From a long-time DbD player to the DbD developers, a thank you message

BackwaterPerk Member Posts: 2
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone's doing okay! I don't know if this post will reach the folks at BHVR between (quite) hot takes about the update, but I have to try as I'm one of those players who usually do not speak up in this forum.

First things first

I thought I'd start with a quick introduction about myself. As the title says I'm a long-time DbD player. Funnily enough, I don't remember the exact day I started playing it! If I recall correctly, it was during a Halloween event before the Curtain Call chapter, so that'd make it either October 2016 or October 2017. The woman who was not yet my girlfriend (shoutout to you if you're reading this, sweetheart) introduced me to this new game in a tiny Kill Your Friends session. I was heavily mixed at first, but with a bit of time the game piqued my interest.

Today, I'm not far from 2.5k hours in the game. My knowledge of the game is in theory quite extensive (though not absolute of course), I can make plenty of mistakes in a match and I can make nice plays in another. I suppose all this makes me human ;) I didn't P3-50 every single character, chose to focus on characters I like more than others. I bought some DLCs with Shards and some others with actual money, but I don't own all the DLCs/Chapters.

In the matches I play, what I try to aim for is having fun (a noble goal that videogames want to reach). Sometimes it's been easy, sometimes it's been tough. Sometimes you stumble upon people who think first and foremost about their own fun, sometimes you see farmers, and sometimes you just have a blast against strong yet not unfair adversity, where you had to fight your way to victory without going into the sweaty territory. Many types of matches are to be expected in this game, you don't just face toxicity, hacking, cheating, exploiting and so on. All this aside, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. C'est la vie.

Last important thing to mention here: I play both sides equally. I think It's important as it allows you to know and understand both perspectives on top of having fun with two different gameplays.

I was there

Like most of the games out there if not all, DbD had ups and downs. And all this time despite my "silence" I was there. Pallet vacuum? I was there. The then newly released Freddy Krueger who quickly received nerfs? I was there. The launches of some Chapters plagued with bugs (e.g A Binding of Kin)? I was there. The red skill checks version of Ruin? I was there. The launch version of The Legion's exploit? I was there. The pre-Realm Beyond maps? I was there, as I was for many things I forgot to mention.

Evidently, I was there to see the META becoming boring, stale. It needed to change, as it was working against one of the game's strengths: Its unpredictability (what perks are the other players going to be? What about the map and the tiles? What is the strategy I'd better use to increase my odds of winning?).

I'll admit I have also been here to leave a negative review on Steam, as I hardly saw how DbD could be appealing to new players with all the things going wrong with it, on top of a community plagued with toxicity. But I might have to edit it fairly soon.

I wasn't there

As a human being, I don't pretend to be perfect. And in my opinion it's wise to do that. You see, I wasn't there.

I wasn't there to praise the team for The Realm Beyond initiative. I wasn't there to show them my gratitude for the release of chapters like Resident Evil. I wasn't there to express my enthousiasm when dedicated servers, crossplay, hit validation improvements and other technical enhancements have been implemented. I wasn't there to share my happiness about The Legion latest pass (Oh, they're coming let's crank the volume up to 11 it's headbang time). For many nice things I forgot to mention, I wasn't there.

With this 6.1 update, it's about time I address this just like the team addressed important things.


As a videogame, though DbD doesn't pretend to be perfect there're still things to do to make it reach higher heights. And yet, you deserve these little messages.

To the "art team"

As time went by you stepped up your game for this game, be it character cosmetics or the larger The Realm Beyond initiative. Some maps are GORGEOUS to look at, like the revamped Haddonfield and Eerie of Crows. DbD's "art team", thank you for delivering eye-candies.

To the "tech team"

Just because you're working behind-the-scenes doesn't mean that what you're doing is meaningless. You've done a great deal to make the game run better, you're not just the guys and gals who deliver new bugs at every release. DbD's "tech team", thank you for bringing such important improvements to the game.

To the "balance team"

You've been at the center of a love-hate relationship with the community. You've heavily been looked as biased, survivor-sided to some, killer-sided to others. But you also had such sights to show us. I do hope the 6.1 update is indeed the first step towards an actually balanced game, where killers are the true power role they're supposed to be and survivors got to try to find a way out of strong adversity in a fair situation. DbD's "balance team", thank you for your commitment, your dedication, your passion.

To the CM staff and everyone else from BHVR

Thank you for your contribution to this game, it counts as much as everyone else's.

To Mathieu Côté

You can be proud, you're doing a pretty good job so far. Merci pour tout.


Wow, I actually wrote all this ha ha. I have no clue if my post will reach them but I had to give it a shot, me a long-time DbD player who usually stays quiet. At least, my gratitude is expressed :P

I also would like to encourage the more positive side of the community to step up and show kindness to one another. We're living in a troublesome time so we should make DbD a better place. Call that part of my post cheesy all you want, but I do hope we can send a much better message to everyone else than "Oh DbD, it's that game filled with toxicity right?".

Thanks for reading, enjoy your matches!


  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    I think it's fair to say, that people give credit to the team when it's deserved (I know I do), why would I credit the team when they didn't do anything to deserve it?

    I always praised Behaviour's art team, they make beautiful cosmetics (overpriced, but beautiful) and whoever person is designing and making the skins and designing the survivors and killers, good freakin' job.

    HOWEVER, this patch is just bad, they take too long (years, literally years) to address basic urgent bugs, fixed and balance changes, and just praising them for the sake of praising them, when they very evidently did a bad job, benefits NOBODY.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I agree, I believe Mathieu Cote is doing a pretty good job so far. The rest too, but especially him. Love that guy.