STBFL and Brutal Strength are my new favorite perks

The reduced hit cooldown and pallet break time makes them feel so fast now lol, I've been running them on slinger and it's a lot of fun
I haven't toyed with STBFL much but Brutal Strength was already a mainstay on my M1 killers and now its gone from a chore to bring it into a perk that I'm excited to run. Wild what an extra 10% can do!
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Slinger with BS is so satisfying when he uses the end of the gun to break pallets and walls. Same with Freddy and his claws.
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Yeah STBFL isn't completely broken right now at all with the base hit CD reduction.
I can't imagine why Killer mains are running this perk every game. A mystery to be sure.
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I'm hearing that I should start running it too so I can have some of the fun before it gets nerfed lmao
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For sure! I ran Juggernaut Wraith and it’s hilarious
- Brutal Strength (fast pallet and wall and gen breaks)
- Fire Up (Even faster breaks and fast vaults. Also faster pickup which messes with flashlight blind attempts)
- Bamboozle (Even faster vaults plus blocks the vault)
- Endurance (Faster pallet stun recovery)
- Two add-ons that further increase speed of breaks and vaults while cloaked
I just run straight at survivors once I’m in a chase and force the pallet drops or vault straight after them if it’s a strong vault since my midchase vault speed with this loadout is on par with a medium survivor vault. You have to be a bit careful early in the match to make sure you’re keeping pressure on people doing gens so you have time to break a lot of pallets, but by the endgame you’ve got lots of dead zones and the pallets that are left are destroyed incredibly fast if they’re dropped. It’s a ton of fun! 😄
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I like STBFL but I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually it gets toned down so that its maximum at 8 stacks is the same speed reduction that it was pre-patch.
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Technically any attack cooldown and action speed buffs are less effective now, as x% of 1.8s is less than x% of 2s.
8 stacks of STBFL would have reduced a 2s cooldown to 1.2s. A 0.8s reduction.
Now 8 stacks of STBFL reduce a 1.8s cooldown to 1.1s. A 0.7s reduction.
Is 1.1s that much better than 1.2s?
If these perks are strong now, then they were still strong before.
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So those are probably getting nerfed, calling it now.
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This was my first thought; STBFL at 8 stacks was already nearly inescapable.
My guess is that it reaches its signature oppressive state at fewer stacks than it did before.
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I guess at 4 stacks you have the same speed you did at 6 stacks, which isn't to be sniffed at. Every stack after that is diminished though.
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Except you get the same value at 6 stacks now that you got at 8 stacks pre-patch. Only after 6 is it diminished value.
This makes it even more valuable then I previously assessed.
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I mean 0.1 seconds faster at 8 stacks is virtually meaningless. It's the increased value at lower stacks that would probably need addressing in some form.
👀 After Ive played a few rounds with it though
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Would those 2 be good on spirit? I've been meaning to give her a go
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Yeah the 0.1 is pretty small, but you only need 6 stacks now to get to it's "full strength" compared to 8 pre patch.
Regardless, like you said, how it feels in game is a whole different story lol. Its strong.
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Not quite, see the values I posted above. It's gains the old 8 stack value at 7 stacks, one stack difference.
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I wonder why...
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Am I seeing zero change between 4 and 5 stacks? How does that work?
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Rounding. I don't think players can discern a 0.05s difference. 0.1s just barely registers.