.
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IMO this update ruined the fun for me completely.
Killer feels nicer to play since Dead Hard is gone but so far there was not a single round where i didnt win and 5 gens werent done. all 3k -4k with no real effort. Absolutely boring. I did the dumbest things on purpose such as just running after a survivor in shack vaulting the window and such and i still won. Killer is way too easy now for me to enjoy it.
Survivor soloQ is miserable. They made getting chased worse since the killer has an easier time just catching up to you. Absolutely lovely that they killed DH, ######### hated that perk but imo that was the only thing in a chase that should ve gotten changed. the rest was fine. m1 simulator was never fun, now it s longer. funny thing though: increasing gen times buffed all regression perks since they are all % based and thats how % works. Now they did not only do that but also buff certain % based perks. lovely. a double buff to the most boring thing in this game.
Needless to say, 6 hours of soloQ and i m done with it for as long as it s not changed.
killing DS was not needed. that perk was a healthy perk for the game, the devs even admitted that.
pharmacy's and calm spirit's "buffs" actually made both perks unusable, great
the "nerfs" to most meta perks should ve been called "removal" as they didnt get nerfed, they got gutted
the game has problems but making the fun parts less fun and the boring parts more boring was not the way to go.
all killers needed was the removal of DH and the increase of gen times, not a buff to literally every single aspect of their gameplay.
also p3 reward sucks and is a punch to the face, promising one thing and delivering something completely different.
again, 0 communication, 0 transparency, 0 feedback taken, and again no fast patches
this game will stay broken for at least a month like always when it starts being broken because time is needed to collect "data" aka opening the forum once and seeing that people really dont like it
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All survivors now have borrowed time by default. What more do you want.
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an effect that actually does something