New update is torture ! no one is doing 90 sec gens ... Every game ends in 4k easily
You intended to buff killers and balance the meta but you ended up butchering survivors.. Every game in solo queue ends up with 4 kills, past the first gen or the second one the game is already over. It's only tunnel this face camp that, DS is useless and OTR won't save you from tunnelers and buffing some of the most annoying killer perks + adding 10 seconds for each gen isn't enough.. Bloodlust is way quicker now and chases are faster now.
As a solo queue player it's a disaster and everyone is either hiding at the other end of the map or being slugged or hooked, the game is easy mode for killers I ended up with tons of 4 kills trying meme builds or messing around with weak killers like billy and clown and doctor, it's not fun anymore there is no challenge for killers to improve.
You want to balance the game sure everyone wants that but what you did is gone too far making survivors gameplay unfair and boring, Dead Hard needed a nerf but not the whole goddamn thing.
Gens are the most boring part of DBD and making each one 10 seconds longer is making everyone lazy or unconsciously avoiding them.
Rework gens into something more fun and interactive like fun mini games or something manual where you can attach wires and fix the gens similar to among us maybe or survivors need to find parts and fuel to run gens. Anything is fun than holding m1 90 second x 5.
You should get matched up against me - I think more survivors escaped me tonight than died...
That said the survivors who had more success stuck to loops - the 'hold W' strategy folks fared much, much worse.
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You're doing something wrong.
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Running builds like Agitation + Monstrous Shrine / Pain Resonance / Gift of Pain and Brutal Strength + Fired Up + Bamboozle + Eruption?
Yeah, it's definitely wrong. But it's also... fun. 😀
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Hey, doc is the terrible, he's a nice middle B tier killer
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M1 killers are weak past update but not anymore.
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Another problem is that the first or second survivor die before one or two gens can be completed. And that's it... you can't win with one or two people missing and 5 or 4 gens left.
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This literally just sounds like usual solo queue issues but taking the blame out on the update and the killer buffs.
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Maybe yours Ive won a few in a solo q
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Hyperbole much? My death/kill ratio has been pretty much about 50/50 on both sides.
Just improvise, adapt and overcome.
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Against high mmr nurses and blights that tunnel and proxy hooks ? Good luck.
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I'm trying to do 90 second gens...
I'm working on the cooperative action challenge. I have Deja Vu, Situational Awareness, Prove Thyself, and Corrective Action.
We get a Huntress on Sanctum of Wrath. I want to work on the middle gen, but I lost most of my Deja Vu repair speed waiting for the killer to patrol it and leave.
I start working on it. Situational Awareness makes it glow yellow. Doesn't stop Kate from looping the killer around it. She goes down and is put into the basement below the temple. The Huntress stands on top and camps. I have to go find another gen.
1 gen pops and I find a 3-gen I want to break. Jake goes down trying to save Kate. Dwight has to get the rescue. The killer slugs Kate on the basement stairs and chases Dwight. I finish up my gen and go to pick up Kate.
The Huntress comes back and immediately downs Kate and sacrifices her (she went stage 2, prior, because of the camping). I run to the opposite side to work on a gen, finish it, and heal up. The killer slugs the other 2 and looks for me.
She hooks Dwight and looks for me around the hook. She camps Dwight to death while I work on the middle gen. Meanwhile, the Jake had crawled to Dwight's hook so I cannot get either of them.
After Dwight dies, the Huntress picks up Jake and lets him go. He brings her straight to me. I run away, lead her on a chase, and manage to break line of sight and get away. Meanwhile, Jake gets to repair a gen in peace.
I try to work on a gen but have to sneak away when the lullaby shows up. I managed to evade her, so she goes and downs Jake again to give him aura reading on me. He wiggles free and brings her right to me and points. She manages to down me this time.
They proceed to grief me by spamming the unhook to prevent me from attempting escape to get out of the match quicker. Then they farm me off the hook. Then the killer gives Jake the hatch after I die.
I thought that killers wouldn't be so desparate to hook all 4 survivors now that BBQ has changed. I was wrong.
Camping, tunneling, slugging at 4 gens, and then "teammates" working with the killer to grief you because you didn't do enough gens, or you didn't do enough unhooks, or you didn't single-handedly prevent the killer from camping, tunneling, or slugging and carry their salty behind out the exit. Solo queue! 😁
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"I'm high MMR camping tunnelling..." Yada yada yada... Sure, sure...
Again, hyperbole
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Yes ! I can't count how many matches that happens to me, no gens are done yet and someone is already on the hook then they get tunneled or suicide on hook.. The match is not winnable 3v1 that early.
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Sounds about right.
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Thana is literally GODLIKE on Legion. I've been playing him non-stop with Plague.
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I had few legion and Plague games and you're right thana matches especially with them are impossible, too slow.
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What are you ? A 5 years old girl ? 😂 Yada Yada ,na na na na ,la la la la ...lmao
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See how dead hard was buying you time.
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As if you'd escape from a high mmr Nurse / Blight that proxy camps before the update.
Why are we pretending this is anything new though? If you were a survivor and you lost someone with even 3 gens left before the patch, it was pretty much gg.
That's why camping and tunneling were and still are stupidly strong!
The patch has nothing to do with this...
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Just had a forever freddy gens took like 2 minutes so fun
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It always has been good on legion and plague? The extra 2% doesn't make it difference it's more so the extra 10 to gen time.
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4 solo queue escapes in a row with the gates open and all gens completed. Interesting, I thought no one was doing 90 second gens?
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Survivors had their 2 win buttons (E and W) neutered and now they've been reduced to snivelling babies for the first time since launch. It's so pleasant to have survivors be weaker for once. I doubt bhvr will let it last since most of their playerbase are survivor masins that cherish their power role and they need to appease the majority. I, however, will be enjoying this brief period of actually having some power for once as a killer main. As soon as survivors are forced to actually loop, it's weeding out the cheaters (dead heard reliant people who hold w 3 times before they go down after a minimum of 60s) from the actual players that know how to loop.
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I mean, he was fine before, i could've gotten quite a few 4k's if my policy wasn't 2 hook then just stab once
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Learn. To. Play. You play terribly and get punished for it. Here, I said it. That's okay to have things to learn, it's not an insult or a judgement, but stop blaming the game.
Yes, there are a few problems with this patch I believe, imo removing dead hard from the game was a bad idea and leads to killers playing lots of slowndowns perks.
However, you're not talking about those problems but you're making a problem out of tiny changes. 10% faster pallet break won't stop a survivor from reaching the next pallet. Same for kicking gens. 2.5% on kicking gens won't do much because the killer is still losing a lot of time kicking gens. 10 seconds longer gens litterally does nothing else than change the absurd mechanic that allowed for gens to pop almost instantly even if the killer is doing amazing, especially with toolboxes or prove.
Stop asking for the 80 second gens to be back. They won't be. They will never be. That was absolute garbage and it's good riddance.
Again, I do think there are balance changes to be made after this patch but you're just asking for a terrible mechanic to be back. No, it's not normal to lose 3 gens instantly after the first down if survivors spawned separately. It's not.
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I'm good I loop killers for enough time but it's solo q no one does gens and teammates die quickly 🤷
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No one cares about DH lol ... Did you even read the update changes ? Killers got like 999 buffs while survivors got tons of nerfs
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Prior to the update, the explanation for solo queue woes was always "skill issue". If killers are having problems against solo queue after the update, it's a skill issue.
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I had 2 games, 1 with 0K because I played nice.
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That's called an excuse. You're blaming the other side for your own failure.